
Alexandre DAUGE


En résumé

Who am I?

My strengths and skills are:

Mes compétences :
Ressources humaines
Droit du travail
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Simac Professional - Recruitment Consultant

    Käerjeng 2018 - maintenant - Sourcing/phoning - IT profiles

    - Interviewing all the candidates through phone, skype or physical interviews

    - Drafting job offers, diffusing them on various job boards

    - Content management (actively working on social medias for internal and external communication)

    - Organizing and participating in various events

    - Prospecting new potential clients
  • I-Storm - IT Recruitment Consultant

    2018 - 2018 Sister company of Xpertize, iStorm is an IT & New Media recruitment agency, specialised in placing IT & New Media professionals in permanent roles across Belgium and Luxembourg. iStorm also helps companies to maximise their recruitment efficiency through the use of new web technologies and social media.

    iStorm has offices in Brussels and Luxembourg to serve its clients in the most effective way.

    If you want to find your new professional opportunity, do not hesitate to contact me by email:
  • Abylsen Luxembourg - Recruiter

    2017 - 2018 - Sourcing/phoning (Civil engineering and IT profiles)

    - Interviewing all the candidates

    - Drafting job offers, diffusing them on various job boards

    - Participating in the communication aspects (social medias, contact with external providers, events organisation etc.)
  • KEYTEO Luxembourg - HR recruiter

    2017 - 2017 - Sourcing/phoning (mostly IT profiles)

    - Interviewing all the candidates

    - Drafting job offers, diffusing them on various job boards

    - Participating in the communication aspects (social medias, contact with external providers, etc.)
  • Berger-Levrault - Gestionnaire paie

    Paris 2016 - 2017 - Traitement N4DS (déclaration annuelle des données sociales)
    - Gestion d'un portefeuille de 70 clients (mairies, EHPAD..)
    - Prise d'appels téléphoniques
  • Alstom Power - Consultant

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2014 - 2014 Recueil des compétences, entretiens, interviews, plan de formation, travail sur la poly -valence ainsi que la poly-compétence.
  • Union territoriale mutualiste de Lorraine - Stagiaire Ressources Humaines

    2013 - 2013 Mémoire "Les Technologies de l'information et de la communication au service du recrutement: défis et opportunités". Mise en place d'un espace de recrutement sur l'intranet en réalisant un cahier des charges. Travail de recherche sur les réseaux sociaux et les job boards.
  • Union Territoriale Mutualiste de Lorraine - Stagiaire Ressources Humaines

    2012 - 2012 Mise en place du passeport formation, journaux paie, fiches de pénibilité, mise à jour du règlement intérieur, fiches de positions, gestion des forfaits jours.



Annuaire des membres :