Mes compétences :
Watchdog System
- Cofondateur
2014 - maintenant
- Ingénieur optimisation gaz amont aval moyen terme
Paris2014 - 2017
Erdgas Südwest GmbH
- Intern
2011 - 2012Master Thesis (Grade: 1.0):
Developed a forecast on the evolution of Erdgas Südwest GmbH customers’ gas consumption until 2050 to restructure the grid and integrate new biogas pipes, in conjunction with the new German energy laws.
Improved my skills in forecast, Law, energy efficiency and business development in another language.
- Intern
2010 - 2010Analyzed and interpreted the operations and maintenance costs of solid wood heating energy projects in France for two studies on request of the French National Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME).
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers ParisTech / Micrelec
- Intern
2010 - 2010Full-time Student Research Project:
Realized two technical and economical studies to create: a multifunctional platform using solar panel for a tender in Senegal and a didactic renewable energies platform for MICRELEC, a French firm specialized in didactic products for high schools.
- Intern
Paris2008 - 2008Operated as a mechanic in an underground trains garage.
Understood the complex hierarchical organization of a public enterprise.
Karlsruhe Institute Of Technology (KIT) (Karlsruhe)
Karlsruhe2010 - 2012Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing)
Mechanical Engineering - Cursus bi-diplômant franco-allemand entre le KIT et les Arts et Métiers ParisTech.
Majeures: systèmes énergétiques et marchés de l'énergie en Allemagne.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Arts Et Métiers (Paris)
Paris2008 - 2010Génie Mécanique et industriel
Industrial and mechanical engineering - Cursus Franco-allemand
Lycée Condorcet (Paris)
Paris2005 - 2008Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles MP - A three years undergraduate advanced program in Mathematics and Sciences preparing for the National Competitive Entrance Examination to the French Graduate Engineering Schools.