- Directeur des Partenariats
2017 - maintenant
VP Partnerships
Renault Trucks Défense
- Sales Manager
2010 - 2016
- Partner
2009 - 2009
Concerning CVM - Customer Value Management - as well as CRM - Customer Relationship Management, any fruitful Customer Relation is a balance between culture, efficient processes and a set of tools and adequate techniques.
These tools, essential to ensure management, sharing and display of information and quality of service, must adapt to users, be user friendly and efficient. The Customer Relationship Management therefore is organized around seven main areas - database, marketing, sales force, contact center, decision-making, ERP, GED - and two dominant media: telephone and Internet.
With identical functional needs and resources - human and financial - different, "Key Accounts" and SMEs are confronted with the same implementation constraints: data access speed, specific and evolving setting, autonomy of evolution and of course budget.
- Director for Central Europe
2007 - 2009
Direction of the Central European subsidiaries of the group
Main missions:
- Member of the board of directors of Groupe Samat SA. Participation to strategic decisions for the group.
- Operational management of the Central European subsidiaries
- Coordination of the sales activities of the Central European subsidiaries
- Strategy of development in the area (Czech Republic, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Bosnia…)
Main realizations:
- Roll out of SAP in the Polish subsidiary
- Creation of new entity in Romania, with commercial successes.
- Contracts won in 2007 : Primagaz (Hu), Transbitum-Colas (Ro), BP (Gas, Pl), Lotos gas (Pl)
- Contracts won in 2008 : Air Liquide (Ro), OMV Asphalt et Heavy fuel (Ro), Apexim (Pl)
EADS Defence and Security Systems
- Director International Sales Russia and the CIS
2005 - 2007
Main missions:
- Coordinate the marketing and sales activities for the Division in Russia, CIS and Central Asia: ensure the coherence of the approaches to the customer from the different Business Units and Lines of Business
- Co-define the strategy for the Division in Russia, CIS and Central Asia
- Promote the Division portfolio at the customer's governmental level and lobby of decisional levels (home countries and customers countries)
- Negotiate contracts in complex and highly regulated contexts
- Identify new business opportunities and the potential industrial partners in the customers countries and accompany the Business Units in their teaming agreement negotiations
- Represent the Division's Marketing and Sales at the Corporate level
Main realizations:
- June 2005. Ukraine. Signature of five (5) Memoranda of Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and EADS Defence and Security Systems.
- November 2005. Russia. Signature of a contract for the supply of a complete Professional Mobile Radio network for the protection of the Druzhba pipeline (10M€).
- January 2006. Russia. Signature of Memorandum of Understanding with the State Owned Company IRKUT regarding tactical drones.
Thales Optronique SA
- Marketing and Sales Manager Russia and Ukraine
2002 - 2005
Main missions:
- Issue the commercial proposal, coordinate the technical proposal, negotiate the contract
- Lobby at the different customers' levels
- Identify and team with the local industrial partners
- Identify opportunities of addendum to the running contracts
- Lobby the French Authorities to obtain the necessary Export Licences
Main realizations:
- 2002. India. Contract for infra-red cameras in kit
- 2003-2004. Russia for India. Contract for infra-red cameras + spare-parts
- 2004. Ukraine for the USA. Contract for infra-red cameras
Thales Engineering & Consulting
- Project Engineer then Project Director
1998 - 2002
Main missions
- Coordinate the work of multinational and multi-field teams
- Manage the financial and quality aspects of the projects (cost-delays-results)
- Develop new business within the Environment and Energy domains
- Ensure continual link with the funding organisation (European Commission)
Main realizations - TACIS (Technical Assistance to CIS) programs
- Energy Efficiency in Housing (Moscow)
- Local Small Energy Resources Development (Russia)
- Resource and Environment Protection of Timano Pechora Region (Russia)
- Urban Heating Restructuring (Russia)
Other mission:
Internal Auditor - ISO 9000-V2000 norm