Current activities
Yann BIDAULT provides consultancy services and expertise to the major technology clusters in PACA: ICT (SCS cluster,Array,) microelectronics (ARCSIS,Array), and aeronautics (Pegase,Array). He is connected to many support organizations for high tech industries (energy, environment, green technologies…), has developed personal relationship with numerous research laboratories in France, Italy and the USA, and works in close relationship with development agencies and territorial administrations in PACA.
During these past years, he conducted several studies and was involved in projects on economic development (Flying capabilities Campus in Salon de Provence, 2012-present; Development of the aeronautics industry in Var, Pôle Pégase, 2010-2011; Development of PACA airports and airfields, Pôle Pégase, 2010; ICT and Green technologies, Pôle SCS, 2009; PACA electronics, CREMSI/ARCSIS, 2004). He was involved in several innovation support initiatives (SCS cluster’s thematic groups, 2006-2008) and organized workshops and international events on IT innovation (Forum OCOVA, Gap, 2004-present; ICTF, Marseille, 2009; Forum Électronique Industrielle, Toulon, 2004). He was instrumental in developing cross-relationship and partnering between large industries, innovative SMEs and academic research laboratories to foster innovation and economic development.
Over the three last years, Yann Bidault also served as operations manager for CEFH (Centre d ’Etudes des Facteurs Humains), a collaborative platform dedicated to the study and expertise of Human factors in time-constrained critical systems (aeronautics, naval, nuclear and other high risk industries) that he contributed to set up in 2011. He is also engaged as project leader for OCOVA AlpMedNet, an international cross-border collaborative project with Piemonte and Liguria.
Yann Bidault also provides marketing and product strategy consulting services to high tech SMEs and is still engaged, as independent cheminformatics expert, in a working relationship with his former employer Bio-Rad Laboratories, delivering technical and scientific expertise and training in the cheminformatics field in Europe and in the USA.
Yann BIDAULT, was educated in Life Sciences in Paris (Paris VI University, 1981) and in Business Management in Lyon (Institut de Contrôle de Gestion, ICG, 1990). Over the past ten years, he worked as an international independent consultant in business development, product strategy and marketing strategy, with a special focus on R&D and innovation, providing studies and consulting services to leading high tech clusters, large industrial companies and SMEs.
Yann Bidault began his career by serving as director of a professional education and training center in Provence (CRET, 1982-1989). After holding various managing positions in education and services organizations (1990-1992), he joined a world-leading company in venoms, toxins and natural bio-active products as product marketing expert (LATOXAN 1993-1995). In 1995, he created a company involved in the distribution of chemistry software (SOFTSHELL sarl, 1995) with an American partner. After the acquisition of his company by Bio-Rad Laboratories (, a global life sciences instrument, software and services company based in Hercules (CA, USA), he served as cheminformatics expert for Europe (1997-1999), then moved to Philadelphia (USA, PA) as chemistry and spectroscopy software product manager (Bio-Rad’s Informatics division,Array, 1999-2001).
He went back to France as sales and marketing manager for Gentech, a genomics start-up based in the Sophia-Antipolis technology park (2001-2002).
Mes compétences :
Stratégie d'entreprise
Marketing opérationnel
Business development
Formation professionnelle
Développement territorial
Marketing stratégique