
Jérémie FIOCRE


En résumé

My experience and my principal skills were built around large and complex projects in power generation business, within professional structures offering me growing responsibilities.
I am livened up by challenges, aiming at outstanding technical and commercial realizations.

• Areas of expertise
Energy (Nuclear, Oil&Gas)

• Professional skills
Project management, Technical coordination, Technical & commercial skills, Tender offers

• Qualities
Relational ease, Team spirit, Adaptation capacity

• International
English (fluent), International projects experiences

Mes compétences :
Coordination technique
Logistique industrielle
Réponse aux appels d'offres
Conduite de projet
Coordination de projets
Planification de projet


  • EDF - Project Leader (VULCAIN Consultant)

    Paris 2014 - 2016 Activity : Nuclear Power Plant maintenance - CNPE Blayais (France)
    Project : Federation of companies - Maintenance shutdown multi-projects (4D3115 / 1P3216 / 3P3216)

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Organize, coordinate, and manage of the federation of companies on nuclear site
    ▪ Built of management tools and weekly progress report
    ▪ Create a cross-functional link between the various actors of the projects, aiming at the
    facilitation of the activities to ensure the maintenance shutdown deadline and quality
    ▪ Lead technical meetings and manage open technical issues during meetings
    ▪ Prepare the maintenance shutdown with companies, in cooperation with EDF project team
    ▪ Support the companies during maintenance shutdown of the nuclear plant, and coordinate the
    interfaces with stakes
    ▪ Assess risks and identify difficulties during maintenance for reporting to the EDF project team
    ▪ Lead Companies Directors Comity meetings, realize and present experience feedback in
    cooperation with EDF project team

    Accreditation EDF - Nuclear : HN1/M0 – CSQ – RP1 ( Validity : 11/2017 )
  • Alstom Power - Tender Logistics Leader (VULCAIN Consultant)

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2013 - 2014 Activity : Nuclear Steam Turbines
    Project : International Multi-projects

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Analyze, clarify, and manage the contractual logistics specifications
    ▪ Manage technical Tender Offers and budget achievement for transport and logistics
    ▪ Define and propose the logistic strategy
    ▪ Manage freight forwarders relationship,
    ▪ Coordinate studies of routing and operations
    ▪ Participate in the interdisciplinary studies requiring the intervention of the logistics
    ▪ Participate in the qualification of the services providers
    ▪ Manage the interfaces with the other internal department (Tender Managers, lines of products...), and the other concerned external parties to ensure the efficiency of the estimations of costs and the analysis of the preliminary projects
    ▪ Continuous improve of the Tender activity and its procedures within the Transport & logistics department
  • GazTransport et Technigaz - Technical coordinator (VULCAIN Consultant)

    Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse 2011 - 2013 Activity : LNG Shipbuilding containment systems
    Project : International Multi-projects

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Coordinate the Technical Department project team and
    ▪ Manage deadline and conformity of the deliverables, in compliance with the current quality plan
    ▪ Assess risks and identify inconsistencies for the projects
    ▪ Report monthly on progresses to Department Director
    ▪ Lead technical meeting, manage correspondences and open technical issues during meetings
    ▪ Assess Project risks and identify inconsistencies for the projects
    ▪ Support and prepare technical offer for the Commercial Department
    ▪ Ensure the respect for the application of the internal standards of organization, and the current project management plan and methods
  • Vulcain Ingénierie - Project Engineer Consultant

    NEUILLY SUR SEINE 2010 - 2016 Missions :
    - ALSTOM POWER : Project Manager Deputy
    - GazTransport & Technigaz : Technical Coordinator
    - ALSTOM POWER : Tender Logistics Leader
    - EDF / GIE Atlantique : Project Leader
  • Alstom Power - Project Manager Deputy (VULCAIN Consultant)

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2009 - 2011 Activity : Nuclear Steam Turbines
    Project : EPR Flamanville 3 construction project (for EDF)

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Cross-functional link between the various actors of the projects (Project team, Procurement department, suppliers, transport department, on-site team)
    ▪ Ensure reliability of procurement, and coordinate on-site deliveries of the suppliers
    ▪ Report monthly on progresses to the client and project manager
    ▪ Assess project risks and identify inconsistencies for the projects
    ▪ Manage open technical issues and define corrective actions in compliance with project deadlines
    ▪ Organize and coordinate the transport for all the steam turbine parts on Flamanville site
    ▪ Define and adjust the strategy of transport, according planning and technical issues
    ▪ Optimize the costs of transport and storage, according to the logistics and project constraints
    ▪ Optimize the transshipments
    ▪ Participate in real-time transport operations, to ensure communication between project team, freight forwarder, and client
  • Veolia Water - Project Planner (ALTEN Consultant)

    Paris 2008 - 2009 Activity : Treatment of industrial waters
    Project : PLUTO LNG Onshore Construction project (for WOODSIDE Energy / Foster Wheeler WorleyParsons)

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Cross-functional link between the various actors of the projects
    ▪ Built and update project planning
    ▪ Identify and mitigate risks and delay
    ▪ Report monthly on progresses to the client and the project manager
  • Alten - Project Engineer Consultant

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2007 - 2010 Missions :
    - E.BEAUDREY & Cie : Project Leader
    - VEOLIA Oil&Gas : Project Planner
    - ALSTOM POWER : Project Manager Deputy
  • E.BEAUDREY & Cie - Project Leader (ALTEN Consultant)

    2007 - 2008 Activity : Water screening equipment
    Project : International Multi-projects

    Responsabilities :
    ▪ Lead projects, control budgets, built and update project planning,
    ▪ Supervise engineering & procurement,
    ▪ Call for tenders, purchase orders, receipt of orders, coordinate deliveries, support for the commissioning
    ▪ Supervise engineering & procurement,
    ▪ Prepare technical documentation
    ▪ Manage customers and suppliers relationship
    ▪ Identify and mitigate risks and delay
    ▪ Report monthly on progresses to the client
  • Ministère de la Défense - Engineer Apprenticeship

    Paris 2003 - 2006 Etablissement Technique d’Angers (ETAS - DGA)
    Studies for an upgrade of the AMX10RC (french tank) mechanical steering system.
  • Renault - University Apprenticeship

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2002 - 2003 Creation of a capitalizing tool including all information on the cylinder block production lines.
  • Dassault Aviation - University Trainee

    Saint-Cloud 2002 - 2002 Quality indicator optimization for the fuselage section assembly lines of the Mirage 2000 and Rafale.


  • Ecole Centrale ECN

    Nantes 2003 - 2006 Engineer's degree

    Ingénieur Diplômé de l’Ecole Centrale de Nantes en partenariat avec l'ITII Pays de la Loire.
    Formation Ingénieur en Apprentissage

    Saint Denis 2002 - 2003 DNTS - Diplôme National des Technologies Spécialisées

    National Diploma of Specialized Technologies in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • Institut Universitaire De Technologie De Cachan - Paris Sud XI (Cachan)

    Cachan 2000 - 2002 DUT - Génie Mécanique et Productique

    University Diploma in Mechanical Engineering & Production


Annuaire des membres :