


En résumé

Plus de 21 ans passés à développer l'international de sociétés dans le secteur des jeux vidéos (Entertainment) . Compétences : Développement de stratégies, analyse, stratégie.

Positions : A encadré des équipes techniques, fondé et dirigé des filiales, développé la distribution et les licences. 3 langues parlées, a vécu aux Etats Unis (CA, FL, TX) , en France et en Afrique.

Mes compétences :


  • Consultante - Consultante en international

  • Lalibrairiedelhistoire.com - Co-founder and President

    2008 - 2010 co-founder and President of this book distribution company. Management, accounting, organization of conferences.
  • FDM Consulting Group - Owner

    2000 - maintenant International consultant for Okugi Studios (France) looking for funding for future projects and reinforcing current distribution. Consultant for iDate, organizing Digiworld 2013. Consultant to Online Marketing and Public Relations (www.om-pr.com), the #1 games-only PR and marketing firm launching over 200 games titles.  Responsible for providing introductions to top-level executives at major developers, distributors, and publishers worldwide and booking those executives for client meetings at E3, Imagina, and other games industry shows.
    Midway Europe , video game publisher. Recruitment of one marketing/PR person for France. E-One, Korean publisher for license of one of their games, worldwide (www.e-one.com). Blue Planet Software (www.blueplanetsoftware.com) US-based developer, for the placement of their Internet technology, focus on European market. Paws, Spanish localization company for their search of additional clients. Hortus Soft, French developer of online/offline kids titles, search for US partners, market studies. Vicarious Visions (www.vicariousvisions.com) US developer of console and PC titles including Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, X-Man Legends, Spider-Man, Batman, and Doom.: Helped in creating brand awareness among European press and publishers.
    Vatical Entertainment: organization of meetings at E3 for finding international publishers/distributors. Wild Brain (www.wildbrain.com), leading animation San Francisco-based company. Seeking games content for their web site.
    Imagina: Coordinated the efforts of 7 industry contractors in promoting the festival of Imagina in Monaco, including reporting to Monaco team.
    Fête de l'Humanité, Montpellier: In charge of organizing the Book publishers village, as well as the artist gallery.
    Pif magazine: Writing 4 licensing contracts for Canada, Russia, and Eastern European countries.
  • IDLivre Jeunesse - CEO and Founder

    1999 - 2007 Independent book publisher, one of the largest french publishing houses representing the works of over 70 writers & artists
    September 1999 to oct 2007: General Manager, Co-founder.
    Set up of the company, management, business model, marketing & sales operations, search for investments. Co-founder and major stockholder.
    IDLivre was a book publisher, specializing in multimedia titles (Books+CD) aimed towards kids, with a web site dedicated to French speaking writers and readers world-wide.
  • Microïds Corp. - Managing Director & Shareholder

    1995 - 1999 Managing Director of the US subsidiary
    This was the first subsidiary opened for Microids. I relocated and opened it in San Francisco. Goal was to search for games to be published in Europe by Microids, license out Microids games to Asian, Japanese and American publishers and negotiate contracts with Nintendo, Sega and Sony to be able to develop on their platforms. Left to move back to France for family reasons.
    Successfully negotiated Nintendo’s, Sega’s, Sony’s Development and licensing contracts for Europe, and acquired games for publishing in Europe. Turnover : 8Millions $. Team: 3 people.
  • Time Warner Interactive France - Managing Director

    1994 - 1995 Managing Director of the French office
    Set up of the French subsidiary. Management of a team of 4 people. Territories: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Benelux. In charge of the sales and marketing of TWI PC and video games titles. Organized sales promotions and marketing. Left as Warner Music decided to take over.
    Tunrover : 12 Millions $. Managed a team of 4 people.
  • Sega Europe - Export Director

    Paris 1993 - 1994 Export Director. Worked for Mr S. Hayashi, CEO Sega Europe.
    In charge of Italian, Scandinavian, African and Eastern Europe sales. Also in charge of software and internal communication among Sega European subsidiaries and Software publishers. Resigned when my boss was asked to move back to Japan. Annual turnover: $120 million. Managed 2 people.
  • Loriciel - VP International

    1989 - 1993 Set up of the European, US, Japanese and Australian distribution channels. Negotiation of the Nintendo and NEC developer and publisher licenses. Management of a team of 2 people. Looked after the internal development teams (65 people). Annual turnover: $22 million. Directly managed 2 people, 67 with the developers.


  • The University Of Dallas (Dallas)

    Dallas 1986 - 1987 International Management
  • Ecole Des Cadres

    La Defense 1983 - 1986 Masters degree. Major in Business management. Set up of companies.

    Masters degree. Major in Business management. Set up of companies.
  • Institution Ste Jeanne D'Arc, Dakar, Sénégal (Dakar)

    Dakar 1967 - 1981 BAC B



Annuaire des membres :