


En résumé

Owner DevSystem
Independent Engineer
High Skills in Linux Embedded Systems
Research & Development

Mes compétences :
Systèmes embarqués
Java ME
Visual studio
Rational Rose


  • Freetelecom - Technician

  • Freelance - Engineer

  • France Telecom - R&D Engineer

    Paris maintenant Consultant
  • Schlumberger - Firmware Engineer

    Paris maintenant
  • Continental Automotive Infotainment & Connectivity - Senior Software Architect

    2015 - maintenant Specification: System Definition, API Design ,SOA
    Design: Uml 2.0 ,Entreprise Architect,Design Patterns,Doxygen
    Proof Of Concept : C/C++ ,Nitrogen IMX Target,QT ,Cross Compilation
    Keywords Project : Linux, MirroryLink , Websocket, USB, TCP/IP, Bluetooth, User mobile Vehicle Convergence. Connected Car,Json, Security Issues,VM
  • Devsystem - Project Engineer

    2013 - maintenant
  • Bouygues Telecom - Team Leader of Automation Tools Development for Internet Access Device for Bbox Program

    Meudon 2013 - 2013 -Design of Industrial Linux System Architecture (V2) for full automation integration process.
    -Conception and Development of Linux Distributed Systems Architecture ( GATEWAY,IAD ,SWITCH, SERVERS,RS232,MODEMS,WIFI,ADSL,CABLE,SSH,TFTP,DHCP,...)
    -Design of Network access map for entire system ( ADSL,CABLE, ETHERNET, WIFI)
    -Evaluation of RS232 Problems for entire systems
    -Research of hardware solutions to enhance RS232 reliability of data transfer between targets and servers.
    -Size Manageable Switchs ,USB-Hubs,Linux Servers Dimension,56K Modmes.
    -Conception and Development of SDK to develop ,schedule,and manage sub-system.
    -Linux support and training of developers upon automation issues
    -Tools Deployment on Target: Lauterbach JTAG, RS232 Tools
    -Expert Automation problems on Linux platform:
    *Network protocols problems( SIP,DHCP,BOOTP,UDP,TCP,RTP, RTSP,DNS Multicast,... )
    *CPU & memory performance issues (low layer,....)
    *Functional services (VOIP,WIFI,IHM,LAN,WAN,...)
    *Hacking tools for perfermances measures
    *Tools Deployment on Target: Lauterbach JTAG, RS232 Tools,uboot
    -Daily and weekly meetings with customers
    -Targets SagemCom IAD ( F@ast3965,F@ast3784,F@ast3504),TCL Technicolor (Thomson TG787), Samsung (OB1 Cable, OB1 FTTH )
  • Bouygues Telecom - Linux Software Engineer - Expert Automation Solutions-

    Meudon 2011 - 2012 Project :Development of Software Linux Tools Part II (C ,Shell, Ajax,HTML,CGI,Perl,..) for Network Services Integration
    Project Task 1:Conception and Development of VoIP Platform to play iad VoIP service:
    -Design of VoIP Distributed Architecture :Asterisk ,IMS,SIP,RTP,Modem 56K V92,USB,RS232 ,RJ11,RJ45,NAT,ADSL,LAN,WAN,Linux,Freeswitch,Avaya Switch,Gateways,IAD
    -Research of Hardware Solutions to substitute manually-operated telephone system (VOIP)
    -Development of sdk to control and play voip service ,and write voip tests scenarios from box to box (Perl ,Zsh,AT commands,Gnu Tools,Linux,)
    -Development of box to box calls battery to measure fingerprint memory and cpu consumption (AT commands ,Linux,GNU Tools ,freeswitch,)
    -Automatic analyze of box logs ( Perl ,Bash,Linux ,CSV,Excel view)
    -Publish Results (Ajax,Perl,CGI Model System to link box log to performance graphs)

    Keywords;SVN,Linux,VoIP,SIP,Asterisk,Freeswitch,IMS,UDP;RS232,Perl,AT commands,Zsh,Modem,USRobotics,Avaya Switch,NAT,Gateways,RJ11,FXO,FXS,CLI,....

    Project Task 2:Development of web gateway to publish automatic tests results after firmware retrofit (Ajax, CGI,Perl ,Apache server,Javascript)
    -Develop generic Template of html pages
    -Generate service results automatically (perl,html,javascript)
    -Web 2.0 Application server/client architecture to real time link of log traces with performances results

    Project Task 3: Administration of tools
    -analyse results ,wirte report ans send tools results to gateways testers and developpers for each new release (6 gateways)
    -Administrate tools and integration plateform
    -Understand integrators needs and upgrade continue integration plateform
    -Meetings with client and demo for each new tool
  • Bouygues Telecom - Linux Software Engineer - Expert Automation Solutions-

    Meudon 2011 - 2011 Project : Development of Suite tools for gateway network Services

    Projects Task 1: Development of network tools to benchmark and qualify LAN/WAN switch interface of iad (baptized PTR)
    -Design of network Master-Slave architecture to measure network performance (ADSL,LAN,WAN,TCP,UDP,RS232 HUB)
    -Configuration of vmawre and virtual interface network (vlan ,802.1Q,trunk,Switch)
    -Configuration of manageable Switch (Vlan,Trunk,VM virtual box,Linux,bridge,...)
    -Development of Zsh scripts to trun data flow through switch gateway ( LAN, WAN, RJ11,RJ45, RS232)
    -Development of server/client software to turn data flow ( C,Linux ,GNU,gcc,Makefile,TCP,UDP)

    Project Task 2:Development of suite tools to control IAD TR069 Configuration via CLI ( RS232, CLI,Linux tools,TR069 Protocol)
    -Develop Local Simulator of TR069 configurator server side via RS232 link
    -Develop Administration systems tools to configure specific service (Wifi,VoIP,LAN,WAN,NAT,IGMP,Firewall,...)
    -backlog box Traces

    Project Task 3:Conception and Development of suite tools for WIFI (5G ,2.4G,abgn) Benchmark (WAN,LAN,DL,UL,DUAL,WPA,..)
    -Design of WIFI network client -server architecture (Linux USB WIFI keys,IAD,Gateway,Avaya Switch,GNU Linux,Linux Servers)
    -Research of usb wifi keys references compliant with linux plateform (chipset)
    -Configuration of Wifi network interfaces(Linux Gnu Tools,RS232,iptables,nmap,arping,iwlist, wpa_supplicant)
    -Development of software to measure network performance and measure fingerprint mem/cpu (zsh,bash,iperf,Linux tools,ssh
    -Automatic Analyze of performances logs,and publish statistics results (Perl api,Html,Apache server,javascript graph library)
  • Bouygues Telecom - Software Engineer

    Meudon 2010 - 2011 Developer of automatic build platform for gateway sources
    Project Task :Development of automatic integration process on Linux platform
    -Use specifics commands to Upload firmware sources of all gateway from IBM RTC server
    -Write scripts shell and modify customer makefile to launching automatic synchronous cross compilation of firmware sources
    -Generate automatic binary firmware ,kernel,busybox,bootlaoder
    -Getback logs generation,Trace
    -Develop several methods to deploy automatically binary firmware respectively on each gateway target (bootp,tftp,dhcp server)
    -Update bootlaoder by lautherbach JTAG for mips,arm architecture
    Targets :Gateway Sagem Fast3504,Gateway F@ast3784,TCL TG787,
  • Bouygues Telecom - Team Leader Integration Service RPVR -Systems Architect-

    Meudon 2010 - 2010 Team Leader of RPVR Service Integration (Technical)
    -Development of light portal implement RPVR API in Action Script AS2 ,Adobe Flash,Windows
    -Development of htlm interface to launch portal :html,javascript,ftp
    -Development of JavaScript routines to test memory impact of the service
    -Technical customer interface & support (Sagem,Technicolor)
    -Define and write integration strategy for RPVR Service
    -Define Test Plan ( QC) for Integration Team
    -Design Architect Environment for firmware integration: Dhcp Turbo,Wireshark,MIB Browser
    -Comparative Study of SNMP notification mechanisms implemented by vendors (Sagem ,Technicolor) on STB firmware
    -Support and Help Testers upon low layer problems integration relayed with either Embedded Linux Systems or network problems
    -Conference call,meeting with vendors to follow and report firmware bugs.
    -Targets: Setup box Sagem ,Technicolor TCL


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