CPL at Facebook
- Regional Quality POC
2016 - maintenant
The Quality POC is responsible for the Team Quality - Downstream, by analyzing scores, error trends and appeals. My responsibilities were:
• Allocate workload on the Quality Game Plans weekly - Coordinate Auditors
• Collect all the Quality Mistakes on a weekly basis- Quality Mistake Tracker
• Analyze the Errors and deep dive to see if there is any trend or possible gap/misunderstanding/grey area that requires clarification from Policy/Quality by using Dashboards. Collaborate with Coach and propose action plans.
• Follow up on all the mistakes collected and check if there is any possible appeal. Help reps to appeal.
• Create Weekly Quality Reports for TL
• Contribute with TL on the Follow up on Quality
• Track the Reps appeals from different tools
• Conduct Weekly Quality Team Meeting to discuss the common mistakes and the error trends with all the team, and share learnings.
• Attend to Weekly Quality POC Meeting to share Market Findings with the rest of the team, and analyze if there are issues across the board that require further escalation/clarification.
• Weekly Data analysis tasks; calibration, setting, extraction, cleaning, sorting, analysis data and recommendations.
CPL at Facebook
- Auditor & Community Operation Analyst
2016 - 2016
- Supervise and review reported content on specific market, within agreed turnaround times and standards of quality
- Enforce our Terms of Use by carefully monitoring reports of abuse on the site
- Identify inefficiencies in workflows and suggest solutions
- Recognize trends and patterns and escalate issues outside the company policy to global team.
- Audit the team / Market quality every week and follow up the Reps.
Manpower at Alstom Transport
- Logisticien
2014 - 2015
• Analyze and coordinate an organization's supply chain between the suppliers and the production
chain needed
• Manage the entire life cycle of a product, includes how a product is acquired, distributed, allocated
and delivered
• Responsible for coordinating the storage, transportation and delivery of goods
• Oversee and liaise with colleagues to ensured stock is maintained and moved efficiently
Freelance (independent )
- Consultant en marketing et en management
2013 - 2014
• Support new SME in different fields like a positioning, administration procedure, business
model, enterprise creation and market research
• Supervise the communication among the new enterprise (web site, graphic tools, logo, graphic
chart, the positioning…)
• Advise and warn the entrepreneur for the changing trend of the market.
KP Consulting
- Consultant CRM et Data Mining
2013 - 2013
• Analyze data, Interpret results using statistical techniques and provide ongoing reports for
providing answers to marketing issues• Clean and organize database, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality
• Filter the data by reviewing computer reports, printouts, and performance indicators to locate
and correct the problems
• Build an optimal knowledge on consumer behavior.
- Stagiaire Responsable projet CRM
2012 - 2012
mettre en place une stratégie CRM adéquate à la situation geo-économique de la concession, tout en respectant ses objectifs et les attentes.
une politique orientée client, basée sur :
la connaissance client
une communication relationnelle multicanaux
gestion des informations et données clients
analyse, segmentation et ciblage des clients, pour une meilleure personnalisation des offres.
- Stagiaire responsable marketing
2011 - 2011
- Etude de marché automobile de la zone géographique;
- Veille concurrentielle;
- Organisation et participation à un salon d'automobile régional;
- Réalisation d'un cahier de charge pour l’événement;
- Réalisation d'une enquête de satisfaction au prés du public sur la visibilité de la marque;
- Animation de l'équipe de vente;
- Participer au développement du CA de la concession;
- Assister le gérant dans des taches administratives;
- Développer une stratégie marketing sur un moyen terme.
- Animateur commercial
2010 - 2010
- Animation commerciale,
- Représentation de grandes marque auprès du public,
- Animation des shows-road,
CNEP Banque
- Stagiaire service financement
2008 - 2008
-Etudes de dossiers de demande de crédits immobilier;
-Réalisation d'une études sur les clients de la banque;
-Travailler en équipe sur les grands dossiers.
TOP Affaires
- Démarchuer
2007 - 2008
-Démarcher et prospecter des nouveaux clients sur une nouvelles zone géographique;
-Représentant direct de l'entreprise auprès des professionnels et des particuliers;
-Participer au développement et l'application de la stratégie commerciale de l'entreprise;
-Gestion d'un portefeuille client;