

Le Pont de Claix

En résumé

Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon nouveau profil mis à jour.
Mes points forts : Contact clients, autonomie, communication, high content bioimaging, imagerie cellulaire, cytometrie en flux, biologie cellulaire, biochemistry, marketing operationnel.

Mes compétences :
Cytométrie en flux
Avant vente
Marketing opérationnel
Microscopie confocale


  • Becton Dickinson - Support marketing europe - cytomètre en flux compact et réactifs

    Le Pont de Claix 2012 - maintenant
  • Becton Dickinson - Ingénieur d'application et coordinateur technique

    Le Pont de Claix 2012 - maintenant
  • Becton Dickinson - Application Specialist

    Le Pont de Claix 2008 - 2012 In belgium, I have started to work as an application specialist for bioimaging.

    My activities consist in support, trainings, communication with a bit of marketing and other aspects. I cannot indicate more here because of confidenciality.

    I really appreciate this job because we are in contact with a lot of people, the instrument is very versatile and numerous applications can be performed. Moreover, tasks are diverse.
  • Thomas Jefferson University - Principal investigator / post doctoral fellow

    2005 - 2008 In Philadelphia, I complemented my skills with expertise in cell signaling, proteomic and molecular biology.
    I belonged to the team of Dr Philip Wedegaertner in the department of biochemistry at the Kimmel Cancer Center. We worked on the trafficking and function of G proteins.
    My research was about the trafficking of heterotrimeric G proteins responsible for relying the activation of GPCR. GPCRs are the targets of 50% of available medicines.
    Because I did not study these aspects of biology before, I summarized the bibliography on these topics and then proposed a research project. The bibliography analysis was published as a review.
    The first results I obtained supported a grant proposal. I was qualified and received 38000$/year for 2 years from the American Heart Association. I was also chosen as speaker to talk about my work during the post-doctoral research symposium of TJU.
    Techniques used for this project: DNA purification, PCR, cloning, primer design, immunoprecipitation, electrophoresis, cell culture, transfection, cell extract, cell fractionation, western blot, enzymatic assay, immunofluorescence, fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy, live cell imaging.
  • Observatoire oceanologique de villefranche sur mer - Doctorant

    Casablanca 1999 - 2004 In Villefranche, I took advantage of the large diversity of subjects and techniques they study and use. I acquired strong skills in microscopy, live cell imaging and biochemistry.
    I belonged to the team of Dr Evelyn Houliston in the department of developmental biology. They work on the localisation of molecules responsible for the proper developmental pattern of animals.
    My research was about the determination of a developmental process mechanism based on microtubules called cortical rotation in xenopus eggs. Cortical rotation is responsible for the dorsal development. Microtubules are targets to fight against cancer.
    I wrote three original articles based on my experiments reporting the more complete model to date for the studied mechanism http://biodev.obs-vlfr.fr/recherche/houliston/Cortical_rotation/Cortical%20Rotation%20general.html. . I presented my research in several conferences. I was a selected speaker in the European Life Science Organisation meeting in 2002.
    Techniques used for this project: development of assays, affinity chromatography, IPTG induced protein translation, microinjection, inhibition through antibodies, immunoprecipitation, cell extract, cell fractionation, western blot, enzymatic assay, immunofluorescence, fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy, live cell imaging.



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