


En résumé

Hi, this profile may not be up to date. Please see my profile on LinkedIn instead: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/wassimchegham

Mes compétences :
Android Applications Development
Shell scripting
Design patterns
Zend Framework
Web design


  • SFEIR - Developer Advocate

    NEUILLY SUR SEINE 2016 - maintenant Expertise Missions:
    Advice and support our clients in innovative Web technologies, and assist them as they choose and implement technology solutions in:
    * Front-end technologies
    * Back-end technologies
    * Mobile technologies
    * Information System (IS) Architectures

    * Advanced JavaScript (vanilla and with frameworks)
    * TypeScript (Babel.js and CoffeeScript as well)
    * AngularJS (1.x and 2.x)
    * Reusable Web Components with Polymer
    * IONIC for hybrid mobile apps
    * CSS3 (animations, transitions, flex layouting...)
    * UX/UI principles
    * Node.js and NodeWebkit for the standalone Web apps
    * Express.js
    * BDD, TDD and E2E with Jasmine (or Mocha), Chai and Karma
    * RESTfull APIs and hypermedia (HATEOAS)
    * Microservices architectures with Docker
    * Yeoman stack: Yo, Bower, Gulp
    * Git and Git Flow
    * ... and much more.
  • Google - Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies

    Paris 2015 - maintenant Google Developers Expert (GDE) is a program from the Google Developer Relations team that recognizes and rewards outstanding developers.

    The current list of GDE is available on the Google Developers website (https://developers.google.com/experts/members/).
  • Groupe SII - Full-Stack JavaScript Expert

    Paris-13E-Arrondissement 2015 - 2016 Expertise Missions:
    Advice and support our clients in innovative Web technologies, and assist them as they choose and implement technology solutions in:
    * Front-end technologies
    * Back-end technologies
    * Mobile technologies
    * Information System (IS) Architectures

    * Advanced JavaScript (vanilla and with frameworks)
    * TypeScript (Babel.js and CoffeeScript as well)
    * AngularJS (1.x and 2.x)
    * Reusable Web Components with Polymer
    * IONIC for hybrid mobile apps
    * CSS3 (animations, transitions, flex layouting...)
    * UX/UI principles
    * Node.js and NodeWebkit for the standalone Web apps
    * Express.js
    * BDD, TDD and E2E with Jasmine (or Mocha), Chai and Karma
    * RESTfull APIs and hypermedia (HATEOAS)
    * Microservices architectures with Docker
    * Yeoman stack: Yo, Bower, Gulp
    * Git and Git Flow
    * ... and much more.
  • Groupe SII - Technical Lead

    Paris-13E-Arrondissement 2015 - 2015 Expertise Mission:
    * Coding the original prototype and improve it to become the final app (a MetroUI liek WebApp)
    * Participating to tender writing
    * Participating to technical workshops
    * Participating to UI/UX workshops

    Responsibilities as lead technical specialist:
    * Provide a technical framework for the project
    * Provide the project estimates
    * Tender writer
    * Code reviewer

    * jQuery
    * HTML5
    * CSS3
    * Mobile
    * UX/UI
  • Covéa - Full-Stack JavaScript Consultant

    2014 - 2015 Expertise Mission:
    * Coding several AngularJS POCs in order to prove and show the client how to implement some advanced features in AngularJS (sharing features/templates across multiple AngularJS apps)
    * Participating to tender writing
    * Participating to technical workshops
    * Participating to writing user stories and the product backlog

    Responsibilities as lead technical specialist:
    * Provide a technical framework for the project
    * Provide the project estimates

    * AngularJS
    * JAVA
  • Télécom Santé - Lead Technical Specialist

    Cesson-Sévigné 2014 - 2014 Expertise Mission:
    * A 60 man/day project
    * Building a "Digital Signage" application (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signage) for our client "Telecom Santé"
    * The application is composed of four blocks :
    - a NodeWebkit Web app (the designer),
    - a nodejs server (the REST server),
    - a responsive Web app (the supervisor),
    - a NodeWebkit Web app (the player)

    Responsibilities as lead technical specialist:
    * Provide a technical framework for the project
    * Provide the project estimates
    * Supervise a junior developer
    * Help writing better JavaScript code for the four applications

    * NodeWebkit for the standalone Web apps
    * Chromium JavaScript engine was used to take advantages of all the new HTML5 APIs
    * CSS3 Animations were used
    * Advanced JavaScript (vanilla, no frameworks)
    * Reusable WebComponents with Polymer (https://www.polymer-project.org/)
    * Yeoman stack: Yo, Bower, Gulp
    * Git
  • MMA Assurances – Groupe Covea - Technical Lead

    LE MANS CEDEX 9 2013 - 2014 Current Project:
    * a full-fledged 2500 man/day migration project
    * upgrading the whole project to the up to date Web Standards, HTML5 and CSS (initially developed for MS IE 6)

    Responsibilities as lead developer:
    * providing my team with all the necessary tools and scripts to improve our work
    * helping my team improve their skills by showing them better solutions of doing things so that we all become better developers
    * reviewing my team's code periodically and given feedback
    * being able to listen to my team needs and provide them with the right answers

    * Microsoft IE technologies (ActiveX, HTC script files), Java/JSP
    * CSS3, HTML5, Advanced JavaScript (vanilla, no frameworks)
    * Python, JavaScript and Yeoman stack for internal scripts and tools that were developed specifically for this project
    * Jenkins, Sonar, W3C Validation API
    * iMacro for automated scenarios
    * ImageMagic for screen shots comparison (pixel perfect processing and reporting)
    * SVN and Git (plus hook scripts) for code versioning and files deployment
  • Orange - HTML5 Developer

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Current Project:
    * Developing VOD, TV catchup and Live TV services for Orange R&D
    * This project is based on Dojo Toolkit 1.8

    * Experimenting the new HTML5 APIs
    * Mastering CSS3 APIs
    * JavaScript advanced techniques
    * Composing a state-of-the-art overviews on multi devices HTML5 frameworks
    * Experimenting and developing multiple Proufs Of Concept using multi devices HTML5 frameworks

    Detailed Description:
    * CSS3, HTML5, Advanced JavaScript (vanilla)
    * Frameworks JavaScript mobile (Sencha Touch 2, JQM, Dojo mobile...)
  • SII - HTML5/Mobile Intern

    Paris-13E-Arrondissement 2012 - 2012 Responsibilities:
    * Experimenting the new HTML5 APIs
    * Mastering CSS3 APIs
    * JavaScript advanced techniques
    * Composing a state-of-the-art overviews on multi devices HTML5 frameworks
    * Experimenting and developing multiple Proufs Of Concept using multi devices HTML5 frameworks

    Detailed Description:
    * CSS3, HTML5, Advanced JavaScript (vanilla)
    * Frameworks JavaScript mobile (Sencha Touch 2, JQM, Dojo mobile...)
  • CAPS entreprise - Front/Back end developer

    RENNES 2010 - 2012 Responsibilities:
    * Designing and developing web apps for CAPS entreprise (for internal use)
    * Designing and developing e-commerce website for selling HMPP(tm) products

    Detailed Description:
    * PHP5, MySQL, Python, Shell, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, XML, SOAP/REST
    * SVN, Scrum
    * CodeIgniter, jQuery
    * Project management

    Company Description:
    CAPS is a leading provider of Software and Solutions to enable companies to safely move to manycore.
    Manycore can bring impressive speed-up for a large class of applications but while hardware is evolving much faster than software, there is still no consensus on the programming model. Innovative technologies and tools are required to get the performance and portability allowing mass market adoption of manycore systems.
    CAPS delivers development tools, solutions and expertise to help organizations to adapt the way their applications are designed in order to benefit from the performance offered by manycore architectures.

  • Université de Rennes 1 - Tutor

    2010 - 2010 Responsibilities:
    * Doing tutorial system and helping foreign students with their home works

    Detailed Description:
    * Teaching programming in oCaml
    * Helping new students to learn how to use the university online tools

    Company Description:

  • BDE ISTIC Rennes - Webmaster & Graphic designer

    2010 - 2012 Responsibilities:
    * Designing, developing and maintaining the official website of my school's Student Government
    * Designing graphic posters

    Detailed Description:
    * PHP5, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript
    * Wordpress, Photoshop

    Company Description:
    "La Palme" is a student government for Computer Science students of the University of Rennes 1. It was founded in 1997 and merged with the ADISA in 2007.
    Its main role is to welcome new students and help them in their schooling by: providing book of past papers, helping them with administration papers ... "La Palme" organizes also various themed parties.
    Since its inception, the number of members increases every year.

  • BDE ISEG Bordeaux - Web Developer and Poster Designer

    2009 - 2009 Responsibilities:
    * Designing posters and flyers for special events
    * Designing, developing and hosting web pages for special events

    Detailed Description:
    * Photoshop, Illustrator
    * HTML, CSS, JavaScript



    Rennes 2009 - 2012 Software Engineering

    Institut de Formation Supérieure en Informatique et Communication


Annuaire des membres :