My main interests are ecology and evolution. Concerning evolution, I am particularly interested in sexual selection. Understanding how resources allocations, social behaviour and climate, influence the reproductive strategies of the population, and therefore population dynamic, is inherent to a complete understanding of evolutionary process. Concerning ecology, I am particularly concerned by species conservation. I wish to monitor endangered species by observation of population decline and description of the health status via physiology and behavioral observations. This, in order to establish effective protection measures and to reduce human impact and extend the size of protected areas.
My aim is to combine these two domains, and use evolutionary process, animal behavior, ecology and physiology to give the most accurate prediction under changing environment and climate and develop effective conservation programs.
Mes compétences :
Recherche bibliographique ou Internet
Gestion de projet
Analyse statistique
Rédaction scientifique
Travail de terrain
Collecte de données
Statistique multivariée
Capture, Manipulation, Maintenance-Faune-sp variés
Analyse de données
Biologie moléculaire
R (logiciel statistiques)