IRIS, Rennes-France
- Consultant
1990 - maintenant
University of Social Sciences (Ev. Fachhochschule RWL), Bochum/Germany
- Professor (tenure)
1980 - 2004
- Professor of Movement Education/Movement Therapy
- Researcher: Motor Development, Health, Human Development
- DEAN of the Faculty of Special Education (1984-1988)
- Project director in Romania (1999 - 2003): education of orphans
Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts-USA
- Assistant Professor
1977 - 1979
I was under contract for: 50% BU-Sargent College
50% BU School of Education
Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts-USA
- Graduate Assistant, Doctoral Candidate
1975 - 1977
Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts, USA
- Instructor/Teacher
1970 - 1975
University of Kentucky, Lexington-USA
- Teacher, Chairman of Health/Physical Education/Recreation
1968 - 1970
Teaching and research at "The Lincoln School"/Simpsonville-Kentucky. This school was an experimental school of the University School of Education for highly gifted, disadvantaged students of the State of Kentucky.
Wanganui Boys College, Wanganui-New Zealand
- Teacher: German/Physical Education; Coach: Athletics/Rugby
1966 - 1968