Since 2007, I am in charge of the card and payments consultancy to corporates and banks - international card markets and the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) - at ADN'co consulting company (Paris, France).
I am Member of the SMC Group of Experts within the EPC (European Payments Council's Scheme Management Committee - Conseil Européen des Paiements).
I also provide intelligence on European card markets for cross-border players, both in and out of France, to support their pan-European strategy (product definition, partnership / merger opportunity). I provide support to new entrants on the French payment sector as well.
Lastly, I monitor the banking standardisation in retail payments (enacted by the EPC) and the European legislation, such as, but not only, the Payment Services Directive.
Before, I conducted international card market surveys at Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB", reviewing revenue streams, organisational & technical choices, as well as the main payment players in Europe, in the view of the EU-led SEPA ambition, with focus on card payments (SCF).
Until 2004, I contributed to the worldwide promotion for 'FINREAD' (a standard for secure PC smart card readers) and served as assistant to the European Co-ordinator on International Projects, at Cartes Bancaires.
Earlier on, as an International Advisor during two years (1999-2001), I have been in charge of conducting analyses and studies on new applications for the smart card and alternative payment methods in foreign markets. I was also active in relationship management with the EU institutions, including regulatory changes and VIP public relationships.
Before joining the Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB", I was Trade Attaché at the French embassy in Bonn (Germany) from 1997 to 1998.
I graduated from the Parisian "Sciences Po" college with studies in public management, economics and international relationships. I also received a Master Degree in European economics at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
On top of French, I speak English, German and Italian fluently and may exchange daily topics in Spanish.
Recent publications:
- GTNews, 'Will SDD Creditor Suffer under The New System?'Array
- 'Echanges' magazine, 'Assurer la Confiance en vue du succès du prélèvement SEPA', February 2009 issue (Ass. of French CFOs) :Array (Summary of Content, in French)
Mes compétences :
Conduite du changement