
Dominique BESCOND

  • Bouygues construction Australia
  • Senior Commissioning manager SUNTOP Solar Farm 150 mW


En résumé

Commissioning manager dans les domaines de lénergie renouvelable en France et à lInternational.
Animation des équipes
Créatif et Innovateur
Savoir vivre

Mes compétences :
Expert technique
Battery regeneration
Chef de chantier


  • Bouygues construction Australia - Senior Commissioning manager SUNTOP Solar Farm 150 mW

    Production | WELLINGTON 2021 - maintenant • Contrôle des prérequis pour le « Cold Commissioning »
    • Support informatique puissant pour réaliser les rapports hebdomadaires (QA / QC /Punch list, ..)
    • « Cold et Hot » commissioning :
    - Onduleurs Ingeteam : contrôle des configurations, des retours d’informations, test de polarités, réglages des PCB, contrôles PLC, fibres optiques, Moxa, I/O tests,..
    - Essais avec le client Trangrid pour les tests Hot Points
    - Nextracker : Configuration des NCU ( Nextracker control unit), Vérification des SPC’s ( Self-power up controller). Tests statiques et dynamiques, auto, manuel et position de repli
    - Array boxes : Contrôles Isolement, continuité, Serrage, identification des câbles, Strings et Harnesses connectés aux panneaux bifaciaux
    - Station météo : Wind test, irradiance, données longitude et latitude, test auto,..
  • ENGIE LAB - Mise en service

    Production | 2020 - 2020 Senior Commissioning Engineer of the REIDS (Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator - Singapore) on the island of SEMAKAU 8 km from SINGAPORE.
    Gent sets
    wind turbine
    Load bank
    PV panels
  • IMM - Site MANAGER

    Production | FADA N GOURMA 2020 - 2020 • Site Manager sur le site de l’usine électrique FADA / SONABEL à FADA N’GOURMA au Burkina Faso
    • Supervision du commissioning et des travaux de Génie Civil
    • Préparation des documents officiels
    • Conseiller lors de la revue de chantier hebdomadaire
  • Vulcain Ingénierie - COMMISSIONING ENGINEER

    Technique | AUSTRALIE Colleambaly 2018 - 2019 Start‑up of NEOEN 150 MW Solar Farm in Coleambally, New South Wales, Australia.
    Commissioning of KRABI / TRANG / KAMPANGPHET sites in South and North Thailand (3 x 5 MW).
    Congratulatory letter written by Bouygues Thai for the results obtained.
    Engineer in charge of assembling and controlling the specific installation's : Huawei / Schneider electric Inverters Conext Smart Ge Tm Schneider electric transformer's.
    Trackers : Array (API) / Soltec (Wifi) HTA / BTA network, Siemens API ‑ SCADA
    Solar panels assembling, junctions boxes and associated wiring's official reports and deliverable documentations

    Technique | MUMBAI 2017 - 2018 - Responsible for diesel command controls, propulsion and integrated remote system.
    - Participation in the preparation of the PTP (particular test protocol).
    - Leader of the various tests and simulations necessary for the realization of "cold checks".
    - Management of 12 employees: 4 employees of MDL, 2 mechanics of MAN diesel, 4 sailors in training, 1 control engineer JEUMONT Electric, 1 engineer of Schneider Electric.
    - Commissioning the local control system, the remote monitoring of the diesel engines and all
    data’s acquisition and control system (SCADA) regarding the propulsion and diving safeties.
    - Test "input-output" tests and different modes of driving.
    - Adjustment of all sensors related to the instrumentation.
    - Coordination with the both “Engineer Officers” from SM1 “KALVARI”and SM2 “ KHANDERI” to execute the official tests
    - Close relations with the “Captain” and “Executive Officer” boat 1 and 2 to realize the good procedures relatives at DCM (Damage control management).
  • Bouygues Energies & Services - Engineer in Solar Equipment

    Poitiers (86000) 2016 - 2016 Participation in the development of the Group strategy, defining the resources and then their implementation.
    -Management, coordination, motivation of operational teams (development, construction and operation).
    -Operations management. Establishment and monitoring of budgets and schedules. Reporting
    -Administration, negotiation of equipment purchases (wind turbines, solar panels, additional lots) and services. Coordination of operational activities with the finance unit.
    -Encouraging ongoing improvement of development processes and integrity control.
    -Management of 5 employees: 2 Bouygues employees, a team of 2 employees in remote monitoring and a member of ATS security.
    -Start-up of the command control system, remote supervision SCADA.
    -High and low voltage input-output tests.
    -Measuring radiation. Coordination with ERDF and the head offices in Montpellier.
    - Responsible regarding the data’s record files.
    - setting to work with ABB representative.

  • Naval Group - Electrical Engineer

    mumbai 2016 - 2016 Electrical Engineer at the “Mazagon Dockyard Limited” shipyard in MUMBAI
    Start-up of two PIELSTICK 12 PA 4/ 850Kw diesel alternators on the KALVARI “SCORPENE” type no 1 submarine and the 18 phase’s 3.5mW propulsion engine.
    -Experienced technician for different associated circuits:
    -Pre-heating and lubrication circuit.
    -Control and verification of different associated circuits, water, air, exhaust gas.
    -Start-up of different automated systems linked to the opening of exhausts and the cooling circuit.
    -Control of instrumentation operations (flow meter, conductivity meter, Pt100, pressure meter...).
    -Establishing control documentation, HSE standards and training.
    -Controller of different pressure tests.
    -Management of the integrated platform control system:
    -Verification of language and communication between different subscribers.
    -Management of the integrated SIEMENS automation system.
    -Control of different inputs/outputs of ET200S modules (Tor/anain/anaout).
    -Carrying out different inspections required for preliminary testing.
    -Start-up of 2 diesel engines on the submarine : SM1 KALVARI / SM2 KHANDERI
  • Boccard - Food industry Engineer

    twin falls IDAHO 2013 - 2015 Experienced electromechanical supervisor during assembly of installations and equipment, electrical, hydraulic and steam.
    -Making suggestions with the “mechanical” services to improve performance.
    -Responsible for configuring different VMD (variator frequency drives): Allen – Bradley,
    Implementation and adjustment of Krhone - Endress + Hauser flow meters (mass and electromagnetic) as well as conductivity meters, turbidity meters, viscometers...
    -Control of cleaning stages at installations (NEP: Cleaning in place), control of minimum required parameters.
    -Commissioning and drafting unit test files in collaboration with the automation engineer.
    -Coordinating daily progress and scheduling.
    -Organising corrections to be carried out following a non-conformity.
    -Technician for the “After-Sales Service” during on-site work.
    -Implementation of monitoring for production, training, lifting of reservations...
    -93,000 m² CHOBANI factory in the US built and operational in 326 days. With 800 employees, this factory is the largest in the US.

  • COTECMAR - Project Manager

    CARTHAGENE COLOMBIE 2012 - 2012 -Team leader for a group of 15 electromechanical employees on SM1 “TAYRONA” and SM2 “PIJAO”.
    -Management of day and night teams to comply with schedule.
    -Technical advice and technical assistant during different connection assemblies, in particular regarding modifications.
    -Activation of battery cells, transitioning from dry state to wet state
    Application of HSE rules in hydrogen gas environments, control of equipment and atmosphere control (H2S, CO2, CO...).
    -Responsible for control of lifting equipment (cranes, pneumatic and mechanical hoists, lifting platforms, beams, lifting straps...).
    -Management of different COTECMAR crane operators (repair and maintenance of ships and ship devices).
    -Implementation of batteries and different connections to watertight compartments.
    -Installation of the demineralized water refrigeration circuit (control of resistivity and operating pressure).
    -Innovation in the control system through the use of sensors, automated systems and software.
    -Implementation of the data controller unit and remote sensors and synthetic fibre optics.
    -Creation of a fire detection circuit, fire extinguishing resources and creation of a remote control unit. Pre-commissioning and commissioning of the facility, plus a capacity test.
    -Creation of the end of activity file.
    -Assembly and connection of around 1,000 x 2.4V battery cells for 15,500Ah.
    -Management of 10 electrician and mechanic employees.
    -Creation of different surveillance systems (fire-hydrogen-voltage-intensity...)
    -Management of COTECMAR scaffolding and crane operators.
    -Representative and author of official battery use documents.

  • DIETSMANN - Electrical Supervisor

    PORT GENTIL GABON 2011 - 2012 Superviseur Electricien, chef de chantier travaux neufs sur le champ pétrolier de « GRONDIN » au GABON pour la société « DIETSMANN ».
    Chef d’équipe dynamique et motivé des exécutants DIETSMANN Service GABON
    Montage de la téléphonie et du réseau Delta V (SNCC : système numérique de contrôle commande) en haut débit en réseau hertzien sur les satellites (Grondin, Mandaros, Gonelle, Gonelle extension, Grm2, Ayol, Barbier)
    Metteur en route de l’installation TEG (modèle 1500 Thermoélectrique Generators, source de courant continu, 500W/24V – gaz naturel)
    Consultant électricien lors des mises en route avec la société «emb Ingénierie Installation» (aménagement des téléphones, hurleurs opto-acoustiques, routeurs, patch panels,….).
    Responsable de la rédaction du dossier de fin activité

    Superviseur travaux neufs sur la plateforme Offshore “GRONDIN” au Gabon au sein de la société DIETSMANN.
    Chef d’équipe des exécutants SOGAMAR (société gabonaise de maintenance et de réparation.).
    - préparation et mise en place des chemins de câbles
    - établissement du réseau électrique 230Volts
    - établissement du réseau instrumentation
    - réalisation des liaisons équipotentielles
    Précommissioning and commissioning des différentes installations
    Organisation et exécution des taches journalières sur les différents sites (satellites)
    Respect des règles de travail, application des règles d’or TOTAL
    Management des besoins : échafaudages, soudeurs qualifiés, moyens de lutte incendie (motopompe, extincteurs, explosimètres,..)
    Ouverture des permis à chaud et à froid
    Application des règles HSE Total pour les travaux dans les milieux en présence de gaz (H2S, gaz divers,..)
    Conseiller lors des audits réalisés sur le chantier et animateur pour centrer les résultats.

  • Défense Conseil International - Manager & électrotechnicien

    Société Défense Conseil International, France
    -Pre-start-up and start-up of different installations (oil - HP air - electricity - electronic - confined spaces - mechanical).
    -Acceptance of installations by the crew.
    -Testing installations and ensuring integrity (structure and pressure hull - seawater circuits and related installations).
    -Transmission to client of an evaluated and accepted product image.
  • Défense Conseil International - Electrical Engineer onboard Submarine

    PAKISTAN - KARACHI 2003 - 2007 Electromechanical Engineer - Transferring Technology on the SOUMPAK project in KARACHI
    Submarines AGOSTA 70 / 90B / 90B MESMA
    -Management and motivation of a team of 25 Pakistani fitters to meet targets during submarine construction.
    -Responsible for all onboard electromechanical works:
    -Diesel Alternator. Lead batteries.
    -115 V / 60 HZ - 115 V / 40 HZ converter units.
    -Air compressors and pressurized hydraulic circuit. Fire safety system.
    -Pre-commissioning and commissioning of the 200KW power MESMA Anaerobic Submarine Energy module.
    -Electrical supply to main battery by a turbo generator.
    -Storage of combustive (O2) in a cryogenic state at -180°C and fuel (ethanol).
    -Ethanol/oxygen combustion in the combustion chamber and management of effluent.
    -Control of gas concentrations: H2 - CO2 - CO - O2.
    -Control of the boiler and remote safety management.
  • MARINE NATIONALE - Electrical Head department

    Lorient (56100) 1981 - 2003 Rank of Maître Principal (MCPO First class) (awarded the military medal for outstanding service) French Navy, 210,000 employees, turnover: €34.1M,
    -Onboard electrical supervisor for surface ships and submarines.
    Helicopter carriers : PH Jeanne D’ARC
    Destroyer : LA GALISSONNIERE
    -Preventive and corrective maintenance of different electrical installations (propulsion, control station, different converters, 24V assistance network...).
    -Responsible for actuator instrumentation and safety linked to installations.
    -Adviser and technical expert for the Unit Commander.
    -Qualification at the Individual Sea Rescue Training Centre (CESI).
    -Keeping different units in an operational condition

    Responsable de l’instrumentation des actionneurs et des sécurités liées aux installations.
    Conseiller et expert technique vis-à-vis de son Commandant d’unité
    Qualification au centre d’entrainement du sauvetage individuel en mer (CESI)



Annuaire des membres :