
Friedrich J. SCHNEIDER

En résumé

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  • IRIS, Rennes-France - Consultant

    1990 - maintenant
  • University of Social Sciences (Ev. Fachhochschule RWL), Bochum/Germany - Professor (tenure)

    Plouzané 1980 - 2004 - Professor of Movement Education/Movement Therapy
    - Researcher: Motor Development, Health, Human Development
    - DEAN of the Faculty of Special Education (1984-1988)
    - Project director in Romania (1999 - 2003): education of orphans
  • Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts-USA - Assistant Professor

    1977 - 1979 I was under contract for: 50% BU-Sargent College
    50% BU School of Education
  • Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts-USA - Graduate Assistant, Doctoral Candidate

    1975 - 1977
  • Boston University, Boston/Massachusetts, USA - Instructor/Teacher

    1970 - 1975
  • University of Kentucky, Lexington-USA - Teacher, Chairman of Health/Physical Education/Recreation

    1968 - 1970 Teaching and research at "The Lincoln School"/Simpsonville-Kentucky. This school was an experimental school of the University School of Education for highly gifted, disadvantaged students of the State of Kentucky.
  • Wanganui Boys College, Wanganui-New Zealand - Teacher: German/Physical Education; Coach: Athletics/Rugby

    1966 - 1968


  • Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts)

    Boston, Massachusetts 1975 - 1977 EdD - Doctor of education

    Human Movement-Sports Sciences
  • University Of Kentucky (Lexington)

    Lexington 1963 - 1965 MA

    American English, Sports Sciences/Physical Education - -Graduate Assistant to Prof. Dr. Ernst Jokl/SPORTS MEDICINE
    -Research in Youth Fitness (part of: the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness Program)
    -Instructor in gymnastics, swimming, physical fitness
    -Creator and presenter of WBKY-Radio Program: German writers and Poets (UK-award)

  • Joh. Gutenberg Universität (Mainz (Mayence))

    Mainz (Mayence) 1960 - 1963 BA

    Philologie: American English-Sport Sciences - 1960: awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the USA
    (see profile!)
  • Gymnasium (Oppenheim)

    Oppenheim 1948 - 1959 Abitur/Highschool Diploma


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