
Thierry Gerard ALAUX


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Management of Retail Finance portfolio and operati
Joint Venture
Structured Finance
Foreign Exchange
Financial Services
strategical risk management
provisioning methods


  • BANCO SANTANDER - Risk Manager of Saantander Brazil subsidiaries

    PARIS 2016 - 2017 Setting up of a new department within Risk Division. Risk Control of partnerships and subsidiaries (Getnet, Ole Consignado, RCI Bank, PSA Finance bank, Santander Asset Management, Webmotors, ContaSuper, ...). Set up control processes and risk assessment tool on credit, market, liquidity, operational, governance risks with a view to harmonize Santander's risk opinion on its partly or wholly owned subsidiaries vis a vis Central Bank of Brazil, Internal and External Auditors and other Regulators.
  • CREDI NISSAN - Managing Director Nissan Business unit

    2013 - 2016 Managing 3 activities related to the captive finance Joint Venture company between RCI Bank and Nissan do Brasil (Marketing, Sales and Wholesale Risk divisions).
    Member of RCI Management Board, Member of Nissan Marketing, Carflow, Dealer risks, Pricing and Monozokuri committees representing the Bank at Manufacturer's level.

    2005 - 2012
  • Rci Bank And Services - Risk Director

    2005 - 2016
  • BANCO ABN AMRO - Group Vice President, Financial Engineering, Investment Banking Latin

    1998 - 2005 * Development and Marketing of domestic, inbound and outbound tax related structures on capital and debt instruments between Latin American (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico) companies and their group companies North America and Europe:
    * Focus on tax sparing deals for debt instruments and dividend remittance conduits, ;
    * Issue of preferred shares
    * ICMS compensation deals in Brazil ;
    * Research on corporate reorganizations and tax treaties
    * Development and Marketing of cross border country risk mitigation instruments (MIGA, AIG , FMO)involving various contacts with lawyers and the network of ABN AMRO in the USA and Europe. ;
  • ABN AMRO BANK Luxembourg S.A. - Manager Treasury and Structured Finance

    1994 - 1997 Coaching 12 people, in the Structured Finance and Treasury.
    * Extensive experience in taxation in Luxembourg including inbound, outbound transactions among U.S., Europe, South America clients. ;

    * Managing and reporting foreign exchange positions, open currency positions, interest rate mismatch strategy , securities positions for the Bank and European Regional Office.
    Responsible for re-engineering process within Treasury Department for Money Market, Foreign Exchange and securities transactions. ;
  • ABN AMRO Bank - Relationship Manager, Corporate Banking Department

    1991 - 1993 Maintenance and Development of a portfolio of Irish and multinational corporate clients through involving credit analysis, marketing of new clients, management of relationship in the sale of Treasury and credit products.
  • ABN AMRO Bank - Institutional Sales

    1989 - 1991 Institutional sales of French equities and bonds,
    Identification and marketing of Scandinavian, German and Dutch Institutional investors for the French Stock and Bond Markets. Organization of a seminar with presentation of French companies to a panel of investors.
  • Banque Indosuez - Assistant representative

    1987 - 1989 Banque Indosuez Representative Office, Market Strategy plan to identify, client and product segment. Implementations of strategy with intensive marketing and networking within organization to achieve the goals of the Representation Office on discretionary Fund management and Direct investments on the French stock and bondmarket.
  • Banque Indosuez - Assistant Controller

    1986 - 1987 Internal control and development of French tied aid to Bangladeshi developments projetcs


  • FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas (São Paulo)

    São Paulo 2002 - 2004 Diploma

    Tax structures
  • ESSEC Business School

    Cergy Pontoise 1983 - 1986 ESSEC

    .Graduated in Sciences. French Baccalauréat (3 years) and two years of preparation to High School graduation (ESSEC),


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