
Thierry HALET


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft .NET
Microsoft SQL Server
Java EE
Java Platform
Gestion de projet
Microsoft .NET Technology
back office
Windows Communiciation Foundation
Personal Home Page
Microsoft Team Foundation Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Microsoft C-SHARP
manage road transport
Visual Basic for Applications
Users training
Supply Chain
Specification Writing
SEO training
Product Development
Network Management
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Microsoft Developer Studio
IntelliJ IDEA
IT Management
Customer Relationship Management
Apache Subversion
Agile Management


  • SmartDev LLC - Agile Product Manager

    2015 - maintenant Domain: SmartDev LLC is a Swiss Agile Software Development Company founded in Da Nang.

    Agile Product Manager
    * Analyzing customer requirements ;
    * Designing real time web architecture

    Technical environment: UML, JAVA, JQuery, MongoDB, AngularJS, NodeJs, ReactJs, ElasticSearch
  • Trace One - Project Manager

    2013 - 2015 Domain: Trace One connects all supply chain network stakeholders to accelerate product development and create transparency for Private Label and National Brands.

    Project Manager
    * In charge of maintenance \ upgrades \ new features of all products available inside TraceOne SAAS Offer ;
    * Ramp up offshoring team in Da Nang (Axon Active Vietnam company) (12 DEV + 6 QA) ;
    * Agile Management on maintenance and new requirements teams as well ;
    * Agile follow-up for releases, improvements, build new processes, designed new requirements based on UML, estimations with planning `poker' method...
    * Maintained `interop' system between Portfolio applications and innovations features

    Technical environment: .NET 4.5, MVC 4, SQL Server, NHibernate, UML, JAVA, JQuery, JBPM, WF, WCF, ElasticSearch
  • Trace One - Technical Project Leader

    2010 - 2013 * Design \ Implementation of cosmetic folder regulation for non-food private label
    * Management (CMMI) of an offshore team based in Brasov (Pentalog company Romania) (3 + 2 DEV)
    * Help to design new architecture based on Service-oriented architecture

    Software Engineer
    * Design \ Develop POC for first iteration of nonfood private label based on MVP
    * End implementation of a nonfood portal based on MVC3, JQuery, service...
    * Interop between PLM (ex Agentrix company) portal and Packaging (Trace One)
    * Implement new features on Packaging application based on JBPM workflow
    * Unit tests and functional tests based on NUnit, Mock, Watin, Qtp...
    * Technical leader on maintenance team (Pentalog)

    Technical environment: .NET 4.5, MVC 4, SQL Server, NHibernate, UML, JAVA, JQuery, JBPM, WF, WCF, ElasticSearch
  • Itslearning - Software Engineer

    Mulhouse 2007 - 2009 Domain: E-learning Platform

    Software Engineer
    * Design \ Development of major features on the application (modules: text book, bookmark, score system, schedule, mailing box...)
    * Refactor and improve architecture of the application to support user scalability (separate layers based on active record)
    * Establishment of industrialization processes using team foundation server
    * Participation to ENEIDE (Espace Numérique Educatif Interactif de DEmain) project based on Ile de France to search and develop next technologies around learning topic
    * Follow up R&D team

    Technical environment: .NET 2.0, TFS 2005, NHibernate, C#, SQL Server 2008
  • Infostance - Groupe Hachette Livre - Software Engineer

    2007 - 2009 · Analyse, spécification et développement d'évolutions majeures
    · Analyse et mise en place des questions de ré-architecturation de l'application
    · Participation au projet ENEIDE (Espace Numérique Educatif Interactif de DEmain)
  • ALIAS SSII - Co-fondateur

    2005 - 2007 Co-gérant société ALIAS SSII, développement, gestion de projet, suivi client...
  • DDASS - Software Engineer

    2005 - 2005 Domain: Regional social services department

    Software Engineer
    * Development website to health professional to access to a data bank files ;
    * MS server 2000 network management
    * Users training

    Technical environment: VBA, PHP, Linux
  • Alias SSII - Technical leader

    2005 - 2007 Domain: Business tourism, SEO

    CoFounder of Alias SSII company \ Technical leader
    * In charge of administrative approaches ;
    * Around 40 projects to manage mainly based on seasonal villa rental (villasdumonde.fr + booking back office, world-villa.co.uk, quirosimo.fr, destination-surf.com, atys-concept.fr...) ;
    * Follow up customers portfolio
    * Technical leader for development team
    * SEO training at Alphacom Formation center

    Technical environment: .NET 3.0, #, SQL Server 2000, PHP, MySQL
  • Ets Transports Chiché - Software Engineer

    2003 - 2004 Domains: Trucks transport, Seasonal villa rental
    Software Engineer (trainee)
    * Design and Modeling business process \ development web app in charge of manage road transport ;
    * Users training ;
    * Development of website quirosimo.fr and back office (CRM) ;
    * Technical specification writing

    Technical environment: .NET 1.1, C#, SQL Server 2000



    Merignac 2003 - 2005 Masters Degree

    Supérieure d'Ingénierie Informatique (esii)
    Bordeaux, France

    Merignac 2001 - 2003 Technician Certificate

    Application development option
    Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénierie Informatique (esii)
    Bordeaux, France


Annuaire des membres :