
Angélique RAUDE

Genève 20

En résumé

Je suis ingénieur mécanique et matériaux spécialisée dans le contrôle non destructif. Je travaille actuellement en Angleterre, dans une entreprise pour laquelle je fais de la recherche et de la prestation de service. Je travaille sur le développement de techniques telles que les courants de Foucault et la thermographie pour la détection de défauts dans différent secteur industriels.

Ma formation en CND me permet de toucher a toute les techniques et ainsi de changer, varier mon travail.

Depuis le début de mes études je me suis passionnée pour le contrôle et l'évaluation de matériaux et structures.

Mes compétences :
NDT Testings
Eddy current
Welding engineer
Mechanical engineering


  • ISO - President of committee ISO/TC 135 Non-destructive testing - SC 4 Eddy current testing

    Genève 20 2016 - maintenant Responsible for the sub-committee SC4 Eddy current testing at an international level. The main tasks are: to promote the ISO activities in this field and to facilitate consensus among experts and delegates for the creation of new work items.
  • Eddyfi - Product Manager, Surface

    Québec 2015 - maintenant Eddyfi is a dynamic company in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment. Eddyfi focuses on providing complete high-end solutions for the inspection of critical components in several major industries including nuclear, power generation, and Oil & Gas. The company develops performing and reliable test instruments, scanners, surface & tube probes, and acquisition & analysis software. Eddyfi has the expertise, engineering, and manufacturing flexibility to supply fully-integrated and specially-made solutions that make customers safer, more efficient and more profitable.

    Main tasks: Product Manager of all the surface inspection solutions (Business Development, Technical guidance for standard and innovative solutions), Support for Eddyfi Europe SAS director, Sales support.
  • Eddyfi - Team Manager, Eddyfi Europe & Application Engineer, Electromagnetic Technologies

    Québec 2014 - 2015 Main tasks: Manager of both application and aftersales services team, Support for Eddyfi Europe SAS director, Product Manager, Client and R&D projects manager, Carry out tests and research, Help with the development of new eddy current tools, Sales support.
  • Eddyfi - Specialist, Eddy current technology

    Québec 2012 - 2014 In September 2012, Eddyfi announced the creation of Eddyfi Europe, a new and fully-owned subsidiary of Eddyfi NDT, Inc. The new company, located near Lyon (France), offers sales, application development & support, and product services. The company’s modern and spacious facilities are equipped with an applications laboratory, a meeting / training room, a calibration and repair laboratory, and a tubing probe storage area.

    Main tasks: R&D projects manager, carry out tests and research, help with the development of new eddy current tools, sales support.
  • TWI Ltd - Principal project leader

    2005 - 2012 TWI is a global leader in technology engineering providing research and consultancy to its members. Respected for its expertise, professionalism, impartiality and confidentiality, TWI works with the most influential companies worldwide across all industry sectors.

    TWI's specialist knowledge consist of structural integrity and corrosion management, materials testing, NDT, failure investigation, welding and joining technologies, materials processing and training.

    Main tasks: R&D projects manager (from small single client to Large collaborative projects), identify profitable new business, prepare proposals for clients and European competitions, develop electromagnetic techniques (Conventional Eddy current, Eddy current array, MFL, ACFM, etc), develop innovative solutions using other advanced NDT methods, such as: UT phased array, thermography, TOFD



Annuaire des membres :