


En résumé

Master of Finance candidate seeking entry-level position in financial control, financial planning and analysis. Having experience in budget planning, estimating and tracking product costs and margins, regular internal stock controls, business planning demonstrating the financial viability of a project, marketing research and marketing planning. Speak fluent French, English and Spanish

Relevant knowledge, Skills and Training
Financial Analysis and Accounting • Monitoring charts • ERP Softwares usage • Budgetary procedure (projection, planning and control) • Excel • Strategic Analysis • Agri-food Marketing • Supply Chain • International wine market • Internal Consulting and Control • Statistical Modeling of financial data

Mes compétences :
Danse Modern'Jazz 10ans


  • M. Chapoutier, Tain l'Hermitage (26) - Assistante contrôleur de gestion

    2013 - 2013 International winery and negociant business located in the Rhone Valley of Frane, but also in Portugal and in Australia. 54 Million USD $ revenue. 130 employees. Producing some of the greatest wines : among others, Hermitage, Côte Rôtie, Chateauneuf du Pape, Saint-Joseph. http://www.chapoutier.com

    Financial controller assistant.
    Improved the current cost-accounting methodologies, from the vine growing stage to the marketing of a product, in the context of the implementation of an ERP system within the organization.
    • Enabled the setting of the new cost component structure within the ERP software
    • Shed light on the need to reduce unnecessary overhead costs, but also costs related to the heavy use of external service providers and to the high number of temporary workers in the bottling and logistics department
    • This new cost structure, based upon break-even analysis and the isolation of fixed indirect expenses for each department, improve transparency in reporting from one service to another, for a standardization of information and reduction in data loss

    SUD DE FRANCE DEVELOPMENT —Montpellier, France October 2012 – March 2013
    Mixed economy business corporation, located in the south of France, which sets up structuring actions on both national and international scales to help regional companies to win new markets, in the area of wine, food or tourism industry. http://www.sud-de-france.com
  • Sud De France, Montpellier - Chargée de développement de projet

    2012 - 2013 Mixed economy business corporation, located in the south of France, which sets up structuring actions on both national and international scales to help regional companies to win new markets, in the area of wine, food or tourism industry. http://www.sud-de-france.com

    Project development officer - part time
    Carried out a competitive analysis and a feasibility analysis of innovative fresh fruits in the context of the organization of the 2012 International Fruits and Vegetables Trade Fair of B to B, in the south of France, called the Medfel.
    • 5 key products were eventually selected and presented at the trade show, supporting different degrees of innovations: “gold standard cucumber” with a high content of b-caroten, Bagel peach and flat nectarine for their high gustatory quality and storage facility, Achacha fruit, an antioxidant-rich super fruit newly discovered and seedless watermelon for its consuming praticity.
    • This innovation pole gathered 300 operators of the market of fruits and vegetables, 5,000 professional visitors and more than 40 international journalists.
  • AURIGA INTERNATIONAL, Brussels - Assistante chef de projet marketing

    2012 - 2012 Belgium-based company active in the cosmetics sector. It specializes in dermato-cosmetology research with applications in medical and aesthetic plastic surgery. 5 Million USD $ revenue. www.auriga-int.com

    Marketing project officer
    Led marketing research (competitive environment with Porter five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and market segmentation) and marketing planning (marketing strategy with a marketing mix plan) and took part in operational marketing as regards the marketing of 4 new derma-cosmetic products.
    • Introduction of these products on the French and Belgium markets in January 2013 with cosmetic doctors and pharmacies.


  • Hult International Business School

    London 2013 - maintenant Master's degree

    World's most international business school. Top 10 FT ranking for international business and experience.
    • Dean’s scholar and Food & Beverage Club member
    • Hold a six week trading portfolio
  • Imperial College London

    London 2012 - 2012 • Completed one semester at Imperial College London dealing with chemitry, life science and scientific communication
  • Montpellier Supagro

    Montpellier 2010 - 2013 Diplôme d'Ingénieur agronome-agro-alimentaire - French Engineering Diploma: Master Degree in Agronomy and Food Sciences

    Spécialité Management, parcours finance :
    - Analyse financière,
    - Contrôle de gestion,
    - Marchés financiers
    - International Development Strategies
  • Lycée Saint Louis

    Paris 2008 - 2010
  • Lycée Jules Verne (Nantes)

    Nantes 2006 - 2008 Bac Scientifique Option Maths


Annuaire des membres :