
Christophe LANCASTRE


En résumé

I'm currently managing the software activities for the CET products. I work deeply on the work organization, process, methods and tools. Continuous adaptations and improvements are required to match the various constraints of the project with first quality and then cost and deliver on time.

4 products lines are in my scope of responsibilities: Gaming, Physical Access Control, Sensor biometrics and Equipments & Mobile terminals.

Mes compétences :
human resources
Marketing opérationnel
Management opérationnel
Lean Six Sigma


  • Safran Identity & Security - Software Teams manager, CETX

    Paris 2010 - maintenant I'm in charge of the Software Ressource team shared on 4 Terminal product line.
    The software are both embedded and also PC on various environment from Windows to Linux embedded or PC ...
  • Myriad Group AG - OS&Driver Software Teams manager

    2009 - 2010 Same description + new track record on Android.

    Management of Android porting over Mobile Form Factor based OMAPV1030/ARM9 chipset.
    The challenge was to make it run on very small memory footprint and slow CPU.
    • Home-made virtualization that enables Linux and RTOS to run concurrently.
    • New Filesystem management and layout (busy box and dppp available)
    • Numerous functions and drivers : RIL integration, TouchScreen, Keyboard, GPIO, DMA, SD Card, Boot optimization, Battery, 3D Axis Accelerometer...
    • Trainings organization on JAVA and JNI ...
  • SAGEM Mobiles - OS&Driver Software Teams manager

    2007 - 2009 Supervising of 5 Software team managers within the R&D platform (Team size 30 to 45 engineers)

    • Introduction of new 2G platform and adaptation of development rules to our ODM structure.
    • Identification and externalisation of insensitive work.
    • Organization of skills transfer to external partners.
    • Strong implication in R&D roadmap definition.
    • Mid-term and long-term workload planning.
  • SAGEM Mobiles - System software team manager

    2004 - 2007 Drive a team from 3 engineers, at the beginning, to 18 at the end of period in a high-tech environment with tight time to market constraint.

    • Organizing many software drivers development for new platform chipset (Calypso+, Locoto and Neptune) till the mass production.
    • Checking and fixing engineer’s specification.
    • Checking and tuning unitary qualification plans to any drivers or features.
    • Providing a full test reports at the end of project.
    • Identifying and ordering equipments and tools.
    • Planning and tracking tasks.
    • Reporting to project management and then priority steering.
    • Debugging and after sell follow-up.
    • Hiring and driving many trainees to work new functionalities (NFC, GPS, HDD, power management gauge ..)
  • SAGEM SA - RTOS & driver software engineer

    PARIS 2002 - 2004 Designing, developing and testing many core software drivers with a new Sagem major provider TI.
    The new chipset are OMAP based and dedicated to GSM market.

    • Porting proprietary RTOS on ARM7, architecture
    • Adaptation of L1 TI software driver on the Sagem stack and embedded • environment.
    • Designing and developing drivers such as SPI, I2C, UltraLowPowerDown.
    • Designing and developing services such as memory allocator, real traces.
    • Porting Sagem stack RLP, V110, BlueTooth.
    • Initialization and electronic board starting.
  • SII IDF - Software Engineer RTOS, Low Level and drivers

    Paris 1997 - 1998 • Performing a first release of a Computer Aided Software Engineering to improve development of « Engine control » (Sagem Automotive)
    o Gathering all the needs and requirements in the R&D
    o Designing and writing some dedicated tools under SimuLink/Matlab
    o Result: Demonstration and sell the set of tools to Hewlett-Packard who distribute and support it
    • Performing a fast real time tool which control parameters sent to real-time embedded calculator (Sagem Automotive)
    o Demonstration of proof of concept based on client-server architecture through PC SCSI serial link
    o Management approval followed by development, integration and a customer acceptance passed.
  • SAGEM Mobiles - Software Engineer

    1997 - 2001 Embedded and real time Software Engineer.

    • Development on PC over QNX RTOS for a Home automation application.
    • Develoment on a ERMES driver (Pager) and protocole stack for a PDA.
    • Development of PC Software Engineer tools dedicated to automotive software engineers.
  • SII IDF - Software Engineer RTOS, Low Level and drivers

    Paris 1996 - 1997 • Designing, developing, testing and optimization of an embedded communication stack and drivers on ERMES standard (Tam-tam) to integrate a new generation PDA. First PDA on the market able to send and receive messages. (Sagem Communication)
  • SII IDF - Software Engineer RTOS, Low Level and drivers

    Paris 1995 - 1996 • Coding and designing of a Man Manual Interface for a “home automation” project for a “HLM” (low income housing) company running on RTOS QNX
    • The system allows the company to configure the buildings and the leaser to program the schedule door entrance, heating system and miscellaneous alarms
  • THOMSON-Training&Simulation - Aeronautics Software & Electronic high-level technician

    1990 - 1993 • Aircrafts & Helicopter Simulators « in-service » support on different military Airports.
    • Within the framework development of a synthetic image processor intended to equip Aircraft and tank simulators
    o Integration and finalization of digital boards equipped with of ASICs and VLSI components. Jointly worked with the English R&D


  • Safran Corporate University

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Green Belt

    To meet project reactivity, flexibility within cost and delay a new software development process have been set up and deployed.
    Many project are now driven in parallel, the workload forecast far better, cost and delay mastered.
    The solution is a mixed between "unique team" and "Agilty Scrum Method" to drive many projects in the Morocco subsidiary.
  • CNAM Paris : Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers

    Cergy 2011 - 2014 Certification

    (Evening class)

    Operationnal Management
    Human ressources
    Marketing mix
    Marketing strategy
    Commercial & Marketing international
    Financial account and reporting
  • Université Compiègne

    Compiegne 1993 - 1995 Engineering diploma in Software and Real Time System

    Software engineering
  • Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers (Paris)

    Paris 1990 - 1993 Diploma of Superior Technical Studies -Automatism

    Evening Class

  • Université Paris 10 Nanterre

    Ville D'Avray 1989 - 1990 University Degree in Aeronautical Technology
  • Université Paris 10 Nanterre

    Ville D'Avray 1986 - 1988 University degree in Automatism and System


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