
Gheorghe BAVRO


En résumé

Je dispose d'experience dans des fonctions de management dans les domaines suivantes :
- retail banking
- marketing
- monetique
- achats

Dote avec sens d'organisation, management participatif, oriente vers les resultats, avec une adaptabilite importante, je suis attire par des projets de developpement de nouveaux produits et services dans un environnement motivant.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Base de données


  • Société Générale - Directeur adjoint Gestion de donnees bancaires

    PARIS 2014 - 2015 Responsable du change dans la gestion de donnes bancaires, 20 collaborateurs, MOA et MOE.
    Responsable du pilot de redesign du data warehouse de la banque et mise en place d'un nouveau modelé de données bancaires pour les commerciaux et back office. Renouvèlement des rapports pour la suivie commerciale et productivité du back office du réseau bancaire, reporting règlementaire Bâle 3 risques et finance.
  • BRD Groupe Societe Generale - Directeur Projets bancaires

    2010 - 2014 SG Group transversal project coordination in BRD Groupe Societe Generale subsidiary
    In charge with project studies, business case and preparation for core banking replacement,
    Main activities: project governance definition, animating functional MOA and business experts as head of functional project, relationships with core banking supplier, PMO activities (planning, budget, team organization)
  • Societe Generale - Responsable commercial monetique

    PARIS 2006 - 2010 Animating a head office team of country correspondents and product managers in the Commercial department.
    - Strategic coordination and commercial and technical support for Société Générale international retail banking foreign subsidiaries (39 subsidiaries from Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa) for the cards issuing and acquiring offer
    - Optimizing the cards issuing and acquiring offer in the Société Générale Elaborating strategic recommendations, business plans, opportunity studies, profitability studies and competition analysis for and with the foreign subsidiaries cards business managers and retail banking managers
    - Representing the International Retail Banking Division in the Group cards business Board committee and synergies teams with other Group entities
    Coordinating the global or regional relationship with international cards organizations and cards suppliers referenced by the Group (processing companies, cards suppliers, ATM and POS suppliers)
  • BRD Societe Generale - Directeur Monetique et canaux a distance

    2003 - 2006 Coordinating the new products developments, promotion and marketing campaigns for :
    - debit and credit cards, merchant acquiring and alternative distribution channels (internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking, ecommerce)
    - cash management (bill payments, direct debit, cash pooling offer for commercial companies and corporate, electronic banking, internet banking for SME)
    - money transfer offer for immigrants
    Maintaining the relationship with the major companies and communication with the international card payment organizations
    Representing BRD in the mass media relationships and communication concerning the electronic payments offer


  • Institute Nationale De Developpement Economique INDE (Bucarest)

    Bucarest 2001 - 2003 MBA

    Master of Business Administration
  • Académie Des Études Économiques Bucarest ASE (Bucharest)

    Bucharest 1986 - 1990 commerce


Annuaire des membres :