My experience in management extends over 10 years as I have progressed from companies such as PPR in automotive sections as CEO in Africa, to my current role as Operations Manager for a € 14 million hotel group in South Pacific.
The following are some of the competencies I offer:
• Strong managerial and oversight skill, I expertly direct a team of 250 unionized employees,
7 office staff and temporary seasonal labor. Due to the varying set of skills of the staff and level of
professional expertise, I work with each group to promote their strengths and provide opportunities to
learn and grow.
• Excel at identifying untapped markets and business opportunities both nationally and internationally.
• Expertise in developing profitable partnerships and forging global strategies alliances.
• Strong track record of bottom-line responsibility for product launch, pricing, marketing and
promotional initiatives.
• A career history of consistently increasing productivity and reducing costs.
Mes compétences :
Organisation et stratégie
Logistique globale
Commerce international