Irt Systemx
- Senior Software Engineer Research Development
2013 - 2016
Within the framework of the ROM project, implementation of a Proof Of Concept for shape optimization of surface structure based on an isogeometric analysis approach.
Université De Versailles Saint-quentin-en-yvelines
- Teacher-researcher
2012 - 2016
Lectures “Mechanical design of structures” (Master “Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Material and Structures” ; University of Paris Saclay).
- Senior Software Engineer Research Development
2011 - 2017
Manage and carry out researches in the fields of shape optimization and numerical
analysis; Highlight and deploy these researches in the Renault’s simulation process.
Main achievements:
- Specification and co-advising of 3 PhD theses aiming to define new shape optimization methods based on isogeometric analysis of surface structures;
- Development and implementation of new methodologies (mathematical models and algorithms) for the optimization of structures on fatigue criteria (cumulative damage);
- Development and implementation in “High Performance Computing” environment (Modelica) of 0D −1D models (Mechanics, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics) for optimization purpose.
- Project manager CAE deployment
2006 - 2010
Main responsibilities : Structure the numerical processing activities in the design process. Define and deploy a technical policy (methodology and software) to substitute virtual prototyping to physical tests.
Main achievements : Formalisation of the calculation processes deployed through the design phase (40 calculation processes are identified, they implement 49 commercial softwares and 79 “in house” programs); setting up performance indicators to measure the relevancy of calculations performed during the design cycle ; development and validation of a technical policy aimed at “100% virtual prototyping” during the first phases of the design process. Reduction by 20% of the computational costs.
- “Acoustic customer requirements project manager ” for (Renault-Nissan) petrol engines.
2002 - 2005
Responsibilities : negotiate and contract (with the Vehicle Department) the powertrain “Noise Vibrations and Harshness” specifications arising from car inner noise objectives ; define the technical solutions allowing to achieve the NVH specifications, perform their cost-value analyses, manage their technical developments and provide the acoustic agreement at quality milestones.
Main achievements : starting in production of the following applications at a good compromise level between cost and “NVH requirements” (recognised in automotive newspapers).
1.6l Renault (Modus, Clio III, Megane II, LAGUNA II)
2.0l Renault (Clio III, Megane II, LAGUNA II, Velsatis / Espace)
2.0l Nissan (Clio III)
3.5l Nissan (LAGUNA II, Velsatis / Espace)
- “Acoustic Technical Policy“ team Manager
1998 - 2001
Responsibilities : Design and promote NVH technical solutions to maintain Renault's powertrains at the best competitiveness level :
Set up an acoustic benchmarking of Renault's competitors and define an analysis procedure of the customers feedbacks in order to identify the trend and define the objectives ;
Develop simplified mechanical models of the powertrain NVH behaviour to quantify the benefits of the proposed technical solutions and carry out their "cost-value" analysis ;
Propose to the decision-makers a launching plan of the relevant technical solutions
Main achievements : validation of an acoustic "road-map" that defines the powertrains improvement policy. The implemented devices allow improvement by 5-10dB of the powertrains acoustical behaviour in low and medium frequencies (100-500Hz).
- "Advanced Calculations in Structure Analysis" team Manager
1992 - 1997
Responsibilities : insure the role of “technical expert” on the calculation software used at Renault (NASTRAN, ABAQUS, RADIOSS, SYSNOISE, IDEAS...); insure a technical survey on calculation tools available on the market; develop and deploy new calculation methods to design cars on the following aspects:
car body durability and fatigue analysis ;
car body acoustic comfort
car crash analysis.
Main achievements : In order to complement those developments and to benchmark our knowledge, I engaged and managed Renault's participation in the following European projects : Dummy Modelling for Car Crash Simulation, NVH Engineering for Low Weight Vehicle Chassis, High Performance Computational Environment for Vibro-acoustic Optimisation (budget 10M€).
The developed calculation methods became standards, which contributed to reduce by 6 months the car design phases (measured on a basis of 48 months).
- Resaerch Engineer “advanced calculations in thermic and vibrations”
1989 - 1991
Responsibilities : develop and validate a mathematical model for crankshaft dynamic simulations. Gyroscopic effects are taken into account to describe the crankshaft dynamic behaviour. The coupling between crankshaft and powertrain (on bearings) is performed by a non-linear oil film model (Reynolds's Equation). The Powertrain dynamic behaviour is simplified by using the Graig-Brampton method on FEM modal basis.
Main achievements : the program arising from this model is a standard, used to design crankshaft in fatigue and powertrain in NVH.
- Researcher
Le Chesnay
1986 - 1988
Responsibilities : develop mathematical algorithms in the fields of optimal control and mechanics. Within the framework of a research contract with Renault, I was in charge of defining calculation methods to design engine suspensions. The objective was to minimise vibrations introduced in the car body by the engine working. The design parameters were positions, orientations and stiffness of the engine mounts. I first developed a non-linear model describing the dynamic behaviour of the "engine/car" coupled system. The optimisation problem was solved by optimisation algorithms where the cost can be a non-differentiable function of the state equation solution.
Main achievements : scientific publications; provide Renault with the simulations tools.
- Professor
1985 - 1986
Professor of mathematics (classe math. sup & spéciales)
Université d'Abidjan
- Professor
1983 - 1984
Preofessor of Mathematics (licence & Maitrise)
Université P&M Curie
- Researcher at the “Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions”
1981 - 1985
I took part in the J.L. Lions laboratory research activities in the fields of : "qualitative analysis of non-linear partial differential equations”, functional analysis and numerical analysis. I prepared under the supervision of the professor Ph.Ciarlet my PhD thesis in Mathematics, in which I showed the existence of bifurcated solutions for Von-Karman equations (that describe large displacements of elastic plates) on symmetric domains.