
Edouard MARTIN


En résumé

Eager to learn and constantly striving to reach new goals I'm an engaged and versatile engineer with 3yrs+ experience in design and installation analyses for large pipeline installation projects.

Additional Trainings:
Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training Certificate 2014 (OPITO).

Mes compétences :
FE Analysis
Subsea engineering
Mécanique des fluides
Problem solving
Reliability engineering
Visual Basic for Applications


  • Subsea 7 - Project Engineer (Consultant)

    SURESNES 2012 - maintenant Mission history
    Structural engineer at SI (Since April 2015)
    • Project: 3CM DS8 Blast wall

    Project pipeline engineer at Subsea 7 (November 2012 – April 2015)
    • Multi-Projects: Chevron LIANZI, Anadarko HEILDELBERG, BP GES Block 31, NAE Etan (Bid), Anadarko MOZAMBIQUE LNG (Feed)

    Technical support to project execution
    • Performed detailed structural engineering analyses for blast wall design with STAAD,
    • Extreme and fatigue analyses for deep and shallow water pipeline installation in accordance with industry codes (DNV-OS-F101, BS7910, etc…) with ORCAFLEX,
    • Produced design reports for client and presentations for management,
    • Reviewed design reports, installation procedures and client project documentation.

    Process improvement
    • Defined methodology for FEA analysis enabling to reduce by 3 the number of calculations to perform,
    • Developed design tool as per DNV-RP-C204 for blast wall enabling to save 12% steel,
    • Defined methodology to perform fatigue analysis allowing to keep welding repair rate < 4%.

    • Prepared MTO and requisitions for linepipes with optimized steel quantities,
    • Analyzed and reviewed technical proposal of PIP suppliers.

    Project management
    • Provided and maintained activity follow-up boards with task prioritization for cross-functional teams,
    • Identified, assessed and presented risks related to specific installation method and analysis.

    • Managed interface and technical coordination on LIANZI project between pipeline installation and geotechnical team,
    • Trained and followed people working under specific procedures and methodologies.

    Operation support
    • Provided real-time support to offshore operations with up-to-date calculations based site data, answer to technical questions and installation procedure update review.
  • Genesis Oil and Gas consultants LTD - Subsea student Engineer

    2012 - 2012 Mise en place de méthodologies et outils associés au design de pipelines rigides

    - Conception d’outils Excel/Mathcad pour l’analyse des déformations et des contraintes axiales et
    pour l’analyse du flambement vertical des pipelines rigides
    - Mise en place de méthodes probabilistes (Monte-Carlo, FORM/SORM) pour l’analyse du
    flambement vertical des pipelines ensouillés
    - Définition et implémentation sous Excel d’un outil visant à simplifier la démarche de sélection du
    matériel requis pour la construction des systèmes de pipelines (Material Take Off)
    - Rédaction de notes de calculs destinées aux ingénieurs et d’un mémoire de stage en anglais
    - Familiarisation avec les codes de design en approche « état-limite » (DNV OS-F101, PD8010-2...)
    - Définition et réalisation d'un outil de code check DNV OS F101 pour le post-traitement de simulation Abaqus
  • Tradaltis Conseil - Stagiaire en analyse quantitative

    2011 - 2011 Développement d’un algorithme de trading systématique

    - Analyse des données historiques pour établir le comportement du modèle
    - Test et optimisation de la stratégie pour maximiser le ratio performance/risque


  • Ecole Centrale ECN

    Nantes 2009 - 2012 Ingénieur

    Ingénierie Offshore et Hydrodynamique - Spécialités: structures marines, interactions fluides/structures, simulation numérique, houle et environnement marin, management de projet multidisciplinaires


Annuaire des membres :