


En résumé

Interface between agriculture and industry in the fields of environment and sustainable development for the production of energy, chemicals and food, my skills are based on six points:

- Knowledge of environmental issues in agriculture and industry, performing of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and ecodesign, environmental information
- Sustainable development for industries (environmental but also social and economical issues)
- Knowledge of agriculture and its organizations, sustainable supply or raw materials
- Knowledge of energy market and technologies, in particular renewable energies (production of electricity and utilities from biomass, biofuels)
- Project management, respect for deadlines and commitments to achieve the satisfaction of teams and clients
- Adaptation to different situations and multicultural environments, empathy, diplomacy, conviction

Mes compétences :
Systèmes d'Informations Géographiques (SIG)


  • Campagnes et Environnement - Publication : « On continue à surestimer la surface nécessaire pour produire les biocarburants »

    Paris 2014 - 2014 http://www.campagnesetenvironnement.fr/-on-continue-a-surestimer-la-surface-necessaire-6706.html (10/04/2014)
  • Oil & Gas Science and Technology (OGST) - Publication : Insight on biomass supply and feedstock definition for Fischer-Tropsch based BTL proce

    2013 - 2013 http://ogst.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr/articles/ogst/pdf/2013/05/ogst130159.pdf (sept. 2013)
  • JDD - Publication : Au Salon de l'agriculture, la campagne recrute

    2013 - 2013 http://www.lejdd.fr/Economie/Actualite/Au-Salon-de-l-agriculture-la-campagne-recrute-592031# (17/02/2013)
  • La Recherche - Publication : Julien Coignac concocte la recette d'un nouveau carburant propre

    2012 - 2012 http://www.larecherche.fr/ressources/cahiers-speciaux/julien-coignac-concocte-recette-nouveau-carburant-propre-01-01-2012-86879 (Jan 2012)
  • Groupe Avril Sofiprotéol - Environment Manager

    2010 - maintenant Since January 2013
    Environment manager for SOFIPROTEOL group at Sustainable Development Direction
    - Development of the GHG calculation tool for 2BSvs (French voluntary scheme of biofuel certification)
    - Environmental studies (Sustainable supply of raw materials, Indirect land use change of biofuels
    - Animation and management of the Process of Progress Rapeseed Diester (Démarche de Progrès Colza Diester), aiming at improving environmental footprint of rapeseed biodiesel
    - Participation in developing the Sustainable Development Strategy of the group (CAP 2018)

    March - December 2012
    Environmental studies manager (development of the LCA strategy for SOFIPROTEOL group for oil and biofuel production and oil chemistry, LCA and environmental studies, etc.) at Corporate Innovation Direction

    June 2011 - March 2012
    Responsible for LCA analysis for Sofiproteol group at Corporate Innovation Direction
    Still involved in the BioTfueL project

    June 2010 - May 2011
    Biomass engineer for BioTfueL project (research and demonstration project of 2nd generation biodiesel from ligno-cellulosic biomass) at Corporate Innovation Direction
    - Qualitative and quantitative analysis of worlwide biomass (availability, chemical composition, agronomical issues, etc.)
    - selection of the list of biomass to be tested in the demonstration plants
    - development and definition of various supply scenarios (considering quantities, transport opportunities, centralized/decentralized models)
    - in charge of contractualizing with biomass producer organizations
    - LCA of biomass, supply scenarios and torrefaction treatment
  • Nomadéis - Environmental Project Manager

    2008 - 2010 - Prefeasibility study for the installation of Combined Heat and Power systems for industries in India, Thailand and France (client: Essilor)
    - Technology watch on energy production systems
    - Design and development of an Environmental System Management tool for French local authorities (client: Ville de Suresnes)
    - Study of forest and wood industry stakeholders in France (client: ARENE)
  • Agence française de développement - Development engineer

    Paris 2007 - 2007 - Study of water use and stakeholder organization in agriculture
    - Financial and technical management of a project aiming at improving efficient use of water for agriculture
  • A2 Consulting - Junior consultant

    Paris 2007 - 2008 - Project management
    - Design of web portals
    - Activity Based Costing (ABC method) of main means of payment
    clients: Société Générale, Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires, Crédit Foncier, Supermarché MATCH, etc.
  • IRSTEA - Research engineer

    Antony Cedex 2006 - 2006 - Study of irrigation in Drôme department
    - Modelling of irrigation management maize and sunflower
    - Recommendations for better irrigantion practices and efficient water use
  • Centro AGUA - Engineer

    2004 - 2005 Centro AGUA (Andin Centre for Water Uses & Management).
    Study on water management and socio-economical issues :
    - interview/survey with inhabitants and political authorities
    - article/analysis of the water context in Cochabamba
    - video documentary: production and organisation of debates



Annuaire des membres :