


En résumé

After graduating as an agricultural engineer (Institut polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais), I completed my studies with a specialized master in farming and food systems of southern countries (Montpellier supagro- France) . This dual skill allows me to combine technical knowledge and transversal skills about agriculture and food challenges.

I have a 4 years experience in French professional agricultural organizations, within different sectors (dairy industry, meat industry, crops). It strengthened my analytical skills about agro food chains, economy, agricultural and environment policies. It helps me to understand quickly an economic environment, its issues and sector’s players. My energy and my adaptability allow me to be entirely invested in my assignments to reach my goal.

Mes compétences :
Animation de réunions
Veille réglementaire
RSE Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises


  • Mg2mix - East Africa Development Manager

    Châteaubourg 2018 - maintenant Premix and Consultancy in Animal Nutrition
  • French Maize Growers Association (AGPM) - Project Manager _ Environment Department

    2016 - 2018 Coordination of “IRRIGANTS de France” network (36 irrigators' associations in France, 75 000 farmers)
    - Participation to the establishment of the European irrigators association (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal)
    - Technical analysis / Regulatory monitoring / policy analysis
    - Assistance in lobbying strategy to defend crop farmers and irrigators in agricultural and environmental policy making at French and European level
    - Support for farmers representatives / conducting regional meetings for farmers members / assistance of coordination and animation for experts tasks forces
    - Representation of the association to French policy makers

    Issues: biodiversity, fertilizers use, phyto-pharmaceutical use, irrigation and water resources, biotechnologies, energy, food safety
  • INTERBEV Haute Normandie, Interprofession Bétail et Viandes - Project manager _ Regional cattle and meat inter-branch organization

    2015 - 2016 Coordination of the association (4 branchs: breeders, livestock commercial traders, slaughterhouses, meat distributors)
    - Relay of national actions : regulatory instruments, quality measures, inter-trade agreements, communication programs
    - Representation of meat sector to local authorities
    - Litigation management in commercial agreements with slaughterers
    - Administrative and financial follow up
  • ALLICE (ancienne UNCEIA Union nationale des coopératives d'élevage et d'insémination animale) - Project manager_ Union of cattle selection and insemination cooperatives

    2014 - 2015 Mission: implementation of a task force “society and animal reproduction biotechnologies”
    - Inventory of controversies / science popularization strategy (15 animal breeding techniques)
    - Development of a media training
    - Writing communication tools for professionals

  • CNIEL Interprofession Laitière - Project manager – French Dairy Industry Inter-Professional Organization

    2014 - 2014 In charge of an inter-branch task group about dairy farming animal welfare
    - State of research and breeding practices for 10 items relatives to animal welfare
    - Recommendations of improvement / tools for science popularization
  • ADAR CIVAM - Stagiaire CASDAR-INTERVAL filières courtes

    2013 - 2014 • Analyse de la coopération existante et potentielle entre artisans bouchers/charcutiers et éleveurs sur le territoire de la Châtre en Berry - Etude de marché de la concurrence sur le marché des produits locaux
    • Diagnostic de territoire – Entretiens directs auprès des artisans et éleveurs – élaboration de grilles d’analyse
  • FDSEA 80 - Stagiaire

    2011 - 2011 Etude sur la valorisation des coproduits et sous-produits agro-industriels en alimentation animale dans le département de la Somme
  • Flinders university of South Australia, school of environment, Science of engineering - Stagiaire

    2010 - 2010 • Gestion et communication de projet : études d’impacts du changement climatique, développement durable


  • maintenant
  • Montpellier Supagro

    Montpellier 2013 - 2014 mastère spécialisé

    - Connaissance des fronts d'innovation et des controverses associées
    - Maîtrise des outils de prospective et des différentes catégories d'impacts
    - Connaissance des évolutions des normes, cadres réglementaires et nouvelles formes de marchés internationaux
    - Analyse des stratégies de macro-acteurs et nouvelles formes de partenariats public-privé
    - Dynamiques des comportements alimentaires
  • Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais

    Beauvais 2008 - 2013 Agriculture

    spécialité "enjeux et défis des productions animales"


Annuaire des membres :