Premier Ministre de L'Albanie
- Conseiller special reforme de la reglementation
2009 - 2009
IKV - Chambre de Commerce de Turquie
- Consultant
2007 - 2008
Quatre formations a la preparation de fiches d'impacts reglementaires et legislatifs
- Senior advisor
2007 - 2008
Preparation de documents de travail pour le groupe sur la reforme de la reglementation.
Conseil pour la revision des normes au Mexique
Banque Mondiale
- Consultant
2006 - 2007
Consultant de la Banque Mondiale en reforme de la reglementation sur divers projets et en particulier Macedoine, Bosnie, Serbie, Croatie.
Jacobs, Cordova and Associates
- Directeur Senior
2004 - maintenant
Jacobs, Cordova & Associates
- Senior Director & Senior Director
2004 - maintenant
As a Senior Director at Jacobs, Cordova & Associates Inc., a global consulting firm specializing in regulatory reform and better business environments, he has managed reform projects in Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia. He has worked in the following project areas:
* He is the main developer of the RegulatoryResultsCalculator (RRC)©, an adapted Standard Cost Model measurement methodology embedded into a software that permits reformers to calculate the pre-reform baseline and the monetary outcomes of systematic licenses and permits reforms. The RRC has been deployed in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kenya (see IFC Smart Lessons, May 2009).
* Implementing the Regulatory Guillotine™. Based on his pioneering design of the Mexican Guillotine in 1995, Dr. Cordova has designed the framework for Vietnam (2005) and launched the first Regulatory GuillotineTM in the Balkans for the Republic of Srpska of Bosnia & Herzegovina (2006 - 2008), Serbia (2007-2008), Syria (2009 - 2011), Kyrgyzstan (2014- 2017).
* Reforming Inspection Systems. Dr. Cordova co-authored Good Practices for Business Inspections: Guidelines for Reformers (2006) and Inspections Reforms: Do models exist? (2010) published by the IFC and World Bank. The latter reviews systematically inspection reforms in 25 countries. In 2006, he also designed a special Regulatory Guillotine™ for inspection-related measures in the Republic of Srpska of Bosnia & Herzegovina (2006), Albania (2009), Armenia (2010), Kosovo (2010) and Jordan (2011), Moldova (2016) and Tajikistan (2016).
* Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) and Regulatory Consultation techniques into the regulatory systems of El Salvadore (2016- 2017), Tajikistan (2015-2016), Chile (2009 - 2010). Turkey (2006 -2009), Jordan (2008-2009), Bhutan (2008-2010) Macedonian (2007-2008), Peru (2005) and Vietnam (2004); and assessing the potential for a competition impact analysis system in Canada (2005). He has also co-designed with a technological firm partner the Internet based software e*RIA, which is the first integrated software solution for systematizing the entire process of developing draft laws and other regulations through better design, RIA, stakeholder consultation, and quality control so that governments can produce higher quality, more market-friendly regulations at lower cost.
* RIA and Regulatory Governance Training. Dr. Cordova is a lead lecturer at the RIA Training Courses being offered by the Jacobs, Cordova & Associates first with the College of Europe and now with LUISS University in Rome three times a year. He also developed and led a RIA training program for Turkish officials and business leaders and was in charge of organizing a series of regulatory governance workshops in South East Europe; also participated in the EU project to establish a Masters on Regulatory Affairs at the University of Jordan. He designed and taught six regulatory governance training courses for World Bank/IFC in South Easter Europe and design and taught the UNDP's 2nd Regional Training on Ex-ante Policy Impact Assessment with special focus on social inclusion issues and vulnerability patterns.
* Designing and Building Capacities at Regulatory Institutions in Tajikistan (2015), Bhutan (2010), Chile (2010), Albania (2009), Paraguay (2006) Macedonia (2004) and Belgium (2004). This work has its roots in worldwide assessments prepared for World Bank/FIAS and, in the case of sectorial regulators, for the Asian Development Bank.
- Deputy Head of Programme Regulatory Governance
1997 - 2004
Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development,
Dr. Cordova rose from administrator to deputy head (and acting head) of the OECD's Regulatory Management and Reforms Division. He led two flagship cooperation programs with non-OECD members as well as coordinating a new multi-disciplinary approach to the regulatory review program.
* He managed, edited and drafted keys OECD reports on regulatory management and reform, such as Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance in 2002, From Red Tape to Smart Tape: Administrative Simplification in OECD Countries in 2003, Businesses' Views on Red Tape. A multi-country Survey on Administrative and Regulatory Burdens on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in 2001; and Regulatory Governance: Improving the Institutional Basis of Sectoral Regulators in 2002.
* Dr. Cordova coordinated the OECD's Regulatory Reform Program reviews of France, Germany, Norway, Finland, Canada, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Poland which examined the pace, scope, and results of various regulatory reforms programs with each country. From 1997 to 2001, he authored reports on Government Capacity to Produce High-Quality Regulation for Canada, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Poland and Spain.
Secretaria de Economia
- Mexican Government Member
1991 - 1993
As an official member of the Mexican negotiating team for NAFTA, he prepared Mexico's negotiating position on trade and environment issues. He also helped develop Mexico's position on various trade issues for the OECD, GATT, WTO and UNCTAD.
Mexican Government
- General Director
1991 - 1997
Dr. Cordova designed and managed deregulation programs in the Environment and Labor Ministries as well as for the Mexico City government. He developed and coordinated the federal paperwork regulation program -- managing the `Guillotine process' for permits and licenses which later became the Federal Registry of Formalities. For this reform effort, he supervised a team of 15 professionals analyzing Mexico's 2500 federal administrative procedures and forms.