
Stephen FOZARD


En résumé

The Global Alliance for Media Innovation is an international alliance of innovation practitioners, research and innovation centres, and emerging technology providers powered by WAN-IFRA.
The aim is to encourage experience sharing, provide networking platforms for publishers, suppliers, start-ups, innovators, developers, academic and research centres and to facilitate business/academic collaboration.

Mes compétences :
Organisations internationales
Gestion de projet


  • WAN-IFRA - World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers - Manager, Legal Affairs and External Relations

    2010 - 2012 - Legal affairs within the Association (contracts, memorandums of understanding, terms of references...) and External Relations with National Associations and Members of WAN-IFRA
    - Legal cases involving WAN-IFRA in coordination with external lawyers
  • WAN-IFRA - World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers - Project Manager, Events and Management

    2008 - 2010 - Organisation and logistics management of international conferences: Sweden, Holland, Spain, India, Germany, Ukraine, Thailand…
    - Organization of study tours for Executives from major international media companies: United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, United States
    - World Editors Partnership Programme Manager, sponsorship of Editors from developing countries to attend WAN-IFRA conferences
    - Marketing mailings and website back office
  • Council of Europe - Administrator

    Strasbourg 2007 - 2007 - Drafting of a report on issues relating to copyrights in the context of freedom of expression in the information society
    - Drafting of a Council of Europe Recommendation on copyrights in the context of freedom of expression in the information society
    - Organisation of a conference and several trainings for media professionals on media coverage during the presidential election campaign in Armenia and coordination of the Council of Europe experts during the above-mentioned activities in Armenia
    - Coordination of the input of the division in the development of the Council of Europe Internet literacy game “Wild Web Woods” for children, in particular in examining the bids proposals for the concept and design of the game
    - Drafting of the copyright-related part of the Council of Europe submission to 2007’s Internet Governance Forum
    - Translating and checking the translations of various Council of Europe documents


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :