

Levallois-Perret Cedex France

En résumé

I have always been a curious person, eager to learn. I am passionate about discovering new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures which has led me to study, work, and travel. By doing this I have learned, experienced and accomplished many things that has forged the person I am now.

Mes compétences :
Relation client


  • Tmp Worldwide France - Consultante marque employeur

    Levallois-Perret Cedex France 2018 - maintenant
  • restaurant et brasseeries BOCUSE - RH

    2017 - 2018
  • Club Méditerranée - Coordinatrice RH Communication pour la zone Europe du nord, Afrique, Moyen Orient

    Paris 2016 - 2017
  • Easy Skill - In charge of Marketing and Business development

    Lyon 2015 - 2016 EASY SKILL is an engineering company specializing in Oil & Gas, Nuclear and Electrical power industries based in Lyon, France and in the Gold Coast, Australia, Nouméa, New Caledonia.

    Easy Skill excels in providing tailored Engineering, Recruitment and Training solutions.

    I'm currently in charge of Business development and marketing in this company.

    My professional assignment is contribut to develop the brand image, meet the needs of our customers.

    Provide by a rigorous recruitment process new collaborators and selecting people with outstanding human qualities.

  • JUCY Group - Customer service manager

    2014 - 2015 Ensure all customer service is provide to highest standard including in's, email, phone enquiries..

    Provide accurate and up to date information to all customer including info. & products and JUCY Brand.

    Effectively up sell JUCY product and insurance

    Ensure aailablably of fleet is recorded and updated in the system.

    Liaise effectively with external service providers where required.

    Research identify and recommend opportunities for business process and system improvement.

    Establish and maintain excellent relationship with all stakeholders colleagues and customer through effective networking and development of high value.
  • Palm Bay Resort - Whitsunday Island, Queensland, AUSTRALIA - Staff manager

    2014 - 2014 - Process reservations
    - supervise wedding organisation
    - Participate in the weel functioning day per day
    - Take care of the customer during his stay
    - Be sure our establishment is entirely blamless
    - Give the best of quality to the customer
    - Keep work area clean in back office and manage the staff (cooking staff and room keeper, gardener)

  • Culligan - Attachée Commerciale

    Voisins le Bretonneux 2014 - 2014 - Elaborer un relation durable avec le prospect et l'informer des solutions qui lui sont offertes.
    - Toujours être alerte face à la concurrence.
    - Relancer les clients tièdes et chaud.
    - Prendre des rendez-vous.
    - Effectuer des demonstrations produits.
    - Assister aux reunions et briefing "dealer".
    - Assister aux installations et briefer les techniciens pour les demandes particulières parfois de certains clients.
    - Developper le secteur qui m'a été attribué.
    - Toujours alimenter le portefeuille client.
    - Assurer la relation et le service après vente.
    - Faire des parrainages.
    - Etre constante dans ses ratios hebdomadaires, mensuels.
  • Havas Worldwide Paris - Assistante junior, pôle édition.

    Puteaux 2012 - 2012 Rapports annuels de grands comptes (Groupe Accor, Colas, Véolia, La Poste..)
  • STUDIO CEG Charles Edouard Gil - Chargée de communication et responsable relations client

    2012 - 2012 Prospection téléphonique
    Création et qualification de BDD
    Prise de rendez-vous et animation des rendez-vous
    Assistanat photo
    Gérance de la relation client sur le salon de la mode (Who's next Paris)
    Création de site internet

  • Nevada conseil en communication - Assistante chef de fabrication / chef de pub

    2012 - 2012 Achat d'espace
    Plans médias
    Rétros plannings
    Comparatifs concurrentiels
    Rendez-vous clients, fournisseur supports pub
    Préparation appel d'offres
  • Decathlon france - Hotesse d'accueil

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2011 - 2011
  • PEJ Parlement Europeen des Jeunes France - Responsable budgétaire comité Auvergne/Rhône -Alpes.

    2010 - 2012


  • IDRAC- Ecole Supérieure De Communication- Sup De Com

    Lyon 2011 - 2013 - Marketing et management
    - Stratégie de communication
    - Négociation client et prestataire – l’achat et la vente d’espace
    - Communication hors media : événementielle, relations publiques, relations presse, marketing direct, promotion
    - Psychosociologie – approche sémiologiqueEconomie générale
    - PAO et techniques d'impressions
    - Droit : principes généraux, droit des contrats et de la responsa


Annuaire des membres :