
Anne-Sophie CORBEAU


En résumé

Spécialiste des marchés de l'énergie
Experte des marchés globaux du gaz - problématiques d'approvisionnement, demande, prix, régulation, tendances
Intervenante lors de conférences mondiales sur l'énergie

Mes compétences :


  • Kapsarc (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center) - Research fellow

    2014 - maintenant
  • International Energy Agency - Senior gas expert

    2009 - 2014 Currently in charge of global gas markets, focussing on medium-term aspects. This includes monitoring global supply/demand developments, prices,
    Provide recommendations to goverments on regulation, security of gas supply.
    Regular keynote speaker at major global gas conferences
    Lead author of the Medium-Term Gas Market reports.
    Co-author of the IEA report - Developing a natural gas trading in Asia
    Lead author of the IEA report - Pricing and Regulation, China’s challenges and IEA experiences
  • Cambridge Energy Research Associates - Associate Director

    2006 - 2009 Specialist of gas fundamentals in charge of European gas supply, demand and price forecasts.
  • Cambridge Energy Research Associates - Associate

    2003 - 2006 Specialist of gas fundamentals and of the French, German and Central European gas markets


  • Universität Stuttgart (Stuttgart)

    Stuttgart 1999 - 2001 Energietechnik

    Fakultät Energietechnik
  • Ecole Centrale Centrale Paris / ECP

    Chatenay Malabry 1997 - 2000 Energie

    Double Diplôme

    Sciences et Génie Energétique


Annuaire des membres :