
Thibault VERDUN


En résumé

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  • FM Logistic - VIE - Process Engineer

    Longueil-Sainte-Marie 2013 - maintenant Fully part of the Transport Expertise Team at a Corporate level, my responsibillities include :

    - Transport network analysis on CAST, strategic and tactical tool for Supply Chain planning (for internal transportation network reviews and analysis; answers to multi-countries tenders; simulation for improving transportation network at the Corporate level or FM countries themselves, etc)

    - Transport distribution studies on ORTEC Route Scheduling (operational tool dedicated to daily scheduling trucks fleets)

    - Project management concerning implementation of FM transport tools for FM countries (upgrading of softwares' version; new softwares for transport operations)

    - Ponctual transport studies built on Excel
  • FM Logistic - Support Project Manager

    Longueil-Sainte-Marie 2013 - 2013 Long term internship within FM Logistic, logistics services provider covering the warehousing, copacking, transportation, and supply chain management branches.

    Support of the project manager committed to a project of re-building IT solutions dedicated to the supply chain management / coordination activities.

    - Functional analysis of existing tools used within the FM Logistic Group
    - Determination of users’ needs
    - Gap analysis between existing IT solutions and the expected solution
    - Writing of functional specifications
    - Whole process of market research (from benchmarking to shortlisted editors)
    - Buidling of the required business model
  • Stoneridge Estate (Queenstown, New Zealand) - Employee

    2012 - 2012 Employee at Stoneridge Estate, luxury accommodation, Queenstown – New Zealand

    Back office (accounting)
    Property maintenance
    Functions and venues set up / organization
  • Daher - Support Project Manager

    Paray-Vieille-Poste 2011 - 2012 Long term internship within Daher Aerospace, logistics services provider for Eurocopter (world leader of helicopters manufacturing)

    Support of the project manager for optimization of physical flows between warehouses and helicopters’ assembly line (inventory of current situations, proposed solutions, and implementation of them)

    - Creation of management and performance tools (dashboards)
    - Reengineering of working areas
    - Real savings
    o Half a day in the standard distribution network for helicopters parts
    o Two hours in the urgency distribution network (estimated cost for stopped assembly line : about 5 000 euros/hour)
  • EM Normandie - Consultant junior

    Le Havre Cedex 2011 - 2011 Consulting mission as part of Education « HEC Entrepreneur » - EM Normandie

    New business start-up : opening of a café with a cabaret in Le Havre\
    - Development, administration, and analysis or market research
    - Business plan set-up (on a 3 years period)
    - Study of legal and fiscal aspects
    - Expression of recommendation and advices

    The café with a cabaret « Les Zazous » opened at the end of 2011
  • Renault - Apprenticeship in Transport And Custommer Care departments

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2008 - 2010 Apprenticeship within one of the car manufacturer Renault’s international logistic hub – Transport department & Customer relations

    Operational tasks in
    - Sea transport: forecasting and booking for containers, daily relations with freight forwarder and shipping companies
    - Air transport for urgent spare parts: booking and follow-up of parcels
    - Road transport: customs clearance with foreigners truck drivers, management of drivers

    Second award for a Renault worldwide competition (creation of an airfreight tracking tool). Topic of the competition was “how to simplify the supply chain?”
  • Mediterranean Shipping Company SA - Internship

    2008 - 2008 Internship in the second worldwide shipping company, MSC – Transport department

    Member of operational staff for truck drivers planning on the Europe scope



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