


En résumé

My scholarship at the Health Management and Engineering Faculty of Lille (ILIS, Lille2), got me specialised in marketing of Health Products.

Through the numerous working placements, I had the opportunity to implement my relational skills, my creativity, and scientific skills within marketing and sales projects.

My experience in Japan was a great opportunity to confirm my deep interest for international business and ambition for new challenges.

Mes compétences :
Dispositifs médicaux
Project Management
Data base management
Competitive analysis


  • Asept Inmed - Délégué Commercial Hospitalier

    2016 - maintenant
  • MacoPharma - Product Manager Assistant

    2014 - 2015 - Marketing study on Pathogene Inactivation of Red Blood Cells
    - Preparing the launch of a product
    - Updating marketing materials : training, users lists, technical sheets, business plan, sales support, ...
    - Competitive analysis
  • Macopharma - Product Manager Assistant

    2014 - 2015 * Market Studies for a new technologie to be launched (questionnaires, analysis, extraction of trends)
    * Preparation o fthe launch of a product
    * Competitive analysis
    * Updating and Creation of marketing materials : datasheets, manuals, brochures, training, product information, website)
    * Project management
  • International Research Center RIKEN (JAPON) - DIVISION OF GENOMIC TECHNOLOGIES - Business Developer Junior

    2014 - 2014 * Technology assessment
    * Market Studies
    * Business Plan for an innovative technology
  • MDoloris Medical System - Marketing Assistant

    2013 - 2013 * International Post-marketing Survey (questionnaires, analyse, improvement plan)
    * Customer satisfaction assessment
  • Innobiochips - Marketing & Sales Assistant

    2013 - 2013 * Launching product event
    * Updating and Improving website contents
    * Prospection, Data base management.
  • MDoloris Medical System - Marketing & Sales Assistant

    2012 - 2012 * Creation of product catalogue and clinical supports
    * Updating user and technical manuals
    * Making an explicative movie about the A.N.I. technology
    * Implication in sales projects, negociation, presentation of the technology
  • Cultural Association Of the Health Management and Engineering Faculty of Lille - President and Dance Coach

    2012 - 2013 Coordination of projects of the association
    Organization of events (Festivals, Parties,...)
    Creation of choreographies (Danse Workshop),
    Organization of the show (costume, ...)
    Budget Management of the association
  • Globe In Store company (Globe Diffusion, Lille) - Sales Representative

    2011 - 2014 * Street-marketing, Sales animations in store, Distribution
  • UCPA, UFCV, ... - Camp leader

    PARIS 2008 - 2013 Camp leader and Dance coach for children and adults

    Cooking coach for children



Annuaire des membres :