
Jean-Marc ATTIA


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Direction financière
Direction operationnelle
Financial management
Fluent English
General Management
Management général
Managing director
operational management
Transition Management
Transition Manager



    2004 - maintenant .Management of Administration, Accounting, Finance, Internal Control, Legal, Systems Information, Human Resources, Treasury, Technical Support
    .Shared day to day company management with the C.E.O for Sales, Marketing & R&D departments
    .Restructured the company in 2004 establishing offices in Paris, Munich, Amsterdam and Montreal. Closed Swiss and U.S. subsidiaries.
    .Streamlined the company cost structure from 6.5 M€ to 4.0 M€. Maintained consistently high revenue level for the “Old generation” product Line while using existing resources to introduce new SAS based product offering.
    .Established an intensive training program for consultants to improve their billable service skills.
    .Reorganized the Product Development Road Map to focus on customer satisfaction issues relating to bug and feature requests.
    .Follow-up on due diligences processes for External Investors
    .Launched multi cultural recruiting process and established a partial outsourcing of R&D activities in Russia (Novosibirsk).
    .Organized all Board and Shareholders’ Meetings.
    .Improved bank overdraft facilities from 0 to 500 K€ and brokered a reimbursable advance of 600K€ from OSEO for technology innovation.
    .Reorganized general processes for Technical Support, R&D and Consulting Services. Created better administrative and finance processes through a controller’s pool, judicious use of external accountants and audit firms.
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (I.C.R.C.) - Administrator in Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo

    2003 - 2004 .Ameliorated human resources procedures for the 60 local staff spread over 3 offices. (Lubumbashi, Malemba-Nkulu, Mbuji-Mayi)
    .Oversaw all accounting and finance operations including monthly closings at the 3 offices.
    .Coordinated general transportation logistics that included implementation of emergency action plans with local transporters, planning Air Operations using agency’s DC3 resources (Passengers + Freight), and vehicle fleet management. (15 Land Cruisers, 1 truck, 5 motorbikes)
    .Managed building maintenance: 6 residences for 10 expatriates, 3 offices, 1 warehouse
    .Oversaw radio and IT procedures including the installation of a new L.A.N.
    .Functioned as Delegation Head when he was out of the office or unavailable.
  • MICROGRAFX - Director of Operations E.ME.A.

    1998 - 2001 .After the Micrografx consumer business sale, managed the transition of the entire European business to new owners CENDANT (HAVAS INTERACTIVE) and THE LEARNING COMPANY.
    .Implemented and managed a pan-European Technical Support Centre in Switzerland.
    .Established a multilingual End User License agreement in compliance with existing EEC and U.S regulations regarding software usage, copying, pricing, and deliverables.
    .Implemented a worldwide (USA, Europe, Australia) standard pricing method allowing firm to minimize gray imports.
    .Implemented a CRM system within Europe.
    .Created a worldwide sales forecast format at the request of the US Company President.
    .Reorganized and managed the Logistic Platform in the Netherlands to cut costs and best use staff competencies. Plan included existing manpower, outside partners and forwarding agents.
    .Acted as interim Managing Director whenever needed. (France, Switzerland, Netherlands)
    .Approved special conditions for Corporate Accounts involving non-standard sales, large account volumes, European and/or worldwide deals.
  • MICROGRAFX - Managing Director France

    1995 - 1997 .Increased the unit volume from 22.000 to 40.000.
    .Grew profit contribution from 45% to 56%.
    .Relocated the French office to Boulogne and achieved a 40% cost reduction as a result.
    .Maintained high employee morale with zero staff turnover.
    .Created a new consumer software business unit which achieved a $0.5m revenue target within 1 year.
    .Re-negotiated media plans and other marketing supports with the press.
  • MICROGRAFX - Operational Director Southern Europe (FR-IT-SP+BENELUX)

    1993 - 1994 .Completely reorganized all Southern Europe Operations including workforce restructuring. Re-built and re-energized the sales force. Implemented new Finance, Human Resources, Order Processing and Administration processes and established relations with banks, auditors and accounting firms.
    .Managed channel sales including resellers, mail order catalogues and distributors. Renegotiated contracts with customers and suppliers and implemented cost controls. Outsourced local technical support. Acted as liaison with the firm’s European Production Center and Southern Europe offices.
    .Grew profit contribution for Southern Europe from 40% to 50% in less than one year as a result of organizational changes.
    .Coordinated SAP system implementation with US IT department
  • MICROGRAFX - Director of Finance - France

    1991 - 1993 .Implemented all administrative and accounting tools and processes as a START-UP subsidiary of U.S. parent company.
    .Managed entire Benelux sales and support organization.
  • SHEARMAN AND STERLING - Financial Controller

    1990 - 1991 .Full responsibility for Accounting department including reporting to Headquarters in New York (USA), social & fiscal returns, payroll, and all insurance follow-up.
  • ANACOMP / DATAGRAPHIX - Deputy Controller

    1987 - 1990 .As first assignment, assisted the Chief Accountant in reorganizing the company’s entire reporting and financial analysis processes.
    .Led integration efforts of all accounting and administrative functions for two newly purchased companies. Achieved distinction in this role by recovering 1 Million FFR in cash from the initial purchase price due to undeclared liabilities.
    .Trained all 100 employees on KEPNER TREGOE problem solving and decision making concepts

    1983 - 1987 .Monitored cost of sales by product line; produced analysis, budgets and forecasts for overhead expenses by department.
    .Implemented dedicated software tool to analyze the cost of traffic and transit agents.



Annuaire des membres :