Saint-Denis2017 - maintenantEMEA PreSales for Polarion, an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) tool
Parametric Technology Corporation
- MBSE PreSales
2015 - 2017• Meet with customers/prospects to understand their needs and expectations regarding System / Software modeling languages and tools.
• Present the company products to clients.
• Work closely with customers on the technical requirements to provide technical solutions.
• Support closely strategic customers and specific technical areas
• Provide product updates and technical advice to clients – Explained technical capabilities and business benefits of solutions to the customer.
• Develop customization to fulfil customer specific needs.
• Consulting, Mentoring and Training in SysML and PTC Integrity Modeler.
- Consultant
2011 - 2014- Consulting in Model Based Engineering, pre-sales for Atego Modeler (formerly known as Artisan Studio) -
Visiting customers to understand their needs and expectations regarding modeling languages and tools. Defining modeling methodology to fit customer needs, providing extensions to match customer terminology.
- SysML trainer -
3 days training on SysML Modeling with Artisan Studio
- Collaborative Project ADN4SE -
Extending UML / SysML to create a Profile and code generator for building embedded security systems in a BGLE (Briques Génériques du Logiciel Embarqué) collaborative project.
- Extending SysML to support Automotive modeling Framework -
Creating a Profile to provide Structural architecture, Functional architecture, Context and Scenario modeling by extending SysML model elements and diagrams.
- C Code generation using UML Activity Diagrams for Aircraft system -
Extending UML to create a Profile to model C code structural and behavioral, creating a C Code generator (structural and behavioral) to support model-based software development.
- Generating SEEA (Software Error Effect Analysis) for Railway system -
Model-based SEEA generation modeled using UML / SysML Diagram.
General Electric Healthcare
- Stage de fin d’étude
Paris2011 - 2012Modélisation d’interfaces graphques (Qt) et modélisation système (SysML)
Interfacer Qt 4.7 (framework orienté objet et développé en C++ utilisé pour la réalisation d’interfaces graphiques) et SysML (langage de modélisation orienté système) afin de mettre en place un framework permettant la réalisation d’interfaces utilisateur, en utilisant Qt pour la réalisation des interfaces, et SysML (modélisation sous IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1) pour simuler le comportement de réponse du système aux actions de l’utilisateur sur l’interface.
Utilisation de design patterns (Model-Vue-Contrôleur et Observateur) afin de développer un framework évolutif.
- Stage Assitant Ingénieur
Sèvres Cedex2009 - 2009Stage Assistant ingénieur (6 mois) au sein de la société Ausy (Issy-les-Moulineaux, 92).
Activité de test (code C) dans le domaine de l’aéronautique (centrale inertielle de l’Airbus A400M), sous contrainte de la norme DO-178B DAL A. Ecriture des fiches de test, instanciation des scripts de test générés par RTRT (Rational Test Real Time), exécution et gestion des modifications. Utilisation des outils de gestion de configuration Telelogic Synergy et Rational DOORS.