


En résumé

Je suis consultante indépendante en Gestion de Programme/Projets pour les processus et outils informatiques Achats et Approvisionnement (Source-to-Pay) et Déplacements & Notes de Frais auprès de Groupes Industriels (Chimie, Matériaux..).

Je fais particulièrement attention aux phases de préparation des projets du programme, en impliquant au plus tôt toutes les équipes concernées. Je veille à lanticipation des impacts et des risques ainsi quà mettre en place une solide approche de conduite du changement.

J'ai de l'intérêt pour les projets transversaux (impliquant plusieurs Fonctions et/ou des Services Partagés) et je sais naviguer au sein d'organisations internationales et complexes.
J'apprécie de déployer des outils modernes (Saas, Mobile App, IoT,..).

Venez visiter le site web OpeDeal pour en savoir plus: https://www.opedeal.com

Mes compétences :
Conduite du changement
Management transversal
Gestion de projet
Business Process Management


  • CPPro OpeDeal - Independant Program Manager

    2019 - maintenant Program Manager / Senior Project Manager specialized in Purchasing & Procurement and Travel & Expenses processes and applications within Industrial Groups (Chemistry, Materials...).

    Please visit the OpeDeal website to know more: https://www.opedeal.com
  • Solvay - Travel & Expense Program Manager (WW)

    Paris 2016 - 2019 Implementation of new common T&E process & tool (incl. Concur) in EMEA (9 countries (7000 p.), LATAM and APAC with various as-is situation.
    The Program is managed by wave with a project manager for each wave.

    EMEA Change Mgnt:
    Check end-to-end to-be processes are clear and easy to communicate (including roles & responsibilities).
    Analyze impacts, risks & opportunities for employees (travelers), travel arrangers, managers, service centers, etc...
    Define/adapt Change Management Strategy.
    Organize and follow the execution of roll-out/change plans.
  • Solvay - Training & User Agility Manager

    Paris 2013 - 2016 Supervising hard-skills trainings for Solvay Shared Services (~ 1900 people in 8 main ww locations servicing the group world-widely around 4 key end-to-end processes : Hire to Retire, Procure to Pay, Order to Cash, Record to Report)
    Coordinating work with IS teams to improve IS User Agility for the group.
    Defining, improving and deploying the Change Mngt method & tools for SBS/IS projects.
  • Rhodia (now integrated in Solvay) - WW Change Management & User agility development

    2009 - 2013 Governance and coordination between IS departments and teams regarding actions that will help the usage of IS applications (rate and quality): trainings, user documentation, user portal and change management during projects...
    Scope : all functional domains, all countries, all Business Units.

    Building and animation of a network (> 120 people).
    Design of method & tools and roll-out of practices within IS family and among IS internal customers as well as continuous improvement in order to provide a simple and consistent approach to all users of IS applications.
  • Rhodia (now integrated in Solvay) - Resp Service IS applications for Purchasing & Inventory Mngt

    2006 - 2009 WW team for maintenance and projects in Purchasing & Inventory Mngt Applications (mainly on SAP : MM, SRM, HUM, WM).
    The team was based in 9 differents locations in Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific - 30-35 internal & external people.
  • Rhodia (now integrated in Solvay) - Project Manager

    2000 - 2006 Au sein du projet d'implémentation mondiale d'un système SAP unique, en charge du domaine Achat (incl. e-procurement) et Gestion des Stocks.
  • IBM Global Services - Consultante fonctionnelle SAP (MM)

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 1997 - 2000 Consultante technique puis fonctionnelle (Achats & Stocks) en clientèle



Annuaire des membres :