24 years of IT experience led me to work on various activities related to
information management and client delivery within an international context.
Leadership, openness and commitment are the key value that drove my career.
Working 10 years for ISS, 8 years for Oracle and 5 years for Nielsen, allow me to developped 4 major skills :
Client Business Partner
1 - Cross unit coordination working as a business partner to support business development through cost leadership, client satisfaction and design of profitable products
2 - Program Portfolio Manager
Fixed price projets management above 2M€ cost with third parties, off-shore, near shore and international ressources. From bid management to client delivery
3 - Technology Expertise
Sofwtare developement, designing and building solution for clients on web environments, datawarehouse and mobile solution.
4 - Team Management, hiring, developping, following and assuming performance review for Oracle consultant - 15 people
Mes compétences :
Project manager
Coordinateur Projet
Coordination d'équipes