


En résumé

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  • Microsoft - Senior Program manager - Customer engagement: 1 year

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2009 - maintenant Microsoft Entertainment & Devices - Paris
    Mobile music service - applications embedded in devices.
    Steer the relationship with the mobile phone operator to embed music application in the devices.
    * Coordinate the 5 people technical team delivering the application.
    * Manage the relationship with the mobile phone operator: problem solving and shipment planning.
    * Organize team planning as well as application evolutions planning.
    * Report to top management on project progress.
  • Orange - Project manager - mobile applications embedded in devices: 2 years

    Paris 2006 - 2009 Orange Mobile Provider, Music Service on mobile handsets:

    Mobile music service ? devices embedded applications side.
    Steered the relationship with the application vendor for the music service, on embedded applications aspects.
    * Coordinated the embedding process in devices (50 apps/year).
    * Managed music service evolutions on the technical side.
    * Managed the relationship with manufacturers on handsets technical evolutions: Nokia, SEMC, Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG, Sagem, Amoi?
    * Contributed as a technical referrer to partnership contract negotiations with specific manufacturers.
    * Provided regular reports on project progress and escalated issues.
  • France Telecom - Project leader - Web application: 3 years

    Paris 2004 - 2006 France Telecom ? Wanadoo Billing Information System:

    CRM applications (Customer Relationship Management)
    * Steered applications evolutions and coordinated relationship with third party vendor and product manager.
    * Coordinated multiple teams for validation: functional, integration & stress tests.
    * Provided support to production roll out and followed up production behavior.
    * Designed documentation: specifications, tests, maintenance...
  • Various (including AOL in USA) and Paris - Java J2EE Developer: 4 years

    2000 - 2004 France Telecom R&D (2003):
    Developed an intranet website for technology watch on M2M service (Machine to Machine communication system).

    4Dconcept (2003):
    Developed an intranet application for trucks repairing time calculations for Renault Trucks.

    Air France (2002-2003):
    Developed an intranet application to organize stewards? trainings.

    AOL (2000-2002) - Quick Checkout: Internet website development: AOL e-wallet.
    12/2000 - 07/2002
    Technical contact responsible for user interface, facilitator between product leaders and graphics designers.

    Easyplanet (2000) : Branding environment
    Implemented and set up the client side.



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