


En résumé

Mots Clés :
Influent, persuasif, amical, communicatif, positif, optimiste, généreux, curieux, compétitif, motivé, actif, démonstratif, volontaire, ferme et indépendant.

Mes compétences :
Social Media
Google Adwords
Microsoft word
Microsoft excel
Microsoft powerpoint
Web 2.0
Social CRM
Traffic manager
Google analytics


  • McAfee - Enterprise Inside Sales Representative - France

    2014 - maintenant
  • McAfee - Lead Developement Representative - France

    2013 - 2014
  • University of Strathclyde - Master Project: Social Media and National Football Team

    2012 - 2012 Project Title:
    National Football Team and their fans: An analysis on the adoption and engagement of Social Media across 5 countries (France, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland).

    Project Question:
    Through this project, I am willing to analyse the different Social Media Strategies adopted across countries in football and the reasons for being whether or not successful. To do so, I am willing to find out whether or not there is a single successful strategy adopted across countries and whether these strategies can be applied somewhere else. By extension, I will analyse the impact of culture into the adoption and engagement of social media strategies across countries.
  • The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust - Online Marketing - Volunteer

    2012 - 2012 Among a group of 4, I am taking part in the Google Online Marketing Challenge.

    This project is a voluntary project initiated by myself.With a US$250 budget provided by Google, we have to develop an online advertising strategy for the Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust (Scottish Based NGO) by using Google AdWords and Google+.

    As this is a Global Challenge, we will be in competition with students from everywhere around the world which is very motivating.

    - Increase awareness of PSYBT.

    - Proposed and Execute an AdWords Strategy
    - Proposed and Execute a Social Media Strategy

    Skills Acquired:
    - Use of Google AdWords
    - Use of Google Analytics
    - Use of Google +
    - Media Planing
    - Developing a web-based marketing campaign that will stand out among the billions of web pages available.
    - Incorporating social media into a company’s integrated marketing communication.
  • Nespresso - Spécialiste Cafés - Vendeur BtoC (Temps Partiel)

    2012 - 2013 Missions :
    - Prospection des besoins des consommateurs (Cafés, Machines, Accessoires, ...) ;
    - Développement des ventes ;
    - Construction de relations durables avec les clients ;
    - Assistance des collègues dans leurs tâches quotidiennes.
  • Student In Free Entreprise (SIFE) - Business Development & Webmarketing - Volunteer

    2011 - 2012 From September 2011 to January 2012:
    - Creating a business to insert people in need into the job market.

    Due to a lack of financial support, the project had been suspended.

    From January 2012 to now:
    - Involvement in the Website Team.

    - Development of the society awareness via Social Media

    Skills Acquired:
    - Use of Social Media Advertising Tools
  • University of Strathclyde Catering Department - Food and Beverage Assistant

    2011 - 2011 Hospitality staff for the University of Strathclyde.
    - Setting-up event
    - Dealing with money
    - Delivering high-end service

    Skills Acquired:
    - Adaptability (working with different people in different places across the University)
    - Customer Services (Greeting, Helping Customers, Providing High-End Customer Services)
    - Being autonomous in my daily tasks due to self-mission I had been given.
  • Student Tours Scotland - New Venture Creation - Voluntary Work

    2011 - 2011 Market Analysis

    External Analysis:
    - Analysis of the current Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal environment of Scotland and United Kingdom in the Tourism Industry,

    Internal Analysis:
    - Analysis of the current competitor in the student tour market,
    - Analysis of the potential buyers (customers, BtoB and BtoC segment,...) in the city of Glasgow and how to access them,
    - Analysis of the potential suppliers to enable trips to be run on a weekly basis such as bus company
    - Analysis of the current barriers to entry for a tour company dedicated to students and finding out alternatives (Rules and regulation for a tour company, Gap Student time, ...)
    - Analysis of the different substitutes on the market for student tour company (Car rental, Train and Bus Discount, ...)

    Definition of the sales objective on the short term (1 Year),

    Result: the company is making profit on every trip

    Skills Acquired:
    - Research analysis in a foreign environment
    - Setting-up a real business
    - Dealing in a foreign language
  • Blue Arrow - Food and Beverage Assistant

    Luton 2010 - 2012 Hospitality staff for different venues (Glasgow Rangers, Hilton Hotel, Mar Hall Hotel,) in and around Glasgow.

    Skills Acquired:
    - Adaptability (working with different people in different places)
    - Customer Services (Greeting, Helping Customers)
    - Dealing on a foreign language in a business environment
  • Office de Tourisme Albi - Business Development & Marketing (Online & Offline) Intern

    2010 - 2010 Market Analysis

    External Analysis:
    - Analysis of the current Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal environment of France in the Tourism Industry,

    Internal Analysis:
    - Analysis of the current competitors of the Tourist Office of Albi in the Midi-Pyrénées Region and more specially in the Tarn Department.
    - Analysis of the potential customers in the Business to Business (BtoB) and Business to Consumer (BtoC) segment in the regional, national and international area and how to access them,
    - Analysis of the potential suppliers that could be partnering the Tourist Office for futures tours such as Hotels, Restaurant.
    - Analysis of the current barriers to entry for a tour company and finding out alternatives (Rules and regulation for a tour company, Access to disable people, ...)
    - Analysis of the different substitutes on the market for student tour company (Car rental, Train and Bus tickets discount, ...)

    - Product creation for people with "physically-handicapped" people
    - Creation of partnership between the Tourist Office and Hotels/Restaurants in the region of Albi.
    - Launching of this product
    - Website creation for group activities.

    - Following to the last trend, I recommended to the Tourist Office to be present and active on Social Media sites. (Facebook, Tweeter, Youtube, Blogs)

    Skills Aquired:
    - Website creation,
    - Time Management
    - Dealing with Head-Manager
    - Working in a real business environment
  • Glasgow Rangers Football Club - Food and Beverage Assistant

    2010 - 2012 Mission:
    - Setting up the board room - room used by board members and families
    - Delivering high-end service

    Skills Acquired:
    - Customer Services (Greeting, Helping Customers, Providing High-End Customer Services)
    - Being autonomous in my daily tasks due to self-mission I had been given.
  • Crédit Agricole Nord Midi-Pyrénées - Customers Assistant

    Montrouge 2009 - 2009 Mission:
    - Helping customers with their daily basis financial problem.
    - Operating customers' finance
    - Selling co-branded (non-financial) product
    - Greeting people

    Skills Acquired:
    - Flexibility
    - Leadership skills
    - Communication Skills
    - Adaptability to a new environment.
  • Nestlé Nespresso S.A. - Salesperson - Intern

    Marne La Vallée Cedex 2 2008 - 2008 As part of my Bachelor Degree, I did a placement at the Nespresso Store in Toulouse.

    - Selling coffee machine
    - Greeting customers
    - Helping other salespersons in their daily tasks

    Skills Acquired:
    - Listening Skills
    - Persuasiveness Skills
    - Self oriented (I took part in the Nespresso Challenge which consisted of reaching a certain percentage of sale in each range of machines)
    - Being Self
    - Relationship Builder
  • Service Departemental d'Incendie et de Secours du Tarn - Fireman/Paramedics - Part-Time

    2008 - 2010 Mission:
    - Firefighting
    - Risk Prevention
    - Organisation of emergency facilities
    - Protection of Goods, People and Environment
    - Rescuing and Evacuation of people victim of accidents, sinister or disasters.

    Skills Acquired:
    - Working in a Fast-paced Environment
    - Reactivity
    - Team work
    - Leadership skills
    - Full first aids and fire extension knowledge.
    - Being adaptable and empathetic.
  • Le Manoir de Raynaudes - Hospitality

    2007 - 2007 I work as a waiter for this English B&B based in the South-West of France in order to improve my English efficiency.

    - Setting-up the room
    - Cleaning-up at the en of the service
    - Customer Service

    Skills Acquired:
    - Dealing with people in an English Speaking environment
    - Dealing with people from different culture
    - Patience
    - Multi-tasking


  • Strathclyde University (Glasgow)

    Glasgow 2011 - 2012 Master en Management International

    Strathclyde Business School est accréditée AACSB, AMBA et EQUIS.
    Moins de 1% des écoles de management dans le monde ont reçu cette triple accréditation.

    L'université de Strathclyde a été classée Université de l'Année au 2012 Times Higher Education Awards.

    Récompensé de l'International Scholarship par l'Université de Strathclyde - Bourse Universitaire sur critères académiques. Montant: £3000.
  • Glasgow Caledonian University (Glasgow)

    Glasgow 2008 - 2009
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce De Toulouse (Balma)

    Balma 2007 - 2010 Bachelor en Business and Management

    Le Groupe ESC Toulouse (Toulouse Business School) est accréditée AACSB, AMBA et EQUIS.

    Moins de 1% des écoles de management dans le monde entier ont reçu cette triple accréditation.


Annuaire des membres :