


En résumé

-Select germplasm, develop and implement a creative and efficient breeding plan with the purpose of selecting superior commercial products in assigned maturity.
-Take into account both performance of the new hybrids and new parent lines to positively influence cost of goods.
-Understand and leverage the diversity of germplasm available from the Global breeding network (europe, US, LAS, LAN) as well as molecular tools in the development of the breeding plan.
- Analyze data from testing program. Make recommendations for advancement to higher levels of testing including commercialization.

Collaborate with other research stations to exchange ideas, plots, germplasm, data and other items to maximize performance of the team.

Project lead on Fusarium ear Rot and support for phytopahology

Travel to outlying stations and winter nursery (Chili, Mexico).

Mes compétences :


  • Monsanto - Selectionneur Maïs

    2007 - maintenant Monsanto est une société consacrée à l´agriculture. Nos innovations et notre technologie aident les agriculteurs du monde entier à produire plus en préservant plus. Nous aidons les agriculteurs à réussir de manière durable, en produisant une alimentation humaine et animale plus saine et des fibres textiles, tout en réduisant l´impact sur notre environnement.

    -Planning and execution of the breeding programs and identification of marketable products.
    -Maintenance and multiplication of breeder seed timely with highest quality standards.
    -Development of new genetic material by using advanced breeding methodologies and biotechnological tools.
    -Collection, evaluation, maintenance and characterization of germplasm.
    -Co-ordination of all field activities, crop management, breeding activities and evaluation of trials in multiple locations.
    -Compilation of data and its analysis to draw inferences.
    -Preparation and submission of crop and statutory reports.
  • INRA - Doctorant

    Paris 2003 - 2006 Publications

    M. Orsel, F. Chopin,A. Krapp, F. Daniel-Vedele, S.J. Smith and A.J. Miller. Characterisation of a two component high affinity nitrate uptake system in Arabidopsis; physiology and protein-protein interaction. Plant Physiol. 2006 Nov;142(3):1304-17

    F. Chopin, M.F. Dorbe, H.N. Truong, A. Krapp and F. Daniel-Vedele. Molecular and physiological characterisation of the potential high affinity nitrate transporter gene AtNRT2.7 in Arabidopsis thaliana. (under reviewing in Plant Cell)

    F. Chopin and J. Wirth. The Arabidopsis nitrate transporter AtNRT2.1 is targeted to the root plasma membrane. (sumed in Fonctional Plant Biology)

    J. Wirth and F. Chopin. Control of nitrate uptake activity at the NRT2.1 protein level in Arabidopsis thaliana: unexpected structural complexity and lack of fast responses to environmental changes. (sumed in Plant Cell)


    F. Chopin, G.Leggewie, M.Udvardi, M.F. Dorbe, A. Krapp and F. Daniel-Vedele. Molecular and physiological characterization of the potential high affinity nitrate transporter gene AtNRT2.7 in Arabidopsis thaliana. XV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 14-19th september 2005, Bejing (China).

    M. Orsel, K. Eulenburg, F. Chopin, A. Krapp and F. Daniel-Vedele. Nitrate transport in plants : the high affinity nitrate transporter family. 5th Colloquium of the French society of plant physiology, 9-11th July 2003, Orsay (France).

    V. Salvia-Colombani, F. Chopin , V. Gaudon, J. Talbotec and F. Daniel-Vedele. Nitrogen use efficency in Arabidopsis thaliana : Validation of an amino acid QTL using Near Isogenic Lines (NIL). 5th Colloquium of the French society of plant physiology, 9-11th July 2003, Orsay (France).


  • Institut National Agronomique De Paris Grignon

    Paris 2003 - 2006 Doctorat en biologie moleculaireet physiologie végétale

    Rédactions d’articles publiés dans des revues internationales et communication scientifique lors de colloques internationaux.
    Mise en place de collaboration avec d’autres unitées de recherche privée, publique et étranger.


Annuaire des membres :