
Thierry MILLET


En résumé

Thierry has more than 15 years of widely diverse Quality, Environmental, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, and project engineering experience. He has conducted a variety of QEHS audits and compliance activities for major industrial and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities across the world. His experience includes several implementations of EHS & Quality departments and QEHS organization in automotive industries, chemical companies and pharmaceutical groups. He conducted environmental remediation processes and a wide variety of environmental permits, regulatory agency interaction and the formulation and execution of complex environmental projects.
Thierry Millet’s experience includes management of Industrial Hygiene in chemical activities: he worked six years with Solvay, one of the larger European chemistry group, ensuring the Health and the Safety of employees working closely to Benzene and to Fluorine. He drew the company to the level of excellence reaching 0 accident during more than 500 days, and giving to the Laval’ site in France the world best score in ISRS among the Solvay group. He conducted EHS implementation in several sites an obtained ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certifications, and as EHS Director, he managed successfully EHS across 16 sites in a life science company, reducing significantly the frequency rate by 4 and reaching the world class level.

As QEHS Director, he coordinates the deployment of Group's QEHS policies, programs and actions within sites in order to achieve the determined Corporate Standard level.

Quality & EHS Management, Corporate Strategy implementation
ISO 14001, 18001 & 9001 implementation,
Quality Management, 5 S, 6 Sigma, TPM, Kaizen, Tagushi, SPC...
Environmental Analysis, industrial hygiene, assessment and reduction of ergonomical risks
Risk analysis, chemical risks, biological risks,
Environmental, Safety & Quality auditing
Fire prevention, Fire intervention
CO2 strategy management and energy consumption reduction
Waste management
Facilities management

Mes compétences :
Project Management
Quality management
5 S
Lean manufacturing
wide experience
responsible for all EHS activities
practical skills
people skills
managed Industrial Hygiene
appropriate support
Six Sigma
Production management
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
ISO 14001 Standard
EHS culture development
Change Management
Business Continuity Planning


  • Freelance - HSE & Site Manager

    2015 - maintenant Démantèlement éoliennes
  • SIEMENS - International projects HSE Manager

    Saint-Denis 2013 - 2014 The biggest wind farm project in Africa : 131 turbines and 300 Mw are being implemented in Western Sahara. Around 400 people coming from diverses countries are sharing their skills, competencies, professionalism and enthusiasm to make this project a wonderful success. In the difficult desert environment, EHS management is essential for ensuring that all ressources are 100 % available and efficient.
  • SIEMENS - HSE Director Africa

    Saint-Denis 2010 - 2013 In a matrix organization, implement EHS over 14 sites across Africa in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Angola and South Africa. Is responsible for establishing the Africa Cluster EHS strategy in line with the corporate strategies and ensure the requirements set forth in the Global EHS standards and local regulatory requirements are met. Defines with the Regional Companies the planning to prioritize EHS initiatives to ensure the greatest business value and manages ISO 14001 and 18001 standards implementation. Is responsible for measuring and managing EHS performance and establishing appropriate initiatives to ensure performance targets are achieved. Provide technical expertise in EHS issues, Risk assessment and risk analysis on projects.

    Performs regular audits on the projects (HT transformers, Power Plants, gas turbines, Algiers's subway) develop and ensure the follow-up of improvement action plans to meet the required and defined level.

    Quality & EHS Management, Corporate Strategy implementation
    ISO 14001, 18001 & 9001 implementation,
    Project Management
    Quality Management, 5 S, 6 Sigma, TPM, Kaizen, Tagushi, SPC...
    Environmental Analysis, industrial hygiene, assessment and reduction of ergonomical risks
    Risk analysis, chemical risks, biological risks,
    Environmental, Safety & Quality auditing
    Fire prevention, Fire intervention
    CO2 strategy management and energy consumption reduction
    Waste management
    Facilities management
  • MDS Pharma Services - DIRECTEUR HSE Europe

    2007 - 2010 Quality & EHS Management, Corporate Strategy implementation
    ISO 14001, 18001 & 9001 implementation,
    Project management
    Quality Management, 5 S, 6 Sigma, TPM, Kaizen, Tagushi, SPC...
    Environmental Analysis, industrial hygiene, assessment and reduction of ergonomical risks
    Risk analysis, chemical risks, biological risks,
    Environmental, Safety & Quality auditing
    Fire prevention, Fire intervention
    CO2 strategy management and energy consumption reduction
    Waste management
    Facilities management

  • MDS - EHS Manager Europe

    2006 - 2010 He manages successfully EHS across 16 sites in a life science company, reducing significantly the frequency rate by 4 and reaching the world-class level. He designs European EHS strategy on 3 years, prepares and coordinates the deployment of Corporate EHS policies, establishing annual objectives and targets, programs and action plans within sites in order to achieve the determined Corporate Standard level. He updates plans for deployment of Corporate EHS policies and tools, sets associated budgets to be included in the sites, follows the deployment as planned and monitors sites on the deployment of programs, Result oriented, he implemented strong and regular EHS communications based on objectiveness, mutual trust and continuous improvement spirit.

    Tools, competencies, activities:

    Safety: Identify the main contributing Units to accidents and near misses and organize appropriate support and follow-up (visits, audits, assessments, coaching, improvement plans) and monitor results of improvement action plans. Challenge use of appropriate methodology for analysis of lost time accidents and critical near misses and completion of associated action plans.

    EHS performance management and reporting: Define and communicate yearly targets for key Performance Indicators - KPIs (FR, SR, energy consumptions,), ensure timely availability of relevant monthly and quarterly KPI and check trends are on line with targets. Participate to development, validation and support deployment of EHS instructions and standards, advise and coach people (EHS managers, operational managers).
    EHS network management: Assure correct involvement of the EHS site managers in the overall EHS processes. Organize formal monthly communication with network (meeting, conference calls). Co-ordinate and animate network to share experience and disseminate best practices.

    Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plan (DRP & BCP): in line with corporate guidelines, design and develop the DRP and BCP plan for several sites. Spread the information to the management and key people, prepare different scenarios and train bi-annually the DRP team members. Evaluate the efficiency of the teams and the accuracy of the training.
  • Novonordisk - Responsable HSE

    La Défense Cedex 2002 - 2007 Quality & EHS Management, Corporate Strategy implementation
    ISO 14001, 18001 & 9001 implementation,
    Project Management
    Quality Management, 5 S, 6 Sigma, TPM, Kaizen, Tagushi, SPC...
    Environmental Analysis, industrial hygiene, assessment and reduction of ergonomical risks
    Risk analysis, chemical risks, biological risks,
    Environmental, Safety & Quality auditing
    Fire prevention, Fire intervention
    CO2 strategy management and energy consumption reduction
    Waste management
    Facilities management

  • Novonordisk - HSE Manager

    La Défense Cedex 2002 - 2006 He led the organization and implementation of regular EHS activities across the site and drove it to the ISO 14001 and 18001 certifications. He conducted major projects closely with other department managers to reduce energy consumption and has saved annually 50% of water and 12% of electricity, representing 300 k EUR / year, without major investment.

    He managed and supervised a 4 engineers and 2 technician's team, giving delegation and responsibility on projects. His team's management activities were including annual targets and objectives set-up, weekly meetings, monthly 121 interviews, advising and training, projects follow-up. The last Pulse Survey score was 3.92/5.

    Tools, competencies, activities:

    - Defines annual HSE targets for the site in line with the BSC and ensures the good execution of the action plans.
    - Turns out the CO2 strategy implementation for energy savings (climate saver label)
    - Represents the plant before institutions (Commune, Fire-fighters, DRIRE, CRAM, and Medicine Labor).
    - Represents the site for EHS with headquarters in Denmark.
    - Conduct HSE audits in overseas plants (DK, USA, Brazil)
    - Ensures regulatory monitoring and regulatory compliance: inspections and controls, ADR compliance.
    - Manages a 300 k EUR investment budget, 800 k EUR in operations and 2500 training hours.
    - Guarantees Health and Safety on workstations, site security and equipment security.
  • Solvay Automotive - HSE Manager

    1996 - 2002 Thierry managed Industrial Hygiene during six years ensuring the Health and the Safety of employees working closely to Benzene and to Fluorine and other chemicals. He has implemented exposure measurements, training and awareness, preventive and correctives actions to reduce the exposures below the legal requirements, and has developed technical solutions to secure the process. He drew the company to the level of excellence reaching 0 accident during more than 500 days, giving to the Laval' site in France the world best score in ISRS among the Solvay group.

    Has developed and implemented tools for analyzing and measuring the ergonomical risks on workstations. The number of occupational diseases has been reduced by 3 and stabilized while increasing exponentially in other comparable companies. The French CRAM Pays de la Loire and Brittany have recognized this achievement by awarding him the Trophy Prevention, which rewards firms that have demonstrated innovative and effective strategy prevention in Cumulative Trauma Disorders fight.

    Tools, competencies, activities:

    - Coordinate and pilot HSE policy on 4 sites in France ;
    - Decline HSE policy through recognized references (ISRS, ISO 14001).
    - Pilot environment and safety policy, establishes and follow the annual action plans, guarantees the environmental system, ensures the regulatory monitoring and the legal compliance of the site.
    - Represents the company before institutions (Commune, Fire-fighters, DRIRE, CRAM Prefecture).
    - Carry out technical audits, system audits, monitoring, and ensure the follow-up of the action plans.
    - Guarantee operationally and effectiveness of technical safety installations.
    - Manage investment budget of 300 k EUR , 200 k EUR in operations and 2500 training hours.
    - Train, involve and pilot a team of 30 firemen. ;
    - Ensure the management and the follow-up of hazardous works and fire permits.
    - Write procedures, work specifications and ensure their good application.
  • SOLVAY - Responsable HSE

    Paris 1996 - 2002 Equipementier automobile, filiale du groupe chimiste Belge SOLVAY. Fabrication de réservoirs en polyéthylène pour automobiles, et de pièces techniques sous capot moteur. 800 personnes.

    Responsable HSE :

    Prix Albert Thomas récompensant l'organisation et les résultats sécurité. Meilleur score ISRS du groupe. Plus de 500 jours sans AT.
    Prix régional et national Environnement.
    Trophée de la prévention remis par la CRAM.
  • IDHE - HSE consultant

    1992 - 1996 Production management reorganization, training operators and managers with modern concepts like TPM, Kaizen, problem solving, quality circles, SMED, SPC, Tagushi method... The application and implementation of these tools has led to spectacular results: after 9 months, one site has seen its OEE growing from 45% to 87% reaching a WCM level. A workshop with a strategic machine grew OEE from 15% to 76%, freeing the production of a bottleneck.

    Tools, competencies, activities:

    - Propose and realize adapted training programs (from operators to engineers) and specific actions to the companies: accident analysis, gestures and postures, behavior, risk management, loss control, fire prevention, hazardous products, Safety committee members, penal responsibilities for the heads, technical safety on installations, preventive and curative ergonomics.

    - Drawing audits, implementation of safety departments, coaching and follow-up. ;
    - Perfect control on SMED, TPM, FMAE, KAMBAN, 6 Sigma, 5 S, and KAIZEN tools.

    Education and practical skills:

    - BTS Mechanical engineering. Laon 1987 ;


  • IDHE

    Rennes 1990 - 1996 Consultant HSE, ingénieur Méthodes et organisation


Annuaire des membres :