I am currently working as a postdoctoral Fellow at in the laboratoryof Patricia Gaspar. My main line of interest is the exquisite orchestration of molecular, cellular and physiological events occurring throughout brain development to built adult cognitive and emotional functions. During my PhD, I have mainly focused on the extrinsic cues regulating cortical neurogenesis and the formation of functional cortical areas during mouse development. My training provided me with a solid foundation in biochemistry, molecular biology and anatomy of neuronal development. During my first postdoctoral study, I wanted to go further into studying the integration of post-mitotic neurons into functional circuitry and work in a closer relationship with clinical strategies for developmental mood disorders.I studied how serotonergic activity during a critical period of development (postnatal days 2-11) affects the physiology and the topology of adults brains to impact cognitive and emotional behaviors. I mainly applied pharmacogenetics to specifically modulate serotonergic activity and observed that invcreased levels of 5-HT are anxiogenic while decreasing levels of 5-HT in PNFLX animals is anxiolytic. I further dissected antagonist functions of DR and MR on floating behavior in the FST, a test for depression-like behavior. I know work on the molecular anamysis of early stress and increased 5-HT levels during development, in order to identify early biomarkers for psychiatric vulnerability.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Imagerie Confocale
Redaction de Projets
Comportement Animal
Neurosciences Cognitive