
Thibaut GOUPIL

Paris La Defense

En résumé

+8 années d'expérience en gestion de projet, contôle projet et management de contrat sur des grands projets internationaux de construction ou industriels :

- Actuellement : projet EPCM clé en main de réacteur nucléaire en Finlande (AREVA EPR) : contract management, management des achats et contrôle des coûts ;
- Précédemment :
- portefeuille de projets de revamping et de constructions neuves d'usines chimiques (ARKEMA) en France, Inde et Chine : estimation et contrôle de coûts, planification, management des risques & opportunités ;
- programme d'investigations (portefeuille incluant des projets de recherche et developpement et de revamping de lignes de production en France, au Royaume-uni, aux USA, et à Singapour) sur des médicaments approuvés par la FDA et l'ANSM (AFSSAPS) (GlaxoSmithKline, GSK): coordination, planification, contôle des coûts, management des risques & opportunités, management de la documentation. Développement d'outils et procédures de contrôle projet et programme

Anglais courant

Certifications : PRINCE2 Practitionner, CAPM PMI, CPMA AFITEP/IPMA, IVM Value Management

Rauma (Finlande) - Marseille / La Ciotat (13) - Paris La Défense (92) - Lyon (69)

Mes compétences :
Management de contrats
Estimation de coûts
Contrôle des coûts
Management des risques et opportunités
Gestion de projet
Contrôle de projet
Project manager
Programme Management
Project Management


  • AREVA NP - Piping Contract Manager

    Paris La Defense 2011 - maintenant On OL3 project, Finnish EPR construction site, sub-Contract Management of more than 130km of piping installation:
    - Claim management,
    - Negotiation,
    - Change Order management,
    - Contractual amendments writing,
    - Contractual correspondance,
    - Bid management,
    - Progress follow-up,
    - Invoices approval...
  • AREVA NP - Project Cost Controller

    Paris La Defense 2008 - 2011 OL3 electromechanical packages cost control : piping, insulation, equipments (vessel, tanks, exchangers, rotating machines, pool liners...)
    - contracts' progress follow-up,
    - earned value,
    - estimate at completion,
    - cash follow-up.

    OL3 EPR (Evolutionary Power Reactor) is the first 3rd generation nuclear plant being built; it is under construction in Olkiluoto, Finland.
  • ARKEMA - Estimateur de couts projets, Cost Controller, Planificateur

    Colombes 2007 - 2008
  • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - Deputy Programme Manager (contract)

    Marly-le-Roi 2006 - 2007 As a consultant from Kappa ICE at GSK, I'm in charge of:
    - projects coordination;
    - integration of complementary projects' plannings;
    - projects' budget consolidation (estimation and monitoring);
    - resource follow-up;
    - procurement management;
    - programme risk management;
    - project communication management;
    - reporting.

  • KAPPA International Consulting Engineers - Project Management Consultant

    2006 - 2008 'KAPPA Conseil & Assistance aux Projets':

    Implementation of scheduling and project-control methods, preparation of a management schedule
    Project structuring: WBS, OBS, RBS and CBS
    Analysis of critical approaches, activities and resources
    Monitoring of actual progress and its relationship with cost control, management charts and reporting
    Deployment of tools and information circuits

    Setting up of a cost information and control system
    Structuring of costs specific to the project
    Assessment of expenditure and its relationship with scheduling, performance indicators and reporting
    Final forecasts

    Installation of assessment methods (analytical, parametrical and analogical)
    Development of a project cost assessment system with an integrated database
    Capitalisation of experience and know-how in economic parameters

  • Accetys - Business Developper

    2004 - 2004 Mareketing:
    - Market analysis and trends,
    - Evaluation of new markets for Accetys in terms of segments and needs,
    - e-marketing.

    - Develop sales and company portofolio,
    - Pre-sales & negociations.

    Product Management and Developpement: launch of a website conception package

  • Margas Naval Group - Project Engineer

    2004 - 2005 Scheduling and budgeting a design and construction project of a fast interception boat (for defence and security) – 3M€ project
    Development of tools and processes based on Project Management methodologies to manage time, cost and quality of projects and operations

    Elaboration of a Business Plan for corporate development

  • Umicore - Mechanical Designer

    Bagnolet 2002 - 2002 Design of system which enables the increase of the package line’s efficiency



  • SKEMA Business School (Ex ESC Lille)

    Paris 2004 - 2006 Mastère Spécialisé en Management de projets et programmes

    Management de projets et programmes - University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) - Project Management postgraduate exchange programme
  • KEDGE Business School (Ex Euromed Management) (Toulon)

    Toulon 2002 - 2005 Titre d'Ingénieur d'Affaires

    Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et Technologie - Université de Ljubjana, Faculté d'économie (FELU) : Economie et Management du Changement (programme d'échange Erasmus)
  • Université Toulon IUT GMP

    La Garde 2000 - 2002 Génie Mécanique et Productique (GMP)


Annuaire des membres :