


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • OECD - Analyst

    Paris 2006 - maintenant Offshore : describing, organizing and testing the work of our 5 offshore developpers on various .Net projects

    Billing Project : Integration of existing systems to provide funding and billing features for the Conferences Center of the OECD.
    One year project, team of 4 developpers.

    Designed and developed frameworks and extranet applications. This was used to manage contacts and meetings for the (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which had over 2000 customers in the world).

    Managed the Team Foundation Server 2008/2010 for our team.

    Contact for the Ministerial events.

    Technical contact for the language technology solutions (Multitrans/Kentika).
    Technical contact for the "OECD Centres" (Berlin, Mexico, Tokyo, Trento, Washington).

    International team.

    Systems used: Windows XP/SQLServer 2008, IIS7, TFS, ASP.Net (VB) Framework 2.0/Ajax/JQuery
  • Projipe - Ingénieur d'etudes et réalisations - Software Engineer

    Saint-Chamond 2003 - 2006 Designed and developed frameworks and extranet applications. This was used to manage contacts and meetings for the (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which had over 2000 customers in the world).

    International team.

    Systems used: Windows XP/SQLServer 2000, IIS5, ASP.Net (VB) Framework 1.1
  • POWER.GET - Ingénieur d'etudes et réalisations - Software Engineer

    2002 - 2003 Contract employment for Yves Saint Laurent Beauty (4 months). Reviewed and tested their intranet development using Php/MySql, and upgraded their intranet using net technology.
    Systems used: Win 2000, IIS5, ASP.Net, SQL SERVER 7

    Contract employment for Prefecture of Haute-Vienne (6 months): Converted Internet site from ASP to Php/Oracle using Linux Redhat, Apache, Php, Oracle
  • ASPASIA - Ingénieur d'etudes et réalisations - Software Engineer

    2000 - 2001 Improved functionalities and developed web site for (OsMoz is a multilingual European web fashion/cosmetics newspaper:

    Detailed specifications, front office and back Office, managed advertisements

    Developed systems manuals for documentation and training of new customers

    Systems Used: Win NT/2000, ASP, IIS, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, SQLSERVER 7.
  • Caisses d'Epargne - CNETI - Ingénieur d'etudes et réalisations - Software Engineer

    1999 - 2000 CNETI: National Technical Center of Caisses D'Epargne (Bank).

    Developed corporate website (

    Developed software NetEcureuil and NetEcureuil Pro (Internet bank accounts management)

    Systems Used: Win NT, ASP, IIS, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, COM (C++, VB), WML, ORACLE.
  • DATOPS - Ingénieur d'etudes et réalisations - Software Engineer and Network administrator

    1998 - 1999 Contracted to PERICLES, developed system of data mining and analysis

    System engineer (Web sites, Datops network).

    Systems Used: Win NT 4, IIS, HTML, C++, SQL SERVER.



Annuaire des membres :