


En résumé



Mes compétences :
Diagnostic in vitro
Biologie animale
Culture cellulaire
Biologie moléculaire


  • Becton Dickinson Biosciences - Ingénieur Commercial

    2017 - maintenant
  • EUROIMMUN FR - Ingénieur Technico-commercial

    2015 - 2017 Secteur du diagnostic pour la biologie médicale:
    -sérologie de l'auto-immunité
    -sérologie infectieuse

    IFI, Blot, Dot, Real-time PCR,

    -Promotion et vente des produits auprès des clients/prospects
    -Suivi commercial
    -Élaboration de solutions techniques adaptées aux besoins de la clientèle
    -Gestion des opérations techniques et scientifiques (démonstrations, formations, assistance)
    -Gestion d’Appels d’Offres

  • Inserm - Post-Doctorat

    PARIS 13 2012 - 2015 Abstract

    The Wilms' tumor suppressor WT1 is a key regulator of podocyte function that is mutated in Denys-Drash and Frasier syndromes. Here we have used an integrative approach employing ChIP, exon array, and genetic analyses in mice to address general and isoform-specific functions of WT1 in podocyte differentiation. Analysis of ChIP-Seq data showed that almost half of the podocyte-specific genes are direct targets of WT1. Bioinformatic analysis further identified coactivator FOXC1-binding sites in proximity to WT1-bound regions, thus supporting coordinated action of these transcription factors in regulating podocyte-specific genes. Transcriptional profiling of mice lacking the WT1 alternative splice isoform (+KTS) had a more restrictive set of genes whose expression depends on these alternatively spliced isoforms. One of these genes encodes the membrane-associated guanylate kinase MAGI2, a protein that localizes to the base of the slit diaphragm. Using functional analysis in mice, we further show that MAGI2α is essential for proper localization of nephrin and the assembly of the slit diaphragm complex. Finally, a dramatic reduction of MAGI2 was found in an LPS mouse model of glomerular injury and in genetic cases of human disease. Thus, our study highlights the central role of WT1 in podocyte differentiation, identifies that WT1 has a central role in podocyte differentiation, and identifies MAGI2α as the crucial isoform in slit diaphragm assembly, suggesting a causative role of this gene in the etiology of glomerular disorders.Kidney International advance online publication, 20 May 2015; doi:10.1038/ki.2015.140.
  • CNRS - Doctorat

    Paris 2008 - 2011 Abstract

    The receptor tyrosine kinase Met and its ligand, the hepatocyte growth factor, are essential to embryonic development, whereas the deregulation of Met signaling is associated with tumorigenesis. While ligand-activated Met promotes survival, caspase-dependent generation of the p40 Met fragment leads to apoptosis induction - hallmark of the dependence receptor. Although the survival signaling pathways induced by Met are well described, the pro-apoptotic signaling pathways are unknown. We show that, although p40 Met contains the entire kinase domain, it accelerates apoptosis independently of kinase activity. In cell cultures undergoing apoptosis, the fragment shows a mitochondrial localization, required for p40 Met-induced cell death. Fulminant hepatic failure induced in mice leads to the generation of p40 Met localized also in the mitochondria, demonstrating caspase cleavage of Met in vivo. According to its localization, the fragment induces mitochondrial permeabilization, which is inhibited by Bak silencing and Bcl-xL overexpression. Moreover, Met silencing delays mitochondrial permeabilization induced by an apoptotic treatment. Thus, the Met-dependence receptor in addition to its well-known role in survival signaling mediated by its kinase activity, also participates in the intrinsic apoptosis pathway through the generation of p40 Met - a caspase-dependent fragment of Met implicated in the mitochondrial permeabilization process.

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



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