- Developer
2016 - 2016
For fun, I create fixlogbrowser. A notepad+ plugin which allows the user to easily browse a log of FIX messages.
I develop with C++ on both Linux and Windows platform.
smart Trade technologies
- Software Development Engineer
2015 - 2016
smartTrade Technologies is a software editor that provide various financial products for financial institutions around the world.
The smartTrade Connectivity team's goal is to enable smartTrade softwares to exchange data with any financial institution regardless of its internal working.
As a member of Connectivity team I develop software to enable smartTrade components to connect, exchange prices and submit orders with a few financial institutions.
I mainly use Java language and FIX protocol.
- Developer
2014 - 2015
I maintain a web application developed with java ee, ;
- Use of Oracle, SQL Developer, SQL, Hibernate,
Spring MVC/Security/LDAP/IOC, java, jsp, tags, javascript, jquery, bootstrap 3,
html5, css3, less, font-awesome, CVS, maven, firebug, tomcat, eclipse
- Improvement of the internal framework ;
- Writing specifications, conception documents and documentation
- Development and test, changes in the production database.
- supervising and reviewing code of two interns.
- Intern
2014 - 2014
I maintain a web application that manages consumer credits, using java ee
- Use of Oracle, SQL Developer, SQL, Spring MVC/Security/IOC,
Hibernate, java, jsp, tags, javascript, html, css, CVS, firebug, tomcat, eclipse
- Design, development and test
Polytech Marseille
- Student
2013 - 2014
Main project I worked on :
Development of a « secure diplomatic suitcase »
- Creation of an application that allows a diplomat to transfer documents in a secure way
- Use of raspberry pi (linux), java, bash, socket, cryptography, eclipse
Airbus Helicopter
- Intern
2013 - 2013
Design and development of a web application computing confidential data.
Polytech Marseille
- Developer
2013 - 2013
Implement a cipher keys and files swap protocol.
Goal : ensure parties authentication, file sending, confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of files exchanged..
Polytech Marseille
- Designer/Developer
2013 - 2013
Design and development of a multithreaded algorithm based on Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Competences : java, threads
Polytech Marseille
- Developer
2013 - 2013
Creation of a website with javaee.
The website allows users to buy items.
Competences : JAVAEE, html, css, sql, hibernate, jsp
Polytech Marseille
- Designer/Developer
2013 - 2013
Simulate exploration of Mars by robots.
Competence : multithreaded programmation
Polytech Marseille
- Developer
2012 - 2013
Design and development of a simple game in 2D with java language.
Competences : Java, MVC, UML, SVN, swing
Polytech Marseille
- Designer/Developer
2012 - 2012
Remote control of a rolling robot guided by voice.
I work on voice recognition and translation of voice into orders for the robot.
- Intern
2011 - 2011
Development of a monitoring tool (dashboard) measuring new performances of algorithms developed by Technologies team which is part of R&D department.
Use of html, css, javascript and php. Apache web server installation.
IUT arles
- Developer
2011 - 2011
Design and development of a network, multiplayer, rock-paper-scissors game with a graphical user interface.
Competences : C++, socket, unit tests.