

  • Audensiel Technologies
  • Project Engineer - RESTful Application - Java - Angular - RxJS


En résumé

Software Engineer, passionate about new technologies in IT, holder of a master's degree in Intelligent and Communicating Systems (Cergy-Pontoise University, and ITIN / ESCIA Higher School of Computer Science), and currently having more than 10 years of practice in software engineering, more recently in project management, essentially articulated around defense and security missions and multimedia systems.

Currently Project Engineer at Khiplus on a RESTful Web Services solution, database oriented.

Main missions :
- Planning : Work Breakdown Structure, GANTT, MS Project planning, risk analysis, workpackage sheet,
- Writing functional and technical specifications : SSS, SSDD, IRS, SRS, SDD,
- Software design and development : C, Java (Java 17, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Swing, RESTful Web Services), HTML / PHP / TypeScript / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL, Shell Script, Angular (Angular 15, RxJS),
- CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
- Writing software test documents : STP, STD, STR,
- Production of software deliverables,
- Management : activities progress, indicators monitoring, costs / deadlines / quality control, actions plan,
- Communication : interface with project managers / internal teams, update of dashboards, reporting with the hierarchy,
- Organization : Deadlines respect, keeping of commitments.

Software security (Air Traffic Control / Aeronautics) :
- EUROCAE ED-153 / ED-109A / ED-12B,
- RTCA DO-278B / DO-178B,
- MIL-STD-498.

Software assurance level :
- SWAL 3.

Methods :
- V-Model,
- Agile (Scrum).


  • Audensiel Technologies - Project Engineer - RESTful Application - Java - Angular - RxJS

    Informatique | Montreuil (28500) 2020 - maintenant Project engineer on an RESTful Web Services solution, database oriented.

    Systems : Linux / Windows.
    Languages : Java (Java 17, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, RESTful Web Services), HTML / TypeScript / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL.
    Framework : Angular (Angular 15, RxJS).
    Tools : Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Node Package Manager, Angular CLI, Chrome / Firefox DevTools, Redux DevTools.
    Container : Apache Tomcat.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Continuous Integration : JUnit, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor.
    Integration : Postman.
    Protocols : TCP, HTTP.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Technical Project Manager - MG2S - SCCOA (CLA / SRSA / CMCC) - French Air Force

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2020 - 2020 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical lead of development, integration and validation activities on the MG2S project (Marché Global de Soutien du SCCOA / SCCOA Global Support Market) whose objective is to ensure the MOC (Maintenance in Operational Condition) and MSC (Maintenance in Safety Condition) of three major systems of the SCCOA program (Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opérations Aérospatiales / Command and Control System of French Aerospace Operations), i.e. all :
    - CLA (Contrôle Local d'Aérodrome / Local Aerodrome Control) centers of French Air Force,
    - SRSA (Système de Radiocommunication Sol-Air / French Ground-to-Air Radiocommunication System) secure network,
    - radiocommunications from CMCC (Centres Militaires de Coordination et de Contrôle / French Military Coordination and Control Centers).

    Activities :
    - Planning (WBS, GANTT, MS Project planning, risk analysis),
    - Management (activities progress, indicators monitoring, costs / deadlines / quality control, actions plan),
    - Interface with the DGA (Direction générale des armées / French Armed Forces General Directorate),
    - Interface with the development / integration / validation teams,
    - Update of dashboards,
    - Reporting with the hierarchy,
    - Deadlines respect,
    - Keeping of commitments,
    - Technical support,
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Planning : Microsoft Project.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Dia.
    Integration : TestLink.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-153 / ED-109A.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Software Engineer (Embedded Software Integration) - VoIP ATM Component - IP Gateway

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2019 - 2019 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical support on the VGoIP (Voice Gateway over IP) work package : IP gateway solution, ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented, compatible with the EUROCAE ED-137 standard (Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components), ensuring the interconnection of analog / digital equipments of the CSoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    Activities :
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
    - Bug management (GForge),
    - Writing STR (Software Test Report),
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Mint), Embedded Linux, Microsoft Windows.
    Cards : MIAe, MIAe + MPCPRO.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : C, C++, Shell Script.
    Cross Compilation : PowerPC SDK.
    Tools : VIM.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Protocols : TCP, UDP, SIP, RTP, RTSP, SNMP, SSH, SSL / TLS.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-137 / ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Software Engineer (Embedded Linux Integration) - Micro Switch Board - Eth Audio Interface Module

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2018 - 2018 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical support on the LDB (Logiciel de Base) work package : Embedded Linux providing a set of system services ensuring the implementation hardware on micro radio switch cards, ethernet audio interface module, and VGoIP (Voice Gateway over IP), for the CSoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    Activities :
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) / HWCIs (HardWare Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
    - Bug management (GForge),
    - Writing STR (Software Test Report),
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Mint), Embedded Linux, Microsoft Windows.
    Cards : MCR 3K, MCR 3K_2G + MPC885, MCR 3K_2G + MPCPRO, MIAe, MIAe + MPCPRO.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : C, C++, Shell Script.
    Cross Compilation : PowerPC SDK.
    Tools : VIM, Code Composer Studio.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Protocols : TCP, UDP, SNMP, SSH, SSL / TLS.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Software Engineer (Design) - VoIP ATM Component - Centralized Smart Management Tool

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2018 - 2018 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical support on the CMoIP (Configuration and Management over IP) work package, centralized supervision interface, ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented, and providing configuration, technical and operational supervision, as well as analysis of operating data, of equipments integrating the CSoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    Activities :
    - Writing functional and technical specifications : SRS (Software Requirements Specification), SDD (Software Design Description),
    - Software design (design decisions, architectural decisions),
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Gentoo, Mint), Microsoft Windows.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : Java (Java 8, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Swing), Shell Script.
    Tools : VIM.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Protocols : TCP, UDP, SNMP, SSH, SSL / TLS, LDAP, BitTorrent.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Software Engineer (Integration) - VoIP ATM Component - Multifunction Touch Screen Terminal

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2017 - 2018 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical support on the VPoIP (Voice Position overIP) work package, communication operator station, compatible with the EUROCAE ED-137 standard (Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components), providing, via interfacing with a RS (Radio Switch), a TS (Telephone Switch), and a VR (Voice Recorder), access to the functions of processing of voice (radio, telephone, intercom), and guaranteeing control missions in regional control centers.

    Activities :
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
    - Bug management (GForge),
    - Writing STR (Software Test Report),
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Gentoo, Mint), Microsoft Windows.
    Features : Multifunction Touch Screen Terminal.
    Cards : MIAe, MIAe + MPCPRO.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : C, C++, Shell Script.
    Tools : VIM.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Protocols : TCP, UDP, SIP, RTP, RTSP, SNMP, SSH, SSL / TLS.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-137 / ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Cs Communication & Systemes - Work Package Manager / Software Engineer - VoIP ATM Component - ED-137 Voice Recorder

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2017 - 2020 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Lead on the VRoIP (Voice Recorder over IP) work package : modular and secure solution for recording and replay voice over IP (radio, telephone, intercom), ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented, compatible with the EUROCAE ED-137 standard (Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components), high availability architecture, and integrated on the CsoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    Activities :
    - Planning (WBS, GANTT, MS Project planning, risk analysis, workpackage sheet),
    - Writing functional and technical specifications (SSS, SSDD, IRS, SRS, SDD),
    - Software design and development (C, Java, HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL),
    - Writing STP and STD,
    - CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
    - Bug management (GForge) and bug fixes,
    - Writing STR,
    - Production of software deliverables,
    - Management (activities progress, indicators monitoring, costs / deadlines / quality control, actions plan),
    - Communication (interface with project managers, update of dashboards, reporting with the hierarchy),
    - Deadlines respect,
    - Keeping of commitments,
    - Technical support,
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Gentoo, Mint), Microsoft Windows.
    HA cluster architecture : using 3 dedicated servers.
    Planning : Microsoft Project.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : C, Java (Java 8, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Swing), HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL, Shell Script.
    HA cluster stack : Corosync, Pacemaker, DRBD.
    Tools : VIM, Eclipse, GDB.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Continuous Integration : Gerrit, Jenkins, Klocwork, SonarQube.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Virtualization : Virtualbox.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-137 / ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • GitHub - Bénévole - Concepteur / développeur logiciel embarqué - Android Voice Recorder

    Informatique | Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (78700) 2015 - 2017 Conception et développement du logiciel AC2RD (Android Call Recorder Replayer Dictaphone) : application Android, sous licence GNU GPL version 3, assurant l'enregistrement automatique de conversations téléphoniques, mais aussi les fonctionnalités de rejeu, et de dictaphone.

    Caractéristiques principales : enregistrement automatique des appels téléphoniques entrants/sortants, formats audio 3GPP/MP3/AMR/WAV supportés, dictaphone, et widget avec raccourcis sur les fonctions principales.

    Caracéristiques secondaires : filtres d'appels, enregistrement sur secousse de l'appareil, gestion de la mémoire interne/externe, monitoring des ressources utilisées, organisation des enregistrements (tri par date / type), purge des enregistrements obsolètes, verrouillage possible des enregistrements importants, rejeu avec effets (spectre audio en mode lignes/barres), journalisation des événements, notification par son/vibration/LED, et interface graphique customisable (style/couleur).

    Langues supportées : Arabe, Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol, Français, Indien, Japonais, Portuguais, Russe, et Chinois.

    URL(s) :
    - https://github.com/vassela/AC2RD
    - https://gitlab.com/vassela/AC2RD
    - https://bitbucket.org/vassela/ac2rd/src/master/

    Environnement technique :
    - OS : LINUX Ubuntu, Android.
    - Langages : Java.
    - Outils : Eclipse, ADT, ADB, Android SDK, GIT, Meld.

    Informations complémentaires :
    - Code quality (codacy) : B.
    - API : 9+.
    - Target API : 24.
    - JDK : 1.7+.
    - Android support : v4.app, v7.appcompat.
    - Licence : GPLv3.
  • CS Communication & Systèmes - Software Engineer (Design, Development, Integration) - VoIP ATM Component - ED-137 Voice Recorder

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2014 - 2017 Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Design, development and integration on the VRoIP (Voice Recorder over IP) work package : modular and secure solution for recording and replay voice over IP (radio, telephone, intercom), ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented, compatible with the EUROCAE ED-137 standard (Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components), high availability architecture, and integrated on the CsoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    Activities :
    - Writing functional and technical specifications : SSS (System / Subsystem Specification), SSDD (System / Subsystem Design Description), IRS (Interface Requirements Specification), SRS (Software Requirements Specification), SDD (Software Design Description),
    - Software design (design decisions, architectural decisions),
    - Software development (C, Java, HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL),
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - CSCIs (Computer Software Configuration Item) integration / Subsystem validation,
    - Bug management (GForge) and bug fixes,
    - Writing STR (Software Test Report),
    - Production of software deliverables,
    - Compliance with software security standards : EUROCAE ED-153, ED-109A.

    Systems : Linux (Gentoo, Mint), Microsoft Windows.
    High availability cluster architecture : using 3 dedicated servers.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Reqtify, Dia.
    Languages : C, Java (Java 8, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Swing), HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS, PostgreSQL, Shell Script.
    High availability cluster stack : Corosync, Pacemaker, DRBD.
    Tools : VIM, Eclipse, GDB.
    Versioning : SVN, GIT, Gitea, Meld.
    Continuous Integration : Gerrit, Jenkins, Klocwork, SonarQube.
    Integration : TestLink, Bug Tracker (GForge).
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump, iReasoning MIB browser.
    Virtualization : Virtualbox.
    Standards : EUROCAE ED-137 / ED-153 / ED-109A, X.509.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • Sagemcom - R&D Engineer (Embedded Software Development) - IPTV Set-Top Box - Multi App Framework - Android

    Informatique | Rueil-Malmaison 2012 - 2013 URD44:2 (CS Group service provision) : Research and Development of innovative solutions in multimedia, and Digital TV.

    Activities :
    - Software development (C) of a variation of the Skype application on Set-Top Box (Intel MINT2 card), based on a "skype controller" stack (solution provided by MAXIM company), managing H.264 video format, controllable by remote control, and suitable for use on Digital TV,
    - Software development (C, C ++, Java) of an innovative "all-in-one" IPTV oriented multi-application embedded environment, based on MAF (Intel Multi-Application Framework) and Clutter technologies, running on Set-Top Box (Intel M41 card), controllable by remote control / Android tablet, and integrating different technologies, such as : access to a TV portal (via SagemCom Middleware), freebrowsing (Opera browser), youtube, Picture in Picture, Skype video calls, voice / facial recognition (solution provided by CogniView), or even various applications running both on Linux (native embedded distribution) and Android (virtualized OS version 4.3),
    - Software development (C) of a Wifi pairing system (WPS-PBC) for Atheros chipset, based on the low level layers of the WPA Supplicant stack (free software implementing IEEE 802.11), as well as on the OPAL abstraction layer (produced by SagemCom), and intended to operate on a consumer product (decoder with an ST M79TP card) from the TPSA group (Orange Poland).

    Systems : Linux (Ubuntu), Embedded Linux, Android.
    Cards : Intel MINT2, Intel M41, ST M79TP.
    Specifications : Libre Office, Dia.
    Languages : C, C++, Java, Shell Script.
    API : Clutter.
    Cross Compilation : Buildroot, Intel / ST Toolchain, Android SDK.
    Tools : VIM, Eclipse, ADT, GDB, ADB.
    Versioning : SVN, Meld.
    Integration : Bug Tracker (Bugzilla).
    Protocols : RTP, D-BUS, HDMI CEC.
    Analysis : Wireshark, TCPdump.
    Virtualization : QEMU.
    Methods : Agile (Scrum).
  • CS - Communication & Systèmes - Apprentice - Software Engineer

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson (92350) 2010 - 2011 Aeronautics and Embedded Systems Business Unit : Learning, and putting into practice (functional / technical specifications, design, JavaScript/SQL development, integration, validation) of standards : MIL-STD-498 and DO-178B, inherent in the military and aeronautical fields, within the framework of the creation of an internal tool (tool dedicated to the management / configuration of leave).

    Activities :
    - System / software specification,
    - Definition and traceability of HLR (High Level Requirements) and LLR (Low Level Requirements),
    - Writing functional and technical specifications : SSS (System / Subsystem Specification), SSDD (System / Subsystem Design Description), SRS (Software Requirements Specification), SDD (Software Design Description), SDDD (Software Detailed Design Description),
    - Software design (design decisions, architectural decisions),
    - Software development (Javascript, XUL, SQL),
    - Writing STP (Software Test Plan) and STD (Software Test Description),
    - Management and monitoring of the execution of test campaigns (unit testing, integration testing , and validation testing),
    - Writing STR (Software Test Report),
    - Compliance with software military and aeronautical standards : MIL-STD-498 and DO-178B.

    Systems : Microsoft Windows.
    Specifications : Microsoft Office, Dia.
    Languages : Javascript, XUL et SQLite.
    Tools : Eclipse, Console², Gecko SDK.
    Versioning : SVN.
    Integration : TestLink.
    Standards : MIL-STD-498, RTCA DO-178B.
    Methods : V-Model.
  • CS Communication & systemes - Software Engineer - Defense, Security & ATM - Aeronautics and Embedded Systems

    Informatique | Le Plessis-Robinson 2010 - 2020 2020 - 2020 : Technical Project Manager.
    Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Technical lead of a project (MG2S), whose objective is to ensure the MOC (Maintenance in Operational Condition) and MSC (Maintenance in Safety Condition) of three major systems of the SCCOA program (CLA, SRSA, CMCC) for French Air Force.

    2017 - 2020 : Work Package Manager / Software Engineer.
    Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Lead of a work package (VRoIP), ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented and integrated on the CsoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.
    Technical support on various other CSoIP VCS subsystems during periods of underload (CMoIP, VPoIP, VGoIP).

    2014 - 2017 : Software Engineer (Design, Development, Integration).
    Defense, Security & ATM Business Unit : Design, development and integration in a work package (VRoIP), ATC (Air Traffic Control) oriented and integrated on the CsoIP VCS (Voice Communication System) product.

    2012 - 2013 : R&D Engineer (Embedded Software Development).
    Aeronautics and Embedded Systems Business Unit : Research and Development of innovative solutions in multimedia, and Digital TV (CS Group service provision at SagemCom : URD44:2).

    2010 - 2011 : Apprentice - Software Engineer.
    Aeronautics and Embedded Systems Business Unit : Learning, and putting into practice of standards inherent in the military and aeronautical fields within the framework of the creation of an internal tool.
  • ETIS - Stagiaire développeur logiciel

    Cergy Pontoise 2009 - 2009 Mission (Laboratoire de recherche ETIS/ENSEA):
    Développement logiciel d'une vue subjective de l'environnement (reposant sur l'API Java3D) dans un système multi-agent existant. Autrement défini comme "simulateur géomatique", son rôle consiste en l'observation, et l'analyse comportementale d'un, ou plusieurs, agent(s) évoluant de façon autonome, au sein d'un environnement composé d'obstacles, de dangers, et de ressources diverses (dynamiques, et non dynamiques).

    Activités :
    - Conception,
    - Développement logiciel (Java),
    - Tests de mise au point.

    OS : LINUX Mandriva.
    Langage : Java.
    Outils : Eclipse, Java3D, SVN.
    Méthodes : UML, GANTT.


  • ESCIA - École Supérieure D'Informatique

    Cergy Pontoise 2011 - 2011 Formation : Développement applications Android

    Découverte de la plateforme Android, interface utilisateur, permissions et sécurité, liaison données/interface, internationalisation, persistance des données, réseau et média, localisation et Google Map, signature et publication d'une application.

    OS : LINUX Ubuntu.
    Langages : Java, XML, SQLite.
    Outils : Eclipse, ADT (Android Development Tools), Android SDK, Google APIs.
  • ITIN - École Supérieure D'Informatique

    Cergy Pontoise 2011 - 2011 Formation : Gestion de projet

    Formation : initiation à la gestion de projet, et mise en pratique dans le cadre d'un projet universitaire.

    Points abordés : Introduction à la gestion de projet, aspects humains, aspects techniques, normes et standards, note de cadrage, organisation, qualité, cycles, structures de découpage, planification, techniques de planification, planification via MS-Project, estimation de la charge de trava
  • Université De Cergy-Pontoise / ITIN - ESCIA

    Cergy Pontoise 2010 - 2011 Master 2 professionnel - Systèmes Intelligents et Communicants

    Formation: Temps réel et systèmes embarqués intelligents, Architecture pour les systèmes multimédia, Systèmes et réseau de communications numérique.

    Projets: développement logiciel embarqué sur Gumstix Overo, développement d'applications Android, développement d'applications temps réel (RTAI), traitement de signal audio/vidéo sur FPGA Stratix EP1S10 (via composants VHDL sous QUARTUS II & SOPC B
  • ITIN - École Supérieure D'Informatique

    Cergy Pontoise 2010 - 2010 Séminaire : Création d'entreprise

    Réalisation d'un plan d'affaire en vue de la création d'une entreprise. Description du produit, Analyse du marché, stratégie commerciale, montage juridique et financier, dossier financier, analyse des résultats, analyse des risques.

    Outils : Word, Excel, Dofi (dossier financier prévisionel).
  • Université Cergy Pontoise Master 2: Finance

    Cergy Pontoise 2009 - 2010 Master 1 - Systèmes Informatiques

    Formation: Informatique embarquée et temps réel, Traitement du signal et des images, Intelligence artificielle, Cryptographie, Réseau, Communications numérique.

    Projets: développement de drivers sur environnement uCLinux, développement d'applications sur environnement uC/OS-II (carte NIOS II + FPGA EP1S10), traitement de signal audio temps réel sur carte EZ-KIT Lite ADSP-21061 (via VisualDSP).


Annuaire des membres :