


En résumé

- Managing the full sales cycle in multiple decision makers and complex environments.
- Cultivating business: maintaining close and trustful relationships with existing clients and opening new strategic accounts
- Understanding the needs of corporate clients in connection with the detection of new opportunities.
- Communication: exhibiting in main IT security events in France (FIC, Assises, le Cercle, ROOMn)
- Partnership: global knowledge of IT security main actors & pure-players and developing presales opportunities with them

Mes compétences :
Sécurité informatique
Conseil IT
Chef de projet
Négociation commerciale
Business development
Développement commercial
Key account management


  • VARONIS - Sales Representative on Strategic Market

    2016 - maintenant Varonis offers a security software platform to let organizations track, visualize, analyze, audit and protect their unstructured data (e-mail, files, etc.).
    Varonis performs User Behavior Analytics (UBA) to identify abnormal behavior and defend enterprise data from cyberattacks.

    Our software extracts metadata from an enterprise’s IT infrastructure and uses this information to map relationships among employees, data objects, content, and usage - giving organizations more visibility into their data, and protecting their critical and sensitive information.
  • Harmonie Technologie - Ingénieur d'Affaires / Account Manager

    PARIS 2014 - 2016 Harmonie is a financially independent consulting & technical expertise company specialized in IT Security. With a sustained organic growth since 2005 (between 20 and 30% per year), Harmonie is now more than 9 M€ revenue with 80 employees.

    With both functional and technical skills, Harmonie is able to deliver 360 degree services to its clients on various security topics (Governance & Risk, Identity & Access, Data Protection, Cyber-Security).

    Harmonie is a security partner of major companies with a strong position on the financial and insurance market since its foundation

    Responsible for the first company’s key account with 3,5 M€ portfolio.
  • Solucom - Ingénieur d'Affaires / Account Manager

    puteaux 2012 - 2014 Solucom is one of the Top 3 Management & IT consulting firms in France – 1 200 employees – 130 M€ revenue.

    Working in the team responsible of the second company’s key account with more than 13 M€ revenue.

    - Managing the full sales cycle in multiple decision makers and complex environments.
    - Understanding the needs of corporate clients in connection with the detection of new opportunities.
    - Meetings with high-level contacts (Business departments, IT departments…) and maintaining close and trustful relations.
    - Participating in the development of custom business proposals (scoping studies, benchmarks, managing major transformation projects, process modeling, IT roadmap, business model...), in collaboration with partners of the firm.
    - Monitoring the projects after the sales.
  • Solucom - Consultant en Sécurité & Risk Management

    puteaux 2010 - 2012 - Workgroups and presentation for needs analysis
    - Definition and design of technical architectures
    - Realization of prototypes and prover
    - Validation and relationship with editors
    - Project leading, project comitees
    - Client reporting
    - IAM missions for EDF, Air France

    - OS : Microsoft (2000/XP, Vista/7, Server 2K3/2K8), GNU/Linux
    - IAM : e-SSO (Avencis SSOX), Sun IDM
    - Authentication : MS Credential Provider / GINA, PKI
    - Strong Authentication : TPM Device, SmartCard Logon, OTP, RADIUS
    - IT Security : SSL/TLS, VPN, Cryptography, PKI (Microsoft PKI, EJBCA)
    - Web Server : Apache, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS
    - Load-balancing & High Availability : Big-IP F5
    - LDAP Directory : AD, ADAM, Oracle DSEE
    - Computer science : Java, Python, SQL, XML, PHP

    # EDF (April 2011 - September 2012)
    Context :
    - 150.000 users in 14 work-directions
    - 600 applications managed by the e-SSO
    - e-SSO is the user-visible part of the full IAM Project (web-SSO, IdM, authentication directory, etc.)

    Work :
    - Leading of the e-SSO team (4 consultants)
    - Project comitees and client reporting
    - Evolution management of the e-SSO : client and server patchs (Integration, packaging, acceptance tests, and deployment support)
    - Impact analysis of the massive deployment
    - Documents redaction (Installation and configuration guides, )
    - Closed-collaboration working with the e-SSO solution's editor
    - Specification and development of e-SSO scripts (Lotus Notes, SAP, web applications, client applications, etc...)
    - Knowledge transfer to client teams.
    - Level 3 support and expertise on the e-SSO solution
    - VIP users assistance

    Technical context : Avencis SSOX, Windows 2000/Vista/7, Windows Server 2003/2008, Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE 11), Sun IDM, Sun OpenSSO, CITRIX (application and desktop publication)

    # Air France (October 2010 – May 2011)
    Context :
    - Extension of the Unique Identifer e-SSO-based solution to the CCO (Operational Control Center)

    Work :
    - Consolidation of needs and features propositions
    - Solution prototyping
    - Contacts with the solution's editor for integrations and corrections of new features (OTP compatibility, enhancing user experience, etc.)
    - Functional and technical impact analysis on the existing infrastructure
    - Documents redaction (Architecture/installation/exploitation documents, administration/configuration/helpdesk guides)
    - Specifications and development of e-SSO scripts (Metaframe, Lotus Notes, Intranex mainframe, web applications, etc...)
    - Acceptance tests on dedicated environment
    - IT project management support (AMOE)

    Technical context : Avencis SSOX, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, MS AD and ADAM Directory, RSA Secure ID OTP Token (SID 700).

    # Solucom (March 2010 – June 2010)
    Context :
    - Renewal (RFI/RFP) of the Solucom's strong-authentication-based solution

    Work :
    - State of the art in the strong-authentication solutions
    - Analysis of the existing and the needs
    - RFI / RFP redaction
    - Comparison and presentation of editors' answers
    - Commercial contacts for negotiation

    Technical context : SmartCard, USB SmartCard Token, OTP Token, USB SmartCard + OTP Token, Software OTP, TPM chip device

    - State of the art in the strong-authentication solutions
    - Analysis of the existing and the needs
    - RFI / RFP redaction
    - Comparison and presentation of editors' answers
    - Commercial contacts for negotiation

    Technical context : SmartCard, USB SmartCard Token, OTP Token, USB SmartCard + OTP Token, Software OTP, TPM chip device



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