


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Pack office
Management d'équipe
Réseaux sociaux
Référencement internet
Contenus éditoriaux
Contenu de marque
Contenus d'un site
Rédaction de contenus
Coordination de projets



    2018 - maintenant

    2017 - 2018 Collaboration with the Danone global team to build successful and smooth campaigns delivery. Provide support in production of digital recommendations for dairy and Early life nutrition categories. Elaboration of a global search strategy for Germany and Thailand markets in relation with the “consumer visit journey” to maximize performances. Content prioritization to maximize website’s visibility. Project coordination between local agency and central client.
  • Groupm - Search engine marketing manager

    2008 - 2015
  • Lsfinteractive Paris - Customer services representative

    Paris 2008 - 2008 Receiving calls/emails from customers (American and Canadian)
    Interacted with team colleagues to ensure project throughput
    Delegating customer’s issues to appropriate department to ensure resolvement
  • Yahoo - Search Marketing Editor

    PARIS 2005 - 2007 • Effectively supported the launch of project Panama
    • Creation and optimization of search engine ad campaigns in French and English
    • Developed the campaigns of complex and high-value e-commerce accounts (Priceminister, Packard Bell, Alapage, Surcouf)
    • Analysis to identify opportunities to develop and optimise PPC campaigns based on Search volume, CTR and ROI
    • Participation in syndication project with external provider Oxado
    • Maintenance of an efficient partnership with major clients on the French market
    • Adherence to Y!SM editorial policy
  • Ouest France - Journalist

    Rennes 1999 - 2005 Publihebdos group (Weekly publication)Multifunctional journalist
    • Major responsibility : in charge of writing and editing article in various fields such as agriculture, medical and social issues, political, educational and culture
    • Acting chief editor in August 2001 : organisation of editorial committees, definition of “front pages” and editing of subtitles
    • Successfully engaging with various contacts to gain information
    • Developing analytical and organisational skills through teamwork
    • Building up and Maintaining relationships with clients and press correspondents, in person and over the phone
    • Developing effective time management skills

    Nov 99 to june 00
    Ouest-France (Regional daily Newspaper, first group in France)
    Journalist – Editorialist
    • Extensive influence in the publication and layout of the paper
    • Rewriting and editing various articles and development of decision making skills in a team environment : in charge of selecting the best adopted pictures to each article. Extensive usage of various editing software and word

    June to october 99
    L’Orne Hebdo (weekly paper in Normandy)
    Photographer and writer
    • Developing communication skills through numerous interviews and photo-shoots
    • Responsible of managing a tight work schedule independently



Annuaire des membres :