
Caroline ADAM


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Management Sciences for Health - Pharmacovigilance Consultant

    Casablanca 2010 - 2011 - National Assessment of the Medicine Safety Systems of South African Pharmaceutical Companies and Sponsor's with the IPAT (indicator-based Pharmacovigilance Assessment Tool): Provide support for the SPS national assessment project by facilitating and conducting assessments of the pharmaceutical industry component using the IPAT tool developed.

    - Strengthen regulatory PV in the area of capacity building and monitoring AE in clinical trial: Assist SPS activities in the development of drug safety and assessment system for clinical AE for the MRA.

    - Support the Clinical Trial regulation in South Africa: Support SPS activities in the development of the clinical trial.
  • Independant - Drug Safety & Vigilance Consultant

    2010 - maintenant DRUGS & MEDICAL DEVICES:
    - Set-up of compliant Vigilance systems
    - Regulatory Vigilance
    - Good PharmacoVigilance Practices: Preparation of customized clinical drug safety and PharmacoVigilance Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    - Training (university & professionals)
    - Drug/Med Devices safety database management
    - Expedited Reporting
    - Assistance in MAA: Support in Preparation PharmacoVigilance plan & PharmacoVigilance system description
    - Knowledge management
    - Project Management
  • Voisin Consulting - Vigilance Professional

    2007 - 2008 RESPONSABILITIES
    ==> Project & team management
    ==> PharmacoVigilance training
    ==> Client’s main contact point
    ==> Regulatory Competent Authority’s main contact point
    ==> Management of relation with Investigator and CRA
    ==> Management of relation with QPPV and Safety Officer


    o Expedited reporting:
    - Narrative case preparation
    - Adverse Reactions reporting to Ethics Committees and National Competent Authorities
    - ICSR electronic reporting by Eudravigilance
    - Eudravigilance medical product dictionary registration

    o Periodic safety reporting:
    - ASR preparation in collaboration with Investigators
    - PSUR preparation in collaboration with QPPV

    o Assistance in MAA:
    - Preparation of MAA Module 1.8.1 - PharmacoVigilance System Description

    ==> Results: Submission in the 27 European countries

    o Good PharmacoVigilance Practices:
    - Preparation of customized clinical drug safety and PharmacoVigilance Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for clients or for internal activity
    - Process know-how

    ==> Results: Successful audit

    o Drug safety database management:
    - PharmacoVigilance module in Safety-Easy database (PharmacoVigilance database system ICH-E2B compliant)
    - Vigilance module in Safety-Easy database (Vigilance database system)

    ==> Results: Good management of the cases

    o Knowledge management, as Leader of the Vigilance task force:
    - Internal training in PharmacoVigilance
    - Information day at EMEA on signal detection (June 2008)
    - Comments on Note for Guidance Eudravigilance Human Version 7.1 to Eudravigilance

    ==> Results: Efficient sharing knowledge at Voisin Consulting
  • Voisin Consulting - Regulatory Affairs Consultant

    2007 - 2008 RESPONSABILITIES
    ==> Team Leader
    ==> Client’s contact point
    ==> Regulatory Competent Authority’s contact point
    ==> Management of relation with Investigator and CRA

    o Clinical trial handling:
    - CTA preparation and initial submission
    - First patient inclusion
    - Amendments

    o Good Clinical Practices :
    - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) writing

    ==> Results: Submission and approbation of 10 studies in 12 European countries

    o ATU (Autorisation Temporaire d'Utilisation) Handling:
    - ATU dossier preparation and submission
    - Patient Inclusion monitoring
    - Preparation Training

    ==> Results: Submission and approbation of 1 program in 1 country



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