Technip France
- Senior Proposal Coordinator
2014 - maintenant
* Preparation, coordination & negotiations of Platina Tender in Angola
* Preparation, coordination & negotiations of OCTP Transportation & Installation Tender in Ghana
* Preparation, coordination & negotiations of OCTP Supply Tender in Ghana
Subsea 7
- Tender Control Manager
2011 - 2014
* Preparation and coordination of Satellite Phase II Tender for MPN (Nigeria)
* Preparation and coordination of Kizomba Satellite Phase II Tender for Exxon
* Preparation and coordination of South N'Dola Brownfield Tender
* Preparation and coordination of Sème Field Tender in Benin for Sapetro
* Preparation and coordination of Leviathan Ancillaries in Israel
Subsea 7
- Handover Manager - Pazflor Project
2010 - 2011
* Creation of management systems for COMPANY Items & Partner Items receipt.
* Creation of check list for reception of COMPANY Items. Quality & Logistic aspects
* Creation of check list for reception of Partner Items. Quality & Logistic aspects
* Follow up of the equipment status Logistics aspects ;
* Management of COMPANY certificates & handovers with COMPANY
* Interface with Sonamet (Fabrication Yard), COMPANY, and Pazflor Project on COMPANY Items.
Communication skills
* Interface with Consortium Partner on Partner Items delivery. Communication skills
* Preparation of Handover dossier for final Handover of the PLANT to COMPANY. Organization skills
* Point of contact for any issue regarding the equipments received by COMPANY & Partner. Technical skills
* Reception & inspection of umbilicals in Angoflex - Lobito (Angola) - Technical skills
* Reception & inspection of COMPANY ITEMS - Lobito & Luanda (Angola) - Technical skills
* Preparation of equipments for onshore and offshore operations - Technical skills
* Preparation of demobilization of equipments - Technical skills
* SIT of installation aids - Technical skills ;
* Preparation of Final Handover with COMPANY on the FPSO - Contractual skills
Contractual knowledge, Communication, Quality & Logistic Knowledge, Technical skills, Organization...
- Interface Manager - Pazflor Project
2008 - 2010
* Training of an additional Interface coordinator ;
* Management of interfaces with SSPS Contractor :
* Installation Interfaces : Manifold, Piles, SSU, ROV tooling ... ;
* Design Interfaces : Connectors, wine glasses... ;
* Reporting to Management
* Reporting to COMPANY
* HSE highlight
Technical (Good Knowledge of FMC equipment), Communication, Organization, Cross Cultural work with Angolan, Norwegian people...
- Interface Engineer
2006 - 2007
* Organization of operations on FPU, planning... ;
* Following of technical interfaces with Hyundai ;
* Preservation, corrosion interface with FPU ;
* Installation, hook-up and precommissioning of flexible risers on FPU
* Installation and hook-up and precommissioning of umbilical risers on FPU
* Design, integration, hook-up and precommissioning of a riser monitoring system on FPU
* Integration, hook up and precommissioning of a trolley winch
* Product Manager of a Norwegian Riser Monitoring system integrated on FPU - Onshore work - Sandvika (Norway)
* Integration of a latching mechanism system on FPU - Onshore work - Usan (Korea)
* SIT on HHI yard - Onshore work - Usan (Korea) ;
* Installation of preservation system... - Onshore work - Usan (Korea)
* Technical follow up - Onshore work - Sandvika (Norway)
* SIT - Onshore work - Sandvika (Norway)
- Structural engineer
2004 - 2006
Work on Amenam Kpono phase II project and EPC2B project
* Studies done :
* FLET struture : Inplace, laydown, lifting... ;
* Deck structure : Inplace analysis, load-out and transportation analysis, lifting analysis ... ;
* Jacket structure: Barge motion, transportation analysis, Barge strength verification... ;
* Risers : lifting, transport...
Onshore work:
* Load-out of Amenam jacket in Warri (Nigeria)
* Load-out of Amenam deck in Warri (Nigeria) ;
Sofresid - Pau
- Structural engineer
2003 - 2004
Work on YADANA project (Myanmar) - Sofresid Aquitaine,
* Studies Performed :
`Jacket on bottom stability'
`Structural verification of mudmat'
`Fatigue analysis'
`Transportation of deck and jacket'
`load - out of deck and jacket'
`Jacket inplace analysis'...
Sofresid Aquitaine
- Structural engineer
2003 - 2004
* Studies done :
* `Jacket on bottom stability', `Structural verification of mudmat', `Fatigue analysis', `Transportation of deck and jacket', `load - out of deck and jacket', `Jacket inplace analysis'... ;
Doris Engineering
- Structural engineer
2003 - 2003
* Studies Performed :
Optimization calculations of an offshore windmill
`Fatigue analysis'
`Inplace analysis'
`Foundation calculation'...
University of California, Irvine
- Junior Specialist
2002 - 2002
UCI, Irvine, California
* Studies Performed in UCI California:
Realization of a numerical model of ocean circulation
Ways to inject CO2 in the ocean (pipeline, offshore platform...)
Consequences on the ecosystem