
Caroline SCOTT


En résumé

Traductrice indépendante diplômée depuis 2008, je travaille pour le compte d’agences de traduction, de PME et de particuliers basés en France, Suisse, Belgique, Italie, au Luxembourg, Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

J'apporte à mes traductions et relectures plus de 13 ans d'expérience professionnelle en entreprises (multinationale et PME) dans des domaines tels que l'aéronautique, l'informatique et le droit.

De langue maternelle française, j’ai vécu plus de 10 ans aux États-Unis, où je me rends régulièrement. Je suis basée dans la région toulousaine depuis 2001.

Je suis membre de la Société française des traducteurs (SFT) depuis 2009 et donc signataire de son code de déontologie.

Vous pouvez me contacter à l'adresse suivante : caroline@scott-traductions.fr ou visiter mon site Internet pour plus d'informations : http://www.scott-traductions.fr

Mes compétences :
English and French languages
Traduction médicale
Marketing produit


  • ScottTraductions - English/French Translator

    2008 - maintenant Fields of competencies: aeronautics, spatial, economics, finance, software,
    hardware, tourism, international organizations, energy, medical,
    telecommunication, web site content etc.
  • Eurodoc - In-house Translator

    2008 - 2008 Fields: spatial, aeronautics, communications and electronics.

    Software localization, training PowerPoint presentations, contracts.
  • TRA-DUC-TION point GB - In-house Translator

    2008 - 2008 Fields: finance, economics, international organizations, training.

    Press releases, financial articles, training PowerPoint presentations, annual reports etc.
  • Sogeclair - In-house Translator/Executive assistant

    BLAGNAC 2001 - 2006 - Translation of documents from French to English:

    Responses to calls for tender; statements of work; safety manuals;
    memorandums; technical proposals; Memorandums of Understanding;
    aeronautical contracts; PowerPoint presentations for clients; company's
    Internet website; technical forms; IT user's manuals; quality manuals; quality
    audit reports; in-house payroll software.

    - Proofreading of employees’ translations.

    - Project management:
     Administrative assistance on the A380 and A400M programs.
    Participated in the search, selection and hiring of new employees
    (permanent or sub-contractors).
     Administrative management of 140 people working on site or on
    customer’s premises.
  • Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA - Associate Paralegal

    1993 - 2001 - Associate Paralegal in the Immigration Group (1 and half year)
     Prepared international visa applications for students (J1 and F1) and
    exchange visitor researchers (J1). Coordinated the filing of these
    applications with the Human Resources Department, trainees,
    researchers as well as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).
     Prepared re-entry permit applications, replacements of green card
    forms, and extensions of status applications for business visitors (B1
     Administrative and billing duties for the 3 attorneys of the group,
    including: preparation and typing of legal documents; planning of
    business trips; billing; schedule planning; mail distribution.

    - Associate paralegal in the Trademark Group (5 years)
     Translations of documents (trademark certificates, Internet sites and
    information for law suits etc). Assisted in the localization of our
    international product names. Ensured our localization policies were
    applied and that localized product names were available and approved
    before use.
     Maintained Microsoft’s international trademark portfolio: filed new
    worldwide trademark applications according to the national and
    international needs of Microsoft and its subsidiaries. Answered to office
    actions issued by international Trademark Offices.
     Studied and prepared trademark cases after acquisitions and mergers.
    Assisted in international opposition matters by collecting the necessary
    information from our worldwide associates, Microsoft subsidiaries or
    from the Internet.
     Helped maintain the worldwide-localized Microsoft “Trademark
    Guidelines” web sites, by corresponding with the Redmond
    Microsoft.com team and the Trademark Questions aliases from all
    international subsidiaries.

    - Records assistant in the Records Group (1 and half year)
    Set up and maintained records for the LCA department. Indexed documents
    and files. Input information to the online records information database.



Annuaire des membres :